Gu Yongzhi looked cold: "I'll take a taxi back. You can roll!"

Gu ruoyi is not unclear about who Gu Yongzhi is, so she won't get on her thief ship!

"OK", Gu ruoyi won't tangle with her on such a small matter, put away her car key and said leisurely: "then I'll tell my father when I go back. The effect of seeing a psychologist is not obvious and I'm in a bad mood, so I don't want to go home!"

With that, Gu ruoyi stepped on high heels and carried her handbag. She turned very smartly and left the psychological clinic.

Gu Yongzhi called Tong wanwan again. This time, it was still turned off.

She called Tong wanwan's agent again, but she was told that Tong wanwan had terminated her contract three months ago.

In other words, Tong wanwan is now completely out of her control.

When Gu Yong thought of what happened today, he was afraid. This Tong wanwan, what is she doing?

She drugged her coffee, but only brought herself to the psychological clinic, but Gu Yongzhi had no memory of what happened in the psychological clinic.

What's going on? Why is that?

Gu Yongzhi grabbed his bag and went out of the clinic to find a psychologist outside.

But unexpectedly, the psychologist was not there. There was only one person in charge of the front desk reception who was packing up there.

Gu Yongzhi hurried over: "Hey, where's your psychologist?"

"The doctor is not at home," said the front desk while packing up: "but the psychological clinic is about to cash out, and I have to go..."

Gu Yongzhi's mind is buzzing. He knows that this thing is wrong, but he doesn't know what's wrong.

This strong uneasy feeling makes Gu Yongzhi nervous


After soso sent the video to Lin Ankang, he didn't care about it.

As for how Lin Ankang will deal with this matter, it has nothing to do with her. She just wants to prove her innocence, which is enough.

Moreover, soso's visit to Southeast Asia this time is not a sightseeing trip, but has work to do.

Gu ruoyi planned a large outdoor reality show and invited many stars to participate, including a male artist under her name.

The male artist's name is Han Chen. He is a handsome Chinese British hybrid with a height of more than one meter. He smiles sunny and warm, quite school grass temperament.

Soso paid attention to him because in the reality show script he received, he was his partner and would complete many tasks with himself.

So when Tong soso first came to Southeast Asia, Han Chen went to the airport with his agent to pick up soso and his assistant. The lover knew each other.

Such an arrangement actually means a little speculation. However, soso has been in the entertainment industry for a long time and doesn't dislike it.

Seeing that the reality show was about to start shooting, soso took the time to go out for a walk and shopping with her assistant Susan.

Tired all day, it was evening when I returned to the hotel.

Soso didn't bother to go downstairs for dinner. He casually ordered a pizza upstairs. After eating, when he was taking a bath, the mobile phone in the living room rang.

Soso thought it was Lin Zheng's call. He climbed out of the bathtub full of bath foam. He wrapped up his clothes and ran to the living room to answer the phone.

However, to her disappointment, what was displayed on the mobile phone screen was not Lin Zheng's mobile phone number, but a strange 11 digit mobile phone number.

With doubts, soso picked up his mobile phone: "Hello, who is it?"

"Miss Tong, this is Han Chen. I take the liberty to call you..."

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