"..." Su Xiaoxiao didn't intend to say. She even regretted telling her about it, which caused her such a big emotional fluctuation. She knew that Xiaoyu had always regarded her affairs as her own.

Her silence made Fang Xiaoyu more angry, "Hey, put aside the honor first. It's all money! There is a bonus! "

"..." Su Xiaoxiao just listened silently and walked home.

Fang Xiaoyu was really angry. She quickly followed up, grabbed her arm and walked, while desperately stimulating her, "don't you care about money most? Do you know that the bonus of this design may reduce your part-time job for ten years or even longer? Aren't you going to pay your debts? What the hell do you think? You won't be short of money at once, will you? " She was so anxious that she stamped her feet that she was going crazy!

"Xiaoyu." Su Xiaoxiao stopped and turned to look at her. "I know you care about me. The reason why I don't tell you is that I don't want you to worry about me."

"I'm not worried about you! I'm not worried at all! I really want to beat you now!!! " Fang Xiaoyu's teeth itched with anger. She left her and stepped away incomprehensibly.

Such Fang Xiaoyu made Su Xiaoxiao feel like a needle in her heart.

"I'll tell you why." After a while, Su smiled and shouted at her back.

Fang Xiaoyu looked back at her with an angry step.

Su smiled with a bitter smile on her lips. She walked towards her, looked at the sunset and sighed deeply, "the president actually knows that she stole my works, but he just knows."

"What do you mean? Be specific? " Fang Xiaoyu listened carefully. She also had the answer in her heart, but she needed a more definite explanation so that she could be more naturally angry.

"When the designers explained the design concept, he didn't expose it. As far as I know, he didn't go to the woman or even ask. It's like it never happened. " For this, Su Xiaoxiao was a little disappointed. "Xiaoyu, the past is over. I really don't want to mention it again. It's a pity that the bonus can't get into my pocket."

"Then you don't want these bonuses? You're not the kind of person who can't get along with money! As the leader of such a huge group, he can't be unreasonable, can he? Is he so indiscriminate? With such leadership, how did Sheng's group show off its strength today? Or is he not sure if you designed it? Did you talk to him? " Fang Xiaoyu thought it was incredible. Did Su Xiaoxiao make a mistake here?

"There's one more thing to tell you." Su Xiaoxiao's dark eyes blinked and his voice was as quiet as water. "I broke the president's pen. That pen is priceless. It's the most expensive pen in the world, and it's still customized. Even if it's customized, it's still a birthday gift given to him by his grandfather on his fifth birthday. It has special commemorative significance, and I don't know if his grandfather is still alive... "

"..." these words made Fang Xiaoyu calm down instantly.

She continued, "to tell you the truth, I'm afraid I can't afford to lose all the money in the VIP gold card, and he didn't bother me or let me lose, but he's unhappy. Since the pen was broken, he often stood alone in front of the French window for two hours, silent, motionless, and didn't answer the phone. At this time, My sense of guilt will deepen. I feel very sorry for him. I understand his feelings. I think we are the same kind of people. "

"..." Fang Xiaoyu's nerves tightened up. She broke such a valuable thing?

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