Chapter 199 Great World Copy! Heavenly Treasure Pavilion!

“The Anaconda”, “Underworld”, “Pirates of the Caribbean”!

Chen Feng is quite familiar with these three previous life series movies.

Although the protagonist of each series of “The Disaster of the Anaconda” is different, the main content is the same. It is the story of a group of expedition teams who strayed into the rainforest and encountered fierce pythons.

If it is a copy of the big world, it is likely to be the background of the world view after the giant python rules the world.

“Underworld” tells the story of a noble vampire and a brutal and savage werewolf who are always looking for opportunities to kill each other in the dark night in order to gain the survival and rule of the underground world.

As a copy of the big world, it should be about the conflict of the century that is difficult to reconcile the two races of vampires and werewolves.

“Pirates of the Caribbean” mainly tells the fantasy story of the 17th century pirate Jack Sparrow’s dangerous Caribbean adventure.

If it is used as a copy of the Great World, it is likely to be a background of naval battles, a free battlefield full of gunpowder fire, rum, and maritime navigation, mixed with various famous pirate leaders and legendary maritime artifacts.

“No matter which one of these three copies is, it is considered familiar to me, and the problem is not big.” Chen Feng said after confirming.

“But the Great World Dungeon…It seems that it will be another tough battle.”

Chen Feng’s longest completed copy was the world of “Chasing the Dragon”. He stayed in the copy for more than two years, transforming him from a stunned kid into an unsmiling and ruthless boss.

If this is to change the copy of the big world, it will be expected to experience the length of the copy and the richness of the content.

Of course, with it, the danger will increase year-on-year. The more elements of the copy and the longer the duration, the probability of Samsara’s death will also greatly increase.

For a Samsara, this will be a huge test!

Continuing to look down at the strategy information given by Jonah, Chen Feng’s pupils shrank suddenly.

“The Great World dungeon will be a multiplayer free dungeon, and the east and west continents will be served together. The number of Samsara players invested depends on the size of the dungeon.”

Here, it’s a multiplayer free copy again! After “Chasing the Dragon”, you will meet a multi-player free copy!

This kind of copy can be said to be the most uncertain factor of all copy types.

In addition to facing the original dangerous situation of the dungeon, the Samsara must always beware of hostile behaviors caused by other Samsaras that are at odds with their own mission interests.

In the free dungeon, the Samsara slaughterer not only has no punishment, but even drops the bloody key. After using it, he can inherit part of the Samsara points and sequence of the opponent’s life!

For those Samsara who are fierce and bloodthirsty by nature, this is simply encouraging them to kill other Samsara!

Although Chen Feng had experience with a copy of “Chasing the Dragon”, if he were to download a free copy, the situation would be fundamentally different from the last time.

At that time, Chen Feng was not too obvious in the Samsara space.

Especially when entering the copy of “Chasing the Dragon” is to kill the poison in the Chen Feng Colosseum, and offend Tyranny Guild before being pushed to the hunting list and making countless enemies!

But if it scored twice, the situation would be completely different. The name Chen Feng is a target, and there must be many people who covet and hate!

Fortunately, only a few people in the Samsara space have seen Chen Feng’s true appearance, but they may not recognize it.

But even if he recognizes it, Chen Feng doesn’t have any counsel at all. He doesn’t believe that someone on the same floor of the Samsara Tower can kill him.


five minutes later.

Chen Feng left his mansion and appeared in the Samsara space entertainment area.

The night city is feasting and feasting, and smiling faces can be seen everywhere after indulging in indulgence, and the noise is constant.

With 250,000 Samsara points in his pocket, Chen Feng felt that he was walking a little lightly.

When passing by an intersection, an old man in ragged clothes and beggar-like suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged Chen Feng’s leg.


He tugged at the corners of Chen Feng’s trousers, his eyes were hollow, his mouth was sobbing, and he passed out after spitting out two ambiguous syllables.

Chen Feng knelt down to check, the old man had no breath anymore.

“The Samsara has died. If the body is not contained, it will disappear in five minutes.”


I didn’t expect that there were Samsara people who starved to death these days.

As the fanatic said, there are many dark sides in the Samsara space that ordinary people can’t see, and there are many people who live less than dogs.

Because Samsara points are the only currency in the space, all life needs, food, clothing, housing and transportation in the Samsara space can only be paid through points.

And Samsara points can only be obtained by clearing a copy.

The copy of the safe zone protected by Death is not worth mentioning in Chen Feng’s eyes, but others are different. In fact, many Samsaras have difficulty completing the copy of the safe zone.

Especially the elderly and children.

Although the majority of people who come to the Samsara space are adults in their 30s to 40s, there are exceptions.

With a base number of hundreds of millions, even if the elderly and children account for a small proportion, they are also a large group.

Their ability is not enough to complete some missions in the safe zone. Even if they can pass the level, they are often reluctant to get an F-level evaluation guarantee. It is better to get Samsara points that can be consumed in a few days as a reward.

Then there was a long wait of fifteen days, waiting for the copy CD to be refreshed, before the copy could be downloaded again, like an amnesty.

If there is no clearance copy, Samsara points will not be collected, and the copy CD will not be returned. According to the regulations, it is impossible to accept gifts from others. The fifteen days can only be spent in hungry.

It’s easy to get something to eat in the dungeon, you can steal it. But in the Samsara space, if you are hungry and panic and act in violation of the Samsara space regulations, you will only be obliterated on the spot.

It is precisely because of this that there are Samsara people starving to death on the street.

Chen Feng shook his head, slightly embarrassed.

After all, he has a deep understanding of this state. When he first arrived in the Samsara space, in order to complete the initial task of the sign-in system, he also insisted on not having a copy for 99 days, and he signed the 50 Samsara points every day.

According to Samsara’s time, it was actually close to three weeks, but because there are multiple copies interspersed in the middle, now it seems that it has been a long time in memory, and it seems like a lifetime.

After witnessing the old man’s body slowly disappearing into a cloud of light, Chen Feng walked away without looking back.

The world of Samsara The Weak are Prey to the Strong, the survival of the fittest, this is the choice of strength.

For the elderly, in such a cruel place, death may be a relief.


Passing by the “Samsara Fascination” bar, Chen Feng did not go in, but bypassed it and went to a Cantonese restaurant in the distance.

Night City has everything, as long as you can find the way you want to enjoy it, of course, all kinds of restaurants are available.

As soon as he walked into the restaurant, Chen Feng’s “wind listener” heard the chat of Samsara in the private room next door.

“…Eh, I said, tomorrow is the first day of the month, and the Pavilion of the Heavens is about to open. Do you guys have any ideas for a partnership this time?”

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