Chapter 188 The Underworld has no way, you just broke in!

“Don’t worry, I know how to count.” Chen Feng’s gaze was like a torch, and said confidently.

After taking the disc engraved with the omniscient eye in Laura’s hand, Chen Feng’s insight eye observed between the rotating celestial bodies and immediately locked the target.

In an instant, he leaped at the right time and jumped directly over the seven-eight-meter-wide pool, and his body drew a beautiful arc in the air.

With a flick of his hand, Nianli was activated, and the disk as the “key” was accurately inserted into a notch on the side of the sun model.

The next moment, Chen Feng was sucked into the sun model by a strange force field, and his body disappeared directly in the Wanying Cave!


There was nothing at first, and there was a lot of black all around.

Then a picture emerged before his eyes.

Chen Feng entering the sun seems to have come to a panoramic theater.


The immersive image was kicked off by a loud noise that was caught off guard.

In the distance, a huge meteorite broke through the atmosphere and fell straight down. It landed on the land with a thud, setting off a violent shock wave no less than the explosion of a nuclear bomb.

Instantly crushed all the surrounding flowers and trees to dust, leaving a huge crater.

After a long time, a group of people mustered up the courage to come to this crater in the vicissitudes of life.

Unexpectedly, a weird ore with a silver luster was found in the crater, and he brought it back to the tribe to enshrine it.

Unexpectedly, this ore actually brought endless energy to the people of this primitive tribe, and the mysterious lines on it recorded an alien civilization with great technology.

Under the radiation of the ore, the IQ and physique of this group of primitive people also surged at an incredible speed.

Hundreds of years have passed, and they have developed a brilliant and advanced civilization based on the information recorded on the ore.

And that ore was also built by them into a holy object in the shape of an equilateral triangle, becoming a symbol of strength and wisdom.

“The Triangle of Light…”

The picture turns.

Chen Feng came under an ancient altar again.

On the top of the altar, a man in weird clothes was piously bowing and worshipping something on the altar three times, looking like a priest.

Tens of thousands of believers around him were crawling on the ground, grabbing the ground with their heads, and muttering unclear prayers, a spectacular sight no less than a pilgrimage.

Unmoved, Chen Feng raised his head and stared in the direction of the priest.

Under the scorching sun, the priest drenched Own’s body with blood, then picked up the thing on the altar, and violently threw it to the ground, smashing it in half.

That is… the magic triangle split in half.

The believers underneath shivered and screamed.

The two halves of the magic triangle suddenly rose from the ground and floated into the sky.

Half of them became bigger and bigger under the magical red sun, as if they were within reach.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand to touch, but felt that his fingers were suddenly hot, like being burned by magma.

The whole person was also pushed back by a powerful force.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to the Wanying Cave, lying outside the huge astronomical instrument.

And what you hold in your hand is the second magic triangle!

“How? It’s okay!” Laura asked eagerly in her ear.

“It’s okay.” Chen Feng stood up, shook the magic triangle in his hand, and said with a smile: “It’s done.”

At this moment, a noise came from outside the cave.

“Seal the hole!” A man shouted hoarsely, “Others, follow me!”

This voice is very familiar.

Laura was shocked when she heard it, and looked at Chen Feng: “It’s Powell! How come?!”

Chen Feng immediately signaled Laura to stand behind him, but his face was calm: “It’s not early to come, Tathagata is a coincidence, and they really caught up.”

Chen Feng is not surprised that Powell can chase Siberia.

After killing the Alpha squad, the mercenary of the Illuminati, he and Laura went to Cambodia and from Cambodia to Siberia. The journey was unimpeded. This was originally a rather abnormal thing.

Chen Feng understands Powell’s personality. This person is not only an unprincipled ruthless person, but also a treacherous old fox.

At that time, Chen Feng expected that there would be a ghost if something abnormal happened!

However, he and Laura are in the light and Powell is in the dark.


Sure enough, Powell appeared at the entrance of Wanying Cave with applause.

A dozen heavily armed mercenaries flooded in from outside.

Then, an old man with silver hair also walked in tremblingly.

That was… Elder, the principal of the Illuminati.

“Unexpectedly, we met again, Laura.” Powell clapped his hands and walked slowly.

At the same time, dozens of mercenaries behind him pointed their submachine guns at Chen Feng and Laura.

“What a perfect picture! What an incredible pair of tomb robbers!” Powell smiled frivolously, Yin & Yang said strangely, “From Cambodia to Siberia, what an enviable love!”

After speaking, his gaze stopped for a moment on the hands of the couple in front of him, and it was obvious that Laura and Chen Feng were holding half of the magic triangle in each hand.

The cold smile flickered at the corner of Powell’s mouth, and the greed in his eyes was instantly exposed.

“Two, thank you very much for leading the way for us! But I regret to inform you that this is the end of the children’s adventure, and the next great cause is left to us adults who are selected by the God of Light.”

Speaking of this, Powell paused and looked at Chen Feng who was standing in front of Laura with a smile.

The next second, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, and suddenly shouted.

“Kill me!”

The voice just fell.

“Da da da–”

All the mercenaries pulled the trigger at once, and dozens of tongues of fire burst out at the same time. The fire light illuminates the entire Wanying Cave transparently, and the gunshots are loud!

Faced with dozens of hot bullets flying in, unlike Laura who closed her eyes in despair, Chen Feng raised the corners of her mouth.

“There is really a way to heaven, you don’t want to go, The Underworld has no way for you to break in!”

In an instant, Chen Feng’s temples burst into blue veins, and a trace of killing intent appeared in his eyes.


Between the lightning and flint, the speed of that row of bullets instantly slowed down, and then the trajectory of the bullets turned upside down, shooting back along the flying path in the opposite direction!



There was a scream from the Wanying Cave.

In the blink of an eye, all the mercenaries who were holding the submachine guns at Chen Feng and arbitrarily pulling the trigger fell to the ground!

“How can it be?!”

Powell could hardly believe his own eyes, what happened just now!

He wanted to shoot himself, but he touched his waist but found that there was nothing.

And the face of the man named Alex has been attached to him at some point.

“Are you looking for this?”

When Chen Feng spoke, he was rubbing something in his hands, and the black carbon steel powder drifted away with the wind.

That’s…the powder made from the barrel of the Beretta M92F pistol that Powell used with him.

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