Chapter 184 Departing Siberia! Can an archaeologist’s matter be called stealing?

“Hey, Bryce, this is Laura. I found the Cave of Light and the Temple.”

Leaving Cambodia, Laura dialed the phone of her assistant Bryce.

“Did the mission succeed? Did you get the first half of the Magic Triangle?”


“Great! Great!”

Laura said, “Don’t be eager to be happy. I need you to confirm for me right away. Now how much time is left before the final stage of Jiuxing Lianzhu. Tell us the exact time. Alex and I need to recalibrate our electronic watch.”

“Ok, no problem.”

There was a slight pause on Bryce’s end, and there was a crackling sound of hurriedly tapping the keyboard.

“Laura, after 68 hours and 37 minutes, Jiuxing will finally be connected!”

The other side of the phone was worried, “This is not good, we don’t know where the other half of the magic triangle is yet.”

“No, we already know.”

“Ah, really? Is the source reliable?”

“The source claims to be reliable.” Laura laughed. “Come on, tell the source yourself.”

Bryce sounded dumbfounded.

“Okay.” Then came a familiar male voice.

“Hey, Bryce, this is Alex. Laura and I are going to Siberia. Now we need you to upload the satellite map data of the Central Siberian Plateau and the Cape Dezhneov military base in the bear country to our equipment.”

“Okay, no problem,” Bryce replied, but quickly realized something was wrong.

“Wait, you need a map of the Dezhneov military base?”

“Yes.” Chen Feng smiled slightly.

“We are going to borrow a plane.”


Venice, Italy.

In a well-decorated room.

A man with thick brown hair and eagle-eyed eyes stood by the window, watching the traffic on the street outside.

The thin assistant behind him put a stack of papers on his desk, standing awkwardly on the spot, opening his mouth and trying to say nothing.

“Master Powell, do we really stop sending people to catch Laura?”

“Don’t worry.” Powell smiled. “She will come to us by herself.”

“Because her desire to get the two halves of the magic triangle is no weaker than ours, and now, on this earth, we are the only one who knows where the other half of the magic triangle is.”

“Now, we just have to wait patiently, and she will deliver everything by then.” Powell grinned with a bad look.

Assistant Pims nodded and then smiled:

“This woman is clever and thinks she has found a helper and successfully designed to get rid of the Alpha squad we sent, so that she can escape the palm of our Illuminati.”

“Where did he know that our wise executive officer Powell had already put a tracker in her drink when the photo of her with the key came that day, and we are under our control no matter where she goes!”

“It’s just… Master Powell, I still don’t understand one thing.” Pims hesitated.


“That’s why you are sure that the magic triangle she got in Cambodia won’t be destroyed immediately?”

“It’s not difficult to reason.” Powell put one hand in his pocket, slowly turned around, and squinted. “She, like us, can’t wait for five thousand years. She wants to use the power of the two magic triangles to synthesize the triangle of light. Get what she wants.”

“But… is there anything a woman like her wants but hasn’t gotten?” Pims thought for a while, but still puzzled, “She doesn’t lack money, nor Status, has an own fiefdom manor, and she has the earl’s annual salary that she can eat and drink for a lifetime.”

“There are many men pursuing her. I heard those media and newspapers say that in addition to those in power and the children of nobles, even Prince Charles of the English royal family fell for her! What else can she lack?”

Powell sat down in the office chair and took a sip of espresso in a relaxed posture. The corners of his mouth were politely turned up and his face was filled with confidence.

That’s the look that an extremely conceited person would have.

“She lacks relatives and a complete childhood family.” Powell smiled, “In short…”

“She wants to resurrect her father.”

Pims’ pupils shrank when he heard the words, showing a dazed expression.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the room.

“Come in.” Powell said.

A man rushed in in a panic and brought an electronic device to Powell’s side.

Powell took the device and squinted his eyes, and was shocked.

“How can it be?!”

He stood up with a sigh, took the coat of the stand-up hanger, and hurriedly walked outside the door.

“Damn it! Let everyone prepare and leave for Siberia immediately, and we won’t be able to catch up later.”

Walking out of the door, Powell suddenly turned around and pointed at Own’s assistant viciously.

“Pims, stay here and check it carefully, there must be a ghost among us!”


The plains of Siberia, above the sky.


The bitter cold wind was overwhelming.

As a result, a thin layer of ice crystals formed on the edge of the windshield of the Mi-28 gunship known as the “Mao Apache”.

At this time, Chen Feng was wearing a fighter pilot’s flight jacket and anti-G suit, wearing an oxygen-supply flight mask, and holding the joystick of the helicopter. In front of him were various dashboards that recorded helicopter data.

Looking out, there is a vast icy sky.

“Alex, you are crazier than the one I knew in the past!” Laura in the co-cockpit was also fully armed, staring out the window.

“I can’t believe it, you actually stole an armed helicopter from the bear army.”

“Stealing?” Chen Feng retorted with a smile, “How can archaeologists say stealing? That’s borrowing!”

Laura laughed and said nothing.

[It is detected that the host is currently next to the sign-in character “Laura Crawford”. Do you want to sign-in immediately? 】

“Sign in.” Chen Feng secretly said.

[Congratulations to the host for signing in with the character “Laura Crawford” for successfully obtaining the prop “Ancient Inca Bone Sculpture Lucky Charm”! 】

Prop “Ancient Inca Bone Carving Lucky Charm”: A walnut-sized bone carving Charm, carved with the profile portrait of the ancient Incan beast, the wearer will lose his mind and fall into illusion.

The second tomb prop signed from Laura is a lucky charm that can be hung on the neck.

It’s just that the shape of this lucky charm makes it difficult to understand where the luck is.

The snout of the beast carved on the bone sculpture is protruding, the lower jaw is hard and powerful, and the head is covered with thick bone spurs.

Behind the lucky charm is a string of ancient Inca characters, which means “call of god”.

Chen Feng estimated that this beast might be a totem of primitive worship in ancient Inca culture.

Looking at the light, the bone sculpture is translucent, with a light yellow halo on the edge, it seems to be alive, it feels warm in the hand, and it is reluctant to put it down when it is held in the hand.

Chen Feng knew that this thing was dangerous and could cause the wearer to lose his mind.

Moreover, this effect looks like a self-harming prop, I really don’t know where I can use it in the future.

But who knows, for the sake of insurance, it should be stored in a personal warehouse first.

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