With that, he walked towards the door in high heels, as proud as a queen.

As soon as he touched the door handle with one hand, he suddenly heard hosnian's voice behind him: "wait..."

Soso looked back and said, "what's the matter?"

Hosnian took two steps towards her: "we really don't think about this. I'll change the things for shooting immediately. I hope..."

"I'm not in the mood today. I don't want to shoot!"

Soso interrupted him, then pushed open the door and walked out.

Liang Yan's car is parked outside. He and Susan are looking out.

Seeing the full beard and tail of the rope coming out, they all breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door.

Soso sat in the car and said, "go back to the hotel."

It seems that he is in a bad mood.

For this reason, Liang Yan and Susan did not dare to ask more, but from the rearview mirror, Susan saw a man in a wine red suit coming out and watching their car leave.

After returning to the hotel, Liang Yan and Susan went downstairs for dinner. Soso was alone in the room, looking at meituan takeout.

Unfortunately, the fried chicken shop in Shencheng had no branch in Hucheng, so soso had to choose a popular fried chicken shop and ordered chicken chops for himself.

The takeout came. Before we could eat, the mobile phone on the tea table rang.

Soso picked it up and saw that it was a strange number, belonging to Hucheng. When he picked it up, he heard a familiar male voice:

"Hello, Miss Tong, this is hosnian!"


Soso said, "it's you. I'll entrust my lawyer to deal with the matter of termination."

"It's just a misunderstanding. It won't lead to the termination of the contract. I admit that manager Zhu did something wrong. I hope Miss tong can give me a chance to make up for it!"

Hosnian hesitated and said, "I'm downstairs of the hotel where Miss Tong is staying. Can you invite Miss Tong down for a light meal?"

Without waiting for soso to speak, hosnian said, "if Miss Tong refuses, it's nothing. I don't mind looking at the cottage three times!"

Soso is not in a good mood today. He originally wanted to refuse, but on second thought, he answered: "OK, are you at the front door of the hotel? I'll go down to find you."

"Yes, I'm at the front door of the hotel. It's a black Bentley."

Black Bentley

Soso was a little stunned. Lin Zheng's favorite car was Bentley.

"What's the matter?" hosnian asked.

"Nothing. I'll be right down."

Soso said, hung up the phone, put on a coat and went downstairs with a door card.

Walking through the long corridor outside and entering the elevator, I still have the feeling of being followed by others.

Soso took a deep breath, quickened his pace and entered the elevator.

On the first floor, she checked her room card at the front desk before going outside.

Sure enough, at the front door of the hotel, I saw a black Bentley - and hosnian standing in front of the black Bentley, dressed in casual clothes and wearing sunglasses.

Because of soso's identity, hosnian didn't say hello to her loudly. He just waved to her and opened the co pilot's door.

Soso got into his car and fastened his seat belt.

Hosnian soon got on the bus: "haven't you eaten at noon? What would you like to eat?"

Soso was absent-minded: "whatever."

Hosnian nodded: "that's right. I'm a native of Hucheng. I should take you to eat delicious food. Can Hangzhou help food?"

Soso made a sound, but her eyes were fixed in the rearview mirror, a car not far from he

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