Chapter 194 The Heavenly Clothes Is Seamless! Parting indulgence! (Dungeon clearance)

“As you can see before the screen, there may be some celebrities you often see in the current picture.”

“Yes, our members have infiltrated all social strata and groups, fooling the world all the time!”

Powell listed the names of the people present one by one.

Two hundred names that everyone was familiar with came out of his mouth, and they were very clear on the live TV and the monitors of the police outside the door.

So far, Powell’s plan has been fully achieved.

“In order for everyone to be more decent for a while, I think it is more appropriate for us to lie down and face the next policeman who breaks in.” He laughed.

The next moment, Powell suddenly took something out of his pocket and threw it on the ground quickly.

The smoke instantly blinded all the footage that was being sent out in real time.

Not only that, this smoke is not pure smoke.

Soon, all the people in the venue fainted when they smelled the narcotic odor.

At the same time, the policemen who had been waiting outside the church for a long time finally received instructions to move into the venue…


Ten minutes later, Powell and Deacon Elder, who had hurried away from the underpass of St. Schroder’s Cathedral, appeared in a narrow alley in Venice three kilometers away.

Walking to a corner where no one noticed, Powell pulled off the human skin mask on his face and removed the carefully disguised makeup to reveal his original appearance.

It was a young and stern face, with deep and sharp writing in his eyes.

The man picked up the corner of his mouth and said, “It’s going well, so it can be considered an explanation to your father, Laura.”

I saw Deacon Elder’s rickety back suddenly straightened. He put his hand into his own clothes, quickly uncovered his chest, and threw it on the ground with disgust.

“Alex, I don’t want to have another experience like this! I shouldn’t be allowed to play this old guy! Bryce should be here, his small body is just right!”

After some action, deacon Elder no longer exists, and another young woman with a graceful figure, Laura, appeared in the same place.

“Sorry Miss, I have my responsibilities. I have to make sure that the little guys such as cameras, recording equipment, and signal jammers are working properly, and that acting is not suitable for me.”

As soon as Bryce’s voice fell, Laura’s butler, Hilary, also appeared on the side, squinting and smiling:

“Don’t say it, Mr. Alex’s disguise is perfect. I was really taken aback when I met you in the secret road just now.”

Bryce added: “It’s not just a disguise, this Alex’s whole plan is almost seamless, it’s crazy! My heart is still beating with excitement!”

“In this way, the good days of the Illuminati should come to an end.”

Chen Feng chuckled lightly and urged the other three to speed up: “This is not a good time for flattery. We have to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise it will arouse suspicion.”

“Don’t worry, sir.” Hillary nodded and smiled. “We will be able to return to English smoothly this evening.”

“But I really want to stay a little longer to see the expressions of Powell and the old man when they woke up. Facing the police interrogation and the hard evidence of the video, how should they explain what they did? Did they lose their memory after proactively blew up? ?Ha ha.”


A week later.

English, Southwest London, Surrey.

Crawford Manor.

After every wonderful adventure, Laura’s first thing to do is to enjoy the bubble bath and fragrance in the bathtub, and this time is no exception.

Laura put a full tank of hot water, the snow-white rich bubbles overflowed on the floor tiles, and she lay down comfortably, closing her eyes to feel the fullness and buoyancy brought by the blood soaking into each pore, and her slender and strong legs Floating on bubbles.

Thinking of the things she will experience in a while, she is full of expectations and reveries.

After taking a shower, Laura walked out of the bathroom in a white silk dressing gown.

Seeing Chen Feng standing by the floor-to-ceiling window in his bedroom, with a cigarette in his mouth, he could read a newspaper in his hand.

The newspaper published the follow-up to the scandal at St. Schroeder Church in Venice–

Powell was imprisoned for many homicides. Many countries around the world have encountered huge political turmoil, and countless people have been held accountable.

The list of members of the Illuminati was fully exposed, and the entire organization suffered the biggest crisis since its establishment, almost completely falling apart.

Hearing the brisk footsteps behind him, Chen Feng turned around and threw the newspaper on the side table.


Laura snorted, went to sit down by the bed, folded her legs together as comfortably as possible, and looked at Chen Feng with a playful look.

Chen Feng smiled and pinched the cigarette, rudely threw the cigarette butt down the window, turned and approached Laura like a hungry beast.

Laura’s body sitting on the bed backed back again and again until she sat upright with her back against the head of the bed, her smart brown eyes looking directly at Chen Feng’s deep eyes.

The next moment she stretched out her arms to hook Chen Feng’s neck, and the two got entangled together.

During a short interval, Laura said in Chen Feng’s arms:

“You don’t really think I didn’t find it.”

“Find what?”

“Find out you are not Alex.”

Chen Feng was stunned.

“When did you find it?”

Laura smiled and said: “I have always felt this way, you are completely different from him.”

“And I haven’t seen your past in the overlapping time and space of the Light Triangle.”

“Are you afraid?” Chen Feng asked.

“Not afraid.” Laura whispered softly: “Don’t forget, I’m the Tomb Raider, and I have seen a lot of weird things.”

“But I’m still curious…what exactly happened to you?”

Chen Feng looked at Laura silently, but did not immediately answer: “Leave these questions for tomorrow, and I will tell you tomorrow.”

“Tonight, you will assume that Alex is possessed by another soul.” Chen Feng smiled, “Another more ferocious soul…”

Laura was unable to resist her words before she finished.

That night, there was a long voice like singing, floating in the fog of late autumn.

Throughout the night, the hostess of Crawford Manor remained in a state of extreme excitement, feeling extremely happy, floating on the clouds until she was exhausted and fell asleep.

It is quite appropriate that after the two had completed several life harmony in one night, Chen Feng signed another tomb prop to reward “Life Spear” from Laura.

Prop “The Spear of Life”: A spear containing powerful power, with a silver-white spear tip, and barbs on the order. Bleeding will arouse the spirituality of the Spear of Life.

Chen Feng knew this spear.

In the late stage of World War II, the Kingdom of Hans found a spear in a city in the Middle East, which was the legendary spear of life.

Legend has it that Jesus did not die when he was nailed to the cross. The executioner pierced his heart with a spear and killed him. Because this spear was connected to the flesh and blood of Christ, it was called the spear of life by later generations.

The spear of life has a powerful force, once touched it will be uncontrollable.

Legend has it that Hitler wanted to use this power to make himself strong and attempt to restore the defeat of the Third Reich.

Later, “Desert Fox” Longmei sent a U-BOAT-839 submarine to escort the Spear of Life back to Berlin, but the submarine did not return to Hans. After three weeks of sailing, it disappeared from the radar.

Until then, Laura was found in the waters near Murmansk, and then she was put into a box by Laura and sank to the bottom of the sea.

Being able to sign in such an artifact before leaving can be said to be a good start and a good end, Chen Feng is very happy.


Early the next morning.

Standing by the bed, Chen Feng looked at Laura, who was unguarded in her sleep, curled up like a docile kitten.

When I remembered my previous life, I had a dream…that is, one person, two cats, a total of three people, living in four bathrooms, five halls and six rooms, and seven or eighty-nine sets of real estate, one billion in hand.

Later, I gradually found out why it was so troublesome, so I just found a rich woman, wouldn’t I be satisfied all at once?

Laura in front of her is such a rich woman.

It’s the white and rich woman who is one in a million, who wants to be handsome, has a chest, and is like a wife.

If it wasn’t that the copy time was only three weeks, Chen Feng really wanted to stay here more and eat more soft rice.

After all, if you go to the next dungeon, there is a high probability that you will fight and kill again, and there will never be such a good day.

Now everything has been processed.

It might be the best choice to leave quietly now.

Chen Feng smiled without regrets.

The next moment, the first ray of sunlight in the morning accompanied the floral curtains in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

“The main task has been completed: defeat the training robot Simon with bare hands!”

“The main task has been completed: kill all the invading Alpha Squad members!”

“The main task has been completed: Solve the puzzles of the Cambodian Guangwu Cave and the Siberian Wanying Cave!”

“The main mission has been completed: gather and destroy the two magic triangles at the same time!”

“The main task has been completed: Send Manfred Powell to prison!”

“The main task has been completed: Before all the other main tasks are completed, always keep a straight line distance of no more than 1 km from Laura Crawford!”

“The side task has been completed: the disintegration of the Bavarian secret society ‘Illuminati’!”

“The side task has been completed: complete a time travel!”

“The world copy of “Tomb Raider” has been cleared!”

“The Samsara person will return to Samsara space in 10 seconds!”

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