Lin Chenxi's moistening and silent language power is just like his whole person's gentle and jade temperament, which permeates human bone marrow quietly.

This, thousands of hearts still admire him.

Lin Chenxi and that Fujiwara nishiko have mysterious similarities, she even in the heart that they can promote a couple in the future.

But now she and nishiko Fujiwara are not friends, so she thought about this, can not really.

Lin Chenxi looked down at her smile inexplicable expression: "how, and how to push me out, you early liberation?"

Lin Chenxi's expression like a spring breeze made her confused for thousands of times. It seemed that she suddenly didn't know her senior. Such a smile was a novel appearance she had never seen, but it was printed on the same familiar face, which made her extremely unaccustomed to some tumbling of gastric juice.

If you don't know something, it's better to touch it less.

Thousands of them avoided the hand that he wanted to put on her shoulder. The thin shoulder blade was in a slightly elevated state because of the tension and disgust of the elegant man behind him.

She is like a hedgehog caught by prey. Even if she knows that she is far inferior to the enemy, she can still use her vigilance and intelligent brain to judge and break the unreal warm shield in front of her like a dreamland.

Lin Chenxi seems to be taking good care of her, but she knows him well. Even if he runs a law office, he is still a businessman.

Oh, I can't believe it.

The more successful the men are, the more innocent they will always be in the face of ignorant little girls and let the girls immerse themselves in his gentle countryside. When the time is ripe, they will be willing to take the bait. The girl is eaten dry and wiped clean, and eventually becomes the fish on the display board, and is "slaughtered".

But when these poor girls were eaten and wiped by the rich and abandoned as rags, they cried and cried. They did not think about the nature of businessmen, either at the beginning or now.

What a businessman is good at is to catch big fish on a long line. If it is not for the value of a woman to him, all he pays is a loss making business.

This kind of people will never let others take advantage of themselves and be taken away by others. If they are allowed by themselves, they are determined to recover at least 100 times their money and save them in their hands.

The more innocent men laugh, the more unfathomable.

Lin Chenxi is not only his boss, but also her most respected senior. But if each other goes beyond the bottom line of emotion, all this will also be out of control with the arrow, even if it is too late to rein in the precipice, they will run to the "cliff" of death in the way of soul out of control.

Lin Chenxi's face was stiff, and his hand was still hanging in the air. Thousands of people took advantage of this time to escape from the original ambiguous flirting posture.

"Thousands, I'm..."

Nishiko Fujiwara was interested in the discovery of a new continent during his expedition. The old man in love saw through Lin Chenxi's embarrassed expression just now. In the end, he was angry because of thousands of rudeness, or he had special feelings for thousands of thousands.

This woman, indeed, has an incredible face, which can make the men of the appearance association be eaten to death by her.

Lin Chenxi coughed low, covering the embarrassment on the veneer.

If you don't have evil thoughts in your heart, why do you worry about being seen by others?

What Lin Chenxi is afraid of is not how much influence other people's eyes have on themselves. Between thousands of people and others, gossips are not important compared with the thousands of smiles that Lin Chenxi would give everything for.

What he was afraid of was that he had just dodged his approach without leaving a trace, but he pretended that nothing had happened and he was still shy.

Now thousands of people will not easily show such weak emotions as shyness in front of others. If she is really allowed to keep her head down in public without saying a word in public, the only possibility is that her heart has become so cold that it can not be added.

How could Lu Yunxue let go of this wonderful moment when Lin Chenxi was rejected thousands of miles away. She sent someone to transfer the surveillance video at that time, and then ordered people to do it: "you two flirt with each other in private, but Lin is also a man of honor. It doesn't seem appropriate to have sex with a thief in front of so many people

Only Lu Yunxue dared to humiliate Lin Chenxi in front of the public.

She pointed out that they were just a few movements, but their mental activities were extremely rich, which had been clearly seen by the onlookers.

He pinched the silky corner of his clothes, and his eyes were bright as the vast sky in the wilderness: "what I have not done, even if you have forged many evidences, I will not yield to your power like you!"

Lu Yunxue's servants are extremely efficient. They are all graduates of famous schools. The identity of everyone in Gu's group is not simple.

Although the middle-aged women standing on the stage were well dressed, no one dared to wear more luxurious materials than Lu Yunxue.As if they had been well trained, they stood on the stage, like the group actors who sat in the audience or clapped their hands or sighed and failed in the TV program, through the silent "film" on the big screen.

Use exaggerated body movements to convey the brainwashing emotion of "this is thousands of things that can't be wrong" to the underground "audience".

But as long as you know thousands of people, this video is too vague to say, that person is definitely not thousands, but other people pretend to be.

Lin Chenxi frowned. The women photographed in this video, apart from their clothes and thousands of similarities, are fundamentally different in terms of body size, height and even the walking posture he has observed over the years.

Lu Yunxue was very happy. When asked, she only talked about how relieved she was when she found the thief.

In her heart, she decided that today was a good day for the sixth and sixth lunar calendar. She was planning to buy a few million shares in the evening, and maybe win a big lottery.

However, even if it fails, it should be regarded as a "historic moment" to celebrate today's final defeat.

Even if she was the mother of the two grandchildren, she would never let the thoughtful thousands step into their family care!

There is no shortage of excellent people in Gu's family. They finally got into the most basic employees who are still thousands of miles away from Gu Tanfeng's high-level staff. They only found out that all the setbacks and tribulations had just begun when they were practicing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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