"I have something urgent. The bag I brought before is still sent to the hotel. I have to apply to take it out. After today, I can't get it! If you don't let go, I'll choose to inform the floor guard! " Gu Tanfeng finally let go of her eagerness.

Thousands of thousands and Gu Tanfeng entangled in the eyes of thousands of passion and anger, especially dazzling - they did not put her in their eyes!

Her threatening voice followed, protecting her naked body.


Wanqianqing is so confident and conceited, but he who has no basic judgment on himself can only be a clown who plays tricks and tricks in front of Gu Tanfeng.

"Tanfeng, if you leave this time, I won't force you, but this time it's arranged by my aunt. If she mentioned to you that she must live here before giving you the room card, it proves that I'm right. If you walk out of this door today, your aunt will blame you and you will bear the consequences."

Gu Tanfeng is not frightened. He is only responsible for threatening others. He is used to his freedom, and no one dares to restrain such a high-ranking person as Gu Tanfeng, unless he is looking for death.

And love is looking for death!

"I've never heard of such a funny threat. Do you think you can keep me by pressing my mother on me?" He looked at her coldly, just like looking at a poor cat. "I'm filial to my mother, so I've done a lot of things to her. No matter right or wrong, I can bear it, but you? Think you can oppress me when she's away with the rights my mom gave you? You are too naive to be in the home, and you are not welcome here. "

It's too hurtful.

Standing in the same place, she didn't know whether to advance or not.

Gu Tanfeng can't stand being used by others to achieve his own goals with the method of encouraging others. He turns around and is about to leave.

"Qianqing, I'm thinking of my sister friendship with you for decades. I've retreated for many times and didn't care about you. Now you've achieved your goal. You've successfully been together with Gu Tanfeng. We've forgotten each other in the river and lake. Even if we meet, we can avoid walking without looking up. I'll let you go first when we meet" Dumu bridge. "

"Who wants you to let go?"

Thousands of words with apologies aroused thousands of emotions. Gu Tanfeng's anger accumulated for many days. She always vent all her resentments on these so-called love enemies.

"From childhood to adulthood, I can take what I want. If my parents go to pick up the stars in the sky, they will try their best to help me achieve my goal! But you are really smart, before such a concession, how now I picked up the stars, you come back and I grab! I'm really good at picking and choosing. I'll pick up all the good ones. "

How can she make a lot of efforts, spit out in the mouth of thousands of feelings, so unbearable and humble?

"Thousands of feelings, if you slander me so shamelessly that I can't even see my true face, I won't endure any more."

Gu Tanfeng stopped, but he still turned his back to him. The Cartier mechanical watch on his wrist could not be silenced. On the red and white carpet with Indian pattern only left by the three of them, the movement sound of the mechanical watch pointer was particularly clear. He seems to be thinking about something.

Seeing that Gu Tanfeng had no sign of going forward, she immediately changed her face and stared at Wan Qian.

She was staring at her hair and her voice softened, but she didn't want to be taken advantage of her: "what are you looking at me to do?"

Wan Qianqing pulled her right hand and hit her face. Thousands of roots were unable to respond. The startling sound attracted Gu Tanfeng's attention.

He turned to see, thousands of thousands of love hit a heavy hand, shock caused thousands of feelings of the body movement, let her immediately stand unsteadily, and then to one side.

Next to the wall is inlaid with metal iron pieces, almost more than ten.

Just hit your head against the wall is enough pain, if you hit this metal foot, the consequences are unimaginable.

With the sound of a dull head hitting the wall, thousands of feelings fell down.

But it was strange that she still had the strength to speak: "Tanfeng, help me This woman, she wants to kill

Blood has been seen.

The bloodstain meanders down along with the blood on a sharp metal corner on the wall, forming another kind of violent and bloody "art" on the wall.

It can be regarded as a work of art if it can be performed so realistically.

Holding her head in her arms, she looked at the pain of falling on the ground and constantly denigrated her love: "you don't want to be like this. I didn't hit you. You took my hand and patted it on your face."

But it's a little too hard.

To what extent? So cruel that she didn't believe it was her own hand. It seems that this time she was determined to hurt others.

And her explanation in this almost bloody situation, almost no credibility, any of her explanations are powerless to cover up her own guilty.

What she can do is to kneel down beside wanqianqing, tear off a piece from her dress skirt, and help wanqianqing wrap the wound to avoid bleeding, which makes her weaker: "I'm sorry."Although it was not her fault, she could only say that she was sorry.

Because the injury is really serious.

Maybe it's wanqianqing. I didn't expect to bump into the metal corner. Now it must be painful.

What I didn't expect was that the fool would apologize! "I don't want you to save me. I don't want you to stay here!" she whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear

He turned to Gu Tanfeng and gasped in a weak voice: "Tanfeng, even if I die, don't you want to look at me again? Is it until I'm a mortuary corpse that you're willing to stick incense on my coffin at the funeral? "

Although this is a very serious moment, but thousands of people still can't help laughing, funny acting is often the reason for exaggeration.

For example, she had not been seriously injured, but pretended to be dying, but her roaring voice was louder than that of her friends who were weeping.

Thousands of love rolled their eyes without trace.

Gu Tanfeng turned around and immediately ran over. He pushed away thousands of people: "how can you make her like this?" He gently held up the head of wanqianqing, and then slowed down the movement of his hand with the soft breath of wanqianqing.

In front of human life, thousands of people have no spare time to get angry.

She quickly went downstairs to find the staff and informed the doctors in the clinic. These doctors were particularly impressed by her high nose and thick eyebrows and big eyes. She came to them for Lin Chenxi's affairs before: "Miss, how come you have been separated by a few hours, how come someone's life is in danger?"

"It's a long story. Please come with me as soon as possible."

They looked at each other, and the frequent occurrence of such man-made disasters has deepened their stereotype of red faced and ill fated people.

Just as smoking increases the risk of lung cancer, too beautiful women, as ordinary men, can't afford it.

But when they saw the man squatting beside the wounded, they all hung down their heads.

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