"Forget it", hosnian shook his head: "no more..."

He felt that he had been completely defeated by her, but he didn't know that the more collapse was behind him.

Soso shook his head: "you're not thirsty, you're obsessed!"

As he spoke, he reached out and unscrewed the lid of the mineral water, spilling a whole bottle of mineral water on his face.


Hosnian's face, along with the front of his shirt, was wet.

"Are you awake now?"

Hosnian reached out to wipe the water on his face and said honestly, "wake up!"

For any reason, you should not ask an unmarried woman to invite herself to her house late at night.

Otherwise, there is the suspicion of frivolous people, ill intentioned and playing hooligans!

Unless you're her sweetheart!

Obviously, hosnian is not an exception.

"Just wake up."

Soso finished, pushed the door to get off, threw the mineral water bottle into the garbage can, and walked towards the hotel with his head held high.

From the window, hosnian looked at her back and subconsciously hooked the corners of his mouth.

It seems that I saw such an interesting woman for the first time.

She should be a woman with a story, and her story should be wonderful.

I hope I can hear it in my lifetime!

After the advertisement shooting, soso didn't stay in Shencheng more and booked a ticket back to Shencheng the next day.

While waiting in the VIP lounge, soso saw that he was on the microblog hot search again:

Tong Suo was picked up by a strange man late at night. It is suspected that his feelings have changed

In the picture, only her side face and hosnian's car were photographed. However, the car hosnian drove was an ordinary Bentley, and the license plate number was coded, revealing only the word "Shanghai", suggesting that it was a vehicle in Shanghai.

In this case, if you want to deeply pick the identity of the owner hosnian, it is still very difficult.

This step is enough, convenient for yourself, and will not bring trouble to hosnian.

Soso picked up his cell phone and called his media friend: "that's all for it. Don't discharge any more materials."

The media friend was surprised and then made it clear: "OK, OK, this can maintain a sense of mystery and cause public heated discussion. Miss Tong is really tall!"

Soso can't laugh or cry. She just wants to play for someone!

When the man's heart is cold, he won't be sad anymore.

Back to Shencheng, soso went directly back to Huaxi villa.

When sister Chen of the housekeeping company helped her clean the room, she smiled and said, "Miss Tong hasn't come back here for a long time."

Originally, sister Chen wanted to say that she was busy as a star, but soso quickly thought that she had not been back here for a long time.

In the past, when she had a job, she went to work, and when she didn't work, she went to live in the landscape world.

Although living there is nominally to accompany my aunt, in fact, the time spent with my aunt and Lin Zheng can be almost equal!

While upstairs packing her suitcase, hosnian called her: "Miss Tong, why did you go back to Shencheng without saying a word?"

"When the work is finished, I'll come back!"

"Why don't you tell me? I'm going to Shencheng on business in two days. I knew you would go back today, so I'd leave early and join you."

Soso was speechless. He used him as a shield. This guy shamelessly regarded himself as a dish. It's NC!

"Mr. Huo, the bottle of mineral water poured on your head last time is not cool enough, is it?"

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