Chapter 219 Interceptor! Intrepid! Shattered!

The sun shines into the cell.

At this time, Jack Sparrow, the son of the guardian of the Pirate Code, was using a bone to pry the lock of the cell in vain.


Suddenly, the prison door rang and opened.

Jack dropped the bones stuck in the lock and lay on the straw-covered ground, with his hands under his head, in order to look unobtrusive.

The visitor was wearing a somewhat tattered black coat and his boots were worn out, but this couldn’t hide his handsome face.

The second male of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” series, Will Turner, a smithy blacksmith who does not know that he is of pirate blood.

At this time, Wiltner is still a stunned boy who has a crush on Elizabeth Swann. After witnessing Swann Miss being taken away by pirates, he is anxious, but has no way of doing it.

With nowhere to go, he thought of the pirate Jack Sparrow who had never met him.

Will found that after last night, there was only one cell left in the prison intact.

He rushed forward in a whirlwind and saw the pirate lying reclining.

“You, Sparrow.” Will said. “Are you familiar with that ship? The Black Pearl?”

“I’ve heard of it.” Jack replied in a long voice, too lazy to lift his head from the ground.

He recognized that the person in front of him was the young man in the blacksmith’s shop. It was with his “help” that he would be arrested and put in this terrible prison from the very beginning.

“Where will it stop?” Will asked.

“Where will it stop?” Jack repeated, looking up again, looking at Will incredulously.

Then he put his head back on the ground, and started waving blankly in the air with one hand.

“Have you never heard of those legends? Captain Barbossa and his group of wicked bastards come from the terrifying Death Island, a small island that will not be found.” He stopped and looked at Will, “Except for those already Someone who knows where it is.”

Will tried to suppress his own temper and stared down at the pirate in front of him.

“This ship does exist,” he gritted his teeth. “Where is it?”

“Why come to ask me?”

“They took Swan Miss.” Will replied, clutching the cage’s iron fence tightly.

Hearing the word “Miss”, Jack propped his body with his elbow, and his interest was aroused.

“Oh, you did find the lover of your dreams.” He smiled knowingly, “Well, but if you want to overcome all odds, save the beauty with heroes, and win your heart, you have to work alone, kid.”

“I don’t see that this is any good for me.”

“I can save you out.” Will replied.

He immediately pointed out that he had helped with the construction of the cell, so he knew how to escape.

Will grabbed a nearby bench, pried it into the iron fence, stopped and looked down at the pirate.

Unless Sparrow promises to help himself, he won’t continue.

Jack was still lying on the ground, propped his head, and looked at Will suspiciously.

“What’s your name, kid?” he asked curiously.

“Will Turner.”

Hearing the name, Jack sat up.

“William’s abbreviation, I guess, is undoubtedly your father?”

Jack jumped up, walked over, smiled at Will through the bars of the cell: “I changed my attention.”

“You get me out of the cell, and I will take you on the’Black Pearl’ to find your darling.”

“Agree.” Will quickly agreed.

He tried his best to push down the bench embedded in the cell door, and then pushed.

After the iron gate squeaked for a while, it split from the chain.

Jack grabbed his hat, pistol, strap, and compass, and got out of the prison.

He finally regained his freedom!


In the early morning of the next day, Will hid under a bridge and looked towards the pier of the Royal Harbour.

Jack Sparrow stood in front of him, his cocked hat firmly over his head.

On the loading dock, sailors in uniforms ran around in a hurry to load a smaller ship near the dock.

Behind it, the Royal Navy Fleet “Dreadnought” is looming, with a British flag flying at the stern.

“Are we going to steal that ship?” Will’s eyes fell on the Intrepid.

“Requisition.” Jack corrected. “We plan to requisition that ship.”

He pointed to the ship that was closer, smaller, and carrying cargo.

Jack gestured to Will for him to follow, and walked on tiptoe to an overturned boat.

He is confident.

But first, he had to get close to the Dreadnought.

The two lifted up the boat, got into it, and then walked to the beach. Before anyone found it, they dragged the boat into the water.

The two were safely in the water, breathing the air buckled in the boat.

Will looked at Jack and said, “It’s either crazy or wise.”

“Remember, there is only a thin line between genius and madman, and the two always go hand in hand.” Jack replied.

After a while, the two slipped onto the Dreadnought and approached a group of sailors who were in place on the deck.

“Nobody is allowed to move!” Jack yelled and held the pistol firmly, “This ship has been taken by us!”

Upon hearing this, the sailors couldn’t help laughing.

“This warship can’t be controlled by two people. You can’t drive it out of the harbor at all.” One of them laughed loudly.

Jack turned his head and smiled.

He, Captain Jack Sparrow, wouldn’t be afraid of any challenge.

After a while, there was an exclamation from the dock next to the “Interceptor.”

On the sea, it was its crew that slowly drifted away from the Intrepid.

Commodore Norrington reached out and pulled out the telescope from his strap and placed it in front of his eyes.

Above the boat, the sails of the Intrepid were descending.

Norrington could see Sparrow standing on the deck, waving his arms to give Will Turner orders.

“There is no doubt that this is the worst pirate I have ever seen.” Norrington couldn’t help commenting.

On the “Intrepid”, Jack turned around and glanced back.

His plan is working! Norrington lowered the sails of the Interceptor and was preparing to pursue it!

Although “Dreadnought” is fully armed, it is not dexterous and agile.

“Interceptor” quickly leaned sideways next to “Intrepid”, laying a springboard on the side of the ship between the two ships.

The sailors quickly boarded the “Dreadnought”, preparing to arrest two thieves, but there was no one on board.

It was too late when Norrington heard the splash of water.

He turned around and looked back, only to watch the “Interceptor” sail away.

Jack stood by the rudder of the smaller ship and took off his hat to Norrington.

“Thank you! Brigadier General!” he yelled, “Ready for us to go! If we do it ourselves, it will take a lot of effort.”

A sailor standing behind the brigadier general was full of admiration, watching the “Interceptor” disappear into the distance, quickly becoming a small spot on the horizon.

“He is the best pirate I have ever seen!” he said.

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