When he came out of the bathroom, soso had adjusted his mood.

His little face was still full of smiles, accompanied his aunt to dinner, and talked about some topics such as fashion, beauty and makeup.

In the evening, it was estimated that Lin Ankang would come back. Soso said goodbye to his aunt and came out of the landscape world.

After going out, soso took a special look at the next door.

The house next door, once their small home, has now become Lin Zheng's house.

Previously, according to her preference, Lin Zheng installed a white circle of small fences for the villa, with windmills on the fence. On the osmanthus tree in the yard, there were some beautiful little red lanterns, which looked like small fruits on the osmanthus tree.

Now, the white fence is dirty, and several windmills have been blown away by the wind. Even the little red lanterns don't look so bright

Everything, like this late autumn season, withered and killed.

Soso stopped outside for a long time. After all, he couldn't resist. He pushed the door and went in to have a look.

The door was unlocked, and the entrance door was password. Soso lost the old password, and the door opened with a click, accompanied by a soft mechanical female voice:

"Welcome home!"

Next to the doormat were two pairs of slippers. One was her pink and the other was his dark brown. They were neatly placed there.

Soso slipped in like a thief who broke into a house.

At dusk, the light in the living room was dim. When soso approached, he saw that there were more than a dozen wine bottles on the tea table, and the ashtray was full of cigarette butts.

A group photo of the two people was smashed to the ground, and glass slag splashed everywhere.

Soso squatted down and reached out to pick up the picture. I wanted to take it away in my bag, but I gave up.

It's just a picture. It's useless. It just makes you sad.

Soso took a deep breath, put the photo back, stood up and left the villa without looking back.

Back to his Huaxi villa, soso drank a cup of hot milk and went to the sports room to do yoga.

Halfway through, the cell phone next to me rang.

Soso casually opened the hands-free: "hello?"

"Hello, this is hosnian!"

When soso heard the three words, he subconsciously rolled his eyes. Unexpectedly, just black his number, he immediately changed one and called.

"It's you. What's up?"

"I'm in Shencheng now. I need your help..."

Soso impatiently interrupted him: "say the main!"

"I've had a dispute with someone. Now I'm in the police station and need a bail. But I'm in Shencheng and I'm just an acquaintance like you, so can you come and sign and bail me out?"

Fearing that she wouldn't agree, hosnian began to make friends again: "please, if you don't come to pick me up, I have to call my friends. When they come from Shanghai, it's estimated that I'll freeze here!"

"You deserve it! Who let you fight with others!"

With that, soso hung up the phone and continued to do his own yoga.

Hoss didn't give up his heart. He called again: "please, it's convenient. You see, it's not easy for me to come to Shencheng alone..."

"Well, well," soso said impatiently, "I'll help you find a way to get you out the night before yesterday!"

Hung up and soso opened his mobile phone address book.

There are not many people in the private phone and mobile phone address book. Soso's fingers lingered between Susan and Liang Yan for a while, and finally fell on Liang Yan's name.

Although Susan is more capable, recently, soso has clearly noticed that there is something wrong between Liang Yan and Susan. She looks like a concubine

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