Lin Zheng ignored her boots at the door and thought it was Lin Ankang who had dinner with Tong Siyu.

Unexpectedly, it was soso sitting in the restaurant.

She had taken off her warm coat and was only wearing a fiery red high collar wool dress, which set off her snow-white complexion.

Just after seeing him, she was obviously at a loss. She was neither looking at him nor not looking at him. Her eyes had nowhere to put, and her red lips pursed slightly.

It is reasonable to say that the stepmother and stepson should avoid suspicion.

Therefore, Suo took it for granted that Lin Zheng would not come without Lin Ankang.

But unexpectedly, he not only came, but also Gu ruoyi followed.

Gu ruoyi also came along, saw Suo Suo, smiled and said, "ah, Miss Tong is also there."

Soso said with a smile on his face, "do you want to eat hot pot together?"

Gu ruoyi looked at the table, looked at the red spicy soup in the hot pot, shook her head: "we just drank porridge, so we didn't eat it..."

She had said she would not eat, but Lin Zheng sat down on the dining chair opposite Suo: "it's best to eat hot pot in snowy days. Eat less."

He wanted to sit down and eat. Tong Siyu, a stepmother, couldn't drive him out. He had to ask the servant to add a pair of dishes and chopsticks to him: "then you should eat more green vegetables and supplement vitamins."

Gu ruoyi also knew that although she took care of him in the hospital for a few days, it did not mean that she was able to drag him away from the table.

Therefore, she also calmly sat down and asked, "then you should eat less spicy."

Lin Zheng, for the first time, washed some meat and vegetables for her and put them in the plate in front of her: "I'm sorry to bother you to drink porridge with me. It's best to eat hot pot on snowy days. You can eat more."

Gu ruoyi smiled sweetly: "thank you."

Soso sat opposite them, on pins and needles, all unnatural.

I don't know if it's her illusion of being amorous. She always feels that Lin Zheng's eyes are looking at herself. She doesn't dare to look up at him. She doesn't even dare to clip distant dishes.

I was very upset. I knew he would come and I wouldn't rub this hot pot if I killed him. It's more uncomfortable than being punished. I'm just uncomfortable for myself!

At this time, she only hoped that Lin Zheng could finish eating early and leave quickly with his new lover.

However, before Lin Zheng started, her own mobile phone rang first.

Soso immediately put down his chopsticks, took his bag from the sofa in the living room and answered the phone: "Oh, OK, OK, I'll be there right away..."

Hung up the phone, turned back to the restaurant and said, "aunt, I have something to do. I'll go first."

Tong Siyu knew she was embarrassed and wanted her to leave now, so he didn't ask much, but said, "be careful on the road."

"I see..."

Soso said as he dressed quickly and went out with his handbag.

In fact, no one was looking for her. The phone she just answered was selling cards, but I have to say that this phone call was like timely rain for her.

As soon as she left, Lin Zheng suddenly felt dull, and there was no need for the play to continue. He soon put down his chopsticks.

Gu ruoyi is a knowledgeable person, so she puts down her chopsticks: "I'm full."

"Then let's go," said Lin Zheng. Some people got up with a bad face.

Gu ruoyi's actions were naturally synchronized with him, and he also got up: "take your time, aunt. I'll see you again another day!"

Tong Siyu smiled: "OK, come back when you have time!"

Lin Zheng didn't speak and walked out with a gloomy face.

He failed to force Tong Suo to show his original shape. For him, there was a sense of frustration

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