Chapter 101 Shadow Cloak! Purgatory Viper Sword!

“The third round of fighting, officially begins!”

For a time there was thunder and lightning in the Colosseum!

The urban streets on the arena were suddenly engulfed by strong wind and rain.

Under the steaming water, Duyin’s figure suddenly disappeared.

The cloak of shadow originally has the special effect of sneaking, if it is in a quiet and relatively uncomplicated surrounding environment, it can also use the sound of footsteps to determine the location of the poisonous hidden.

At this time, under the cover of heavy rain, the only observable traces left in the stealth state almost disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Arnold’s face looked like a smile but not a smile.

In the rain curtain, he noticed that the direction of a raindrop was a little unnatural.

The next second he stepped back with his legs several feet away.

At this moment when he opened the distance, the two daggers of Toxic Hidden reflected from the void, in a cross shape, and swept two dazzling green blades from in front of Arnold.

The rainwater falling on the knife surface suddenly made a creaking sound, and then turned into a rotten foul liquid dripping from the knife surface.

The only blood-red eyes visible under the cloak looked terrifying.

In an instant, Arnold held the end of the towel around his neck with one hand, and threw the towel forward with his backhand.

That is, the moment the towel was released, an incredible scene happened, and the towel turned into an iron boomerang.

The boomerang split the layers of rain and went straight to the door of the poisonous hidden.

Upon seeing this, Du Yin once again concealed in the cloak, disappearing in the gloomy streets.

The boomerang flew into the air, cut open the rain again, and returned to Arnold’s hands.

After touching the palm of Arnold’s hand, the specially-made boomerang instantly slumped and turned back into an ordinary white towel.

The crowd in the audience hasn’t reacted yet.

Between the electric light and flint, through the close-up large screen of the Colosseum, I watched the poisonous hidden from Arnold’s side again, and three figures appeared strangely.

The three avatars were simultaneously hidden in the darkness.

But seeing Arnold smile indifferently, his eyes narrowed into a slit again, and he directly buckled his index finger and thumb into a ring into Own’s mouth.

The next moment, a sharp whistle sounded from his mouth.

At the same time, a golden laser beam shot out from the cavity formed by his fingers and lips.

Wherever Arnold’s eyes were, the burst of laser light swept across without any reason.


Directly sweep the buildings such as shops and houses generated by the arena into two sections.

After a while, there was only a ruin left on the side of the arena where the poisonously was standing!

“Wow, wow—”

In the torrential rain, Du Yin walked out of the mud and sand raised up from the collapsed house a little embarrassed, and a small opening was opened at the bottom of the shadow cloak.


The spectators in the stands of the Colosseum were all shocked.

“This…this is too strong!”

“Damn! I have only seen big guys with laser eyes before, and this is the first time I saw laser light from my mouth today!”

“This ability is too powerful! Obviously, the intensity is several levels higher than that of Laser Eye! Although I am still on Tyranny’s side, the outcome of this round is really hard to tell!”

Turn the towel into iron, and turn the whistle blown into laser light.

Chen Feng was also stunned: “This is… “The Law of Ueki”?”

so horrible!

No wonder people say that the squinting eyes are monsters. With these two abilities that are so strong, Chen Feng feels that Anuo and Duyin are at least 50-50 in this round.

The high win rate of poisonous hidden is that his mobility and concealment are too strong. The strong hidden stealth state with the highly poisonous blade is too dominant in the one-on-one PK scene.

As long as the opponent can’t touch him, he has the possibility of winning at any time.

That is, while observing the battle between Arnold and Duyin just now, Chen Feng also confirmed his original guess.

Fanatic, Arnold, Monk, and Poisonous Hidden, all four of them should have played Super Soldier Serum or enhanced items with the same effect!

In this way, starting from the 10th floor of the Samsara Tower, the enhancement of superhuman human body functions has become the standard for Samsara.

Especially these Samsara powerhouses who represented the guild to participate in the Colosseum dungeon, this degree of functional enhancement is the threshold for them to board the arena!

Amidst a cry of exclamation, no one noticed an extra scratch on Arnold’s sweatpants.

Although it didn’t hurt the skin, the fabric around the scratch burned and decomposed quickly, and there was a tendency to spread elsewhere.

That is the effect of the two greenish weapons purgatory viper knives in Duyin’s hand!

Arnold had to tore off the part of his trousers below the knee, so he managed to escape the tragedy of losing a leg if he didn’t pay attention.


The big raindrops crackled on the ground of a messy street.

At this time, Du Yin stepped out of the shadows but suddenly threw the two dagger-shaped purgatory viper knives to the ground, raised his hands in the direction of Arnold, and made a gesture of surrender.

Arnold’s brows furrowed slightly.

“Look, look! Give up! Duyin has given up!”

“Damn it, isn’t it! So fast?”

“It’s me and I have surrendered! Who can withstand such an overbearing laser light?! My life matters!”

The audience who saw the poisonous hand movements through the multi-angle close-up large screen above the arena suddenly exploded.

The members of the Warsong Guild immediately cheered upon seeing this scene, embracing each other and shouting, and their excitement was beyond words.

But the seat of Tyranny Guild was deadly silent.

The fanatic did not participate in the celebration, but fixedly looking at the direction of the poisonous hidden, always feeling that something was wrong.

The next second, he lost his face in shock and whispered badly.

The announcement of the victory of the Warsong Guild did not sound as everyone expected.

On the arena.

In the last second, Du Yin had clearly surrendered, but in the next second, he suddenly smiled coldly.

Taking advantage of Arnold’s hesitant gap, Du Yin suddenly filled with a layer of green poisonous mist.

The poisonous fog expanded extremely fast, and instantly enveloped most of the arena.

At the same time, the poisonous hidden in the cover of the poisonous fog smashed out, turning into a shadow and sprinting forward.

Poisonous smoke bombs!

Sinister attack!

Toxin Yinxun is like a ghost, transforming into six avatars, each of which is pinched into a knife, and is forced towards Arnold with the force of a whirlwind.

The purgatory viper knife turned into dozens of cold light!

A moment of panic flashed across Arnold’s eyes, and he subconsciously turned the unwrapped towel into an iron shield.

However, the act of stopping because of poison pretending to surrender had already lost his chance.

The smoke dissipated.

Arnold still stood in place.

However, many parts of his upper body clothes had broken openings.

The Purgatory Viper Knife has hurt Arnold’s skin, and the toxin has entered the blood, and spread to his limbs at a very fast speed.

Visible to the naked eye, all his veins and arteries were filled with scary black lines everywhere.

His always smiling lips turned jet black in a blink of an eye.


Many viewers were stunned.

The next few seconds were quiet as long as tens of thousands of years.

Until the sound of the Colosseum resounding through the sky broke the silence.

“In the third round, Tyranny’s Guild wins!”

“A copy of the Colosseum, 3V3 guild battle, Warsong Guild VS Tyranny Guild, Tyranny Guild wins!”

Upon hearing the sound, everyone in the Warsong Guild froze in place.

The fanatic’s eyes were wide and the sockets were red, and he could hardly believe his own ears.

There was an uproar in the entire Colosseum.

The president of the Warsong Guild, Arnold…dead!

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