Lin Ankang looked at him warily: "what's wrong with you?"

"I don't have any fallacies, but I don't quite understand..."

Lin Zheng leaned back on the sofa in a very comfortable position: "usually I don't like Gu Yongzhi and won't get close to her. You always say I'm not sensible and I don't care about the friendship between the two families. Now, don't you tear your face and Sue Gu Yongzhi in court?"

Lin Ankang gave him a cold look and said, "that's because she made hands and feet in Su Su's car, which almost killed Yu Er!"

"Oh, so you love aunt Tong. You won't indulge her this time."

Lin Zheng sneered: "Dad, your heart to Aunt Tong is the same as my heart to Suo. Aunt Tong is your bottom line, and Suo is also my bottom line."

Lin Ankang stared into his eyes, "what do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is that I don't want any more resistance from you!"

Lin Ankang looked at him incredulously: "you... What did you say?"

Lin Zheng repeated what he had just said and said, "anyway, it's better for me to marry my cousin who is not related by blood than to die alone, don't you think?"

Lin Ankang bit his teeth and spit out three words: "you dream!"

"I will try my best to turn this dream into reality!"

Lin Zheng then got up from the sofa, left his study, went downstairs and walked out.

In the downstairs living room, soso had a good talk with his aunt. She brought back many specialties from Southeast Asia to her aunt and is explaining them to her one by one.

Lin Zheng quickly walked two steps downstairs: "Suo, we're home."

Soso was reluctant: "don't we eat here?"

"The atmosphere is not good, don't eat," said Lin Zheng, pulling rope's wrist, dragging his suitcase and walking out.

Soso didn't know what he was smoking, so he had to turn around and say to his aunt, "I'll see you again in the evening..."

Before the words fell, Lin Zheng opened the door and pulled her out.

When they returned to the next door, Lin Zheng went to the bathroom to take a bath.

The bath is fake. The truth is that he is a little angry and angry with his father Lin Ankang.

In the past, he did not allow him to be with soso because of his nominal cousins, the death of aunt Tong, and a series of reasons.

But now, for the sake of aunt Tong, he doesn't hesitate to go to war and send Gu Yongzhi to court

Lin Zheng originally thought that he would understand the taste of loving someone and be more tolerant of his love with Suo.

But obviously, he overestimated Lin Ankang's empathy.

He only cares about himself, regardless of others!

The typical full man doesn't know the hungry man is hungry!

Soso didn't know what they were talking about upstairs, and he didn't know that Lin Zheng was very angry at this time. He just thought it was Lin Zheng who came and wanted to take a hot bath to relieve fatigue.

He took a bath in the bathroom. Soso was idle, so he cleaned up their suitcases.

Lin Zheng's suitcase has a password, but all his passwords are unknown.

Open the trunk of the forest, take out all the clothes inside, hang up what should be hung up, and throw what should be washed into the laundry.

When turning to the bottom, a file bag was exposed.

Soso thought it was ordinary documents, but it was heavy in his hand.

She was curious. When she opened it, a pink diamond the size of a longan slipped out of the file bag and landed at the foot of the rope with a Ding Dong.

Wow, what a beautiful pink diamond!

Once, soso was also a little girl who liked pink and blingbling.

Look inside the document bag, there are some identification certificates and documents, which indicate the origin and value of the diamond

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