"Miss Tong, Miss Tong..."

Soso opened her eyes and looked at the young woman in nurse's clothes. Her lips trembled twice. She didn't say anything. Instead, she whispered, "it hurts..."

In her lower abdomen, it was like a knife turning and stirring in it. The pain made her bow up like a shrimp.

Why didn't she die? Why did she endure such pain?

The little nurse has no more sympathy for her. Soaking in cold water during the physiological period is simply inhuman torture for a woman!

Outside the door, Lin Zheng pushed the door in: "Suo..."

He looked at her unbearable pain and felt a sharp pain in his heart. He picked her up from the bed and held her tightly in his arms: "soso, how's it going?"

"It hurts..."

Sosuo tightly grasped his skirt. His original delicate and delicate face was distorted by the sharp pain in his lower abdomen, and even a layer of fine sweat came out on his forehead.

She had never endured such pain, even when she lost her child.

Although the child turned into a pool of blood last time because she cut her wrist and committed suicide, the child was really good. She left quietly without letting her feel the pain.

But now

Soso bit his lips and tears came out: "kill me, I can't stand it..."

Lin Zheng raised his head and stared at the little nurse: "are you a dead man? She's in pain now. Can't you prescribe some medicine for her? Are there any painkillers?"

The little nurse is very rare: "just now, she has been injected. The doctor said that it is the maximum dose. If it is injected again, it may hurt the nerve and even make the patient dependent on drugs..."

In addition, abdominal pain in normal physiological period is originally a long-term rehabilitation process. Most of the nurses in their hospital rarely take medicine.

Lin Zheng took a deep breath: "then go and fill a warm baby."

It is said on the Internet that many girls will warm their babies during their physiological period. It will be very comfortable to hold them warm in their arms.

The little nurse didn't move. She just said, "there's something in her quilt..."

Lin Zheng lowered his head and stretched out his hand to touch her quilt. Sure enough, he touched a hot baby. He grabbed it and stuffed it into soso's arms: "do you feel better?"

Soso shook his head and his voice was almost sobbing: "it hurts..."

Lin Zheng held her tighter and gently kissed her hair: "it won't hurt right away. Suo Suo, be good. It'll be fine in a minute. Everything will be fine!"

I don't know how long it hurt. Soso's lips were almost bitten by himself. His consciousness gradually blurred. I don't know whether it was pain, dizziness or sleep.

Lin Zheng put her back in bed and went next door to find soso's attending doctor to study the treatment plan.

The attending doctor in a white coat and eyes looked at the reports for a long time before saying, "if my inference is correct, Miss Tong should have a history of miscarriage and did not get a good recovery, so she did it later..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Lin Zheng interrupted him and thought it was nonsense.

Soso's identity is a star and a public figure. He is said to have a history of abortion, which is not a small matter in itself.

Moreover, Lin Zheng couldn't believe that Suo Suo would get along with other men until he was pregnant. Therefore, he didn't believe the doctor's words: "can't you make a mistake?"

The doctor smiled and didn't say anything to death, but said, "in that case, please investigate Miss Tong's case a year or two ago. After all, some symptoms are not caused overnight. Combined with the cases over the years, I can see more comprehensively."

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