Chapter 234 Sign in to the Voodoo Doll! eye for eye!

Follow the original plot of the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl”.

Jack, the captain of the Black Pearl, was rebelled by Barbosa and was exiled to prepare for a comeback.

The current captain of the Black Pearl, Barbosa, became immortal because he robbed the crew of the cursed gold coins, but lost his emotions and desires. They wanted to retrieve all the cursed gold coins and return to Zhao to revoke the curse.

One of the rituals to revoke the curse is to get the blood of the last coin holder to stain the gold coin. The last coin holder is Turner, but they caught Turner’s lover Elizabeth by mistake.

Therefore, Jack wants to take back the Black Pearl, Turner wants to rescue his lover, and the British general James wants to claim credit. The three parties have the same final goal and decided to cooperate and fight against Barbossa.

In the end, Jack won back the Black Pearl, and Turner and Elizabeth finally got married, and Barbossa died.

The egg is the monkey on the Black Pearl finally stole the cursed gold coin, and it became an immortal body.

But it started from The next moment when Chen Feng carried Will’s unconscious body, in full view of Barbosa and other pirates, and walked towards Cortez’s Aztec gold coin box.

The original plot line will be completely changed by Chen Feng!

“Who are you? Where did you come from?”

Seeing Elizabeth disappear, and a strange man suddenly appeared in the center of the cave carrying another strange man, Barbosa and the pirates looked shocked and confused.

Just as Chen Feng walked up the “small hills” filled with treasures, a reminder sounded from his ears.

[It is detected that the host’s current location meets the location check-in conditions, do you check in immediately? 】

“Sign in!” Chen Feng said secretly after raising the corner of his mouth.

[Congratulations to the host for signing in successfully and getting the prop “Voodoo Doll of Voodoo”! 】

Prop “Voodoo Doll of Voodoo”: A mysterious religious prop that can change color, and it can produce some incredible effects in conjunction with the use of voodoo.

Good guy, Chen Fengwan didn’t expect that he would actually sign in to get such a prop in the treasure cave of Death Island!

Chen Feng turned out to have heard a little about the origin of this prop.

Voodoo was originally a mysterious religion popular in Ghana and other places in West Africa. The slave trade of white colonists brought it to countries such as Central America and Haiti. Since then, this primitive religion has gradually spread among the local black residents. .

“Vudu” (Vudu) means elves. This religion is known for worshiping snake gods and believing in elves and witchcraft.

Among the evil acts of voodoo, the most generous is the creation of “resurrection corpses.”

The so-called “resurrection corpse” refers to a kind of living dead between the critical state of Life and death, that is, the “dead who can walk”.

It is said that there are some secret organizations in Voodoo. After the wizard collects a certain amount of money from the master’s house, they cast a spell on a designated living person to make it Death.

Then the corpse was resurrected to resurrect it, turning it into a “living dead” that was unaware, unconscious and able to work, letting its master enslaved and dominated at will.

There are many legends and superstitions about voodoo dolls, and their rituals are widely controversial.

Most rituals are related to revenge, injury, and hatred, but there are also spells related to love, success, luck, health, protection, and evil spirits.

The use of voodoo dolls was a secret that only a few wizards knew and protected in the past.

Voodoo dolls are used for magic purposes. No matter what kind of material the dolls-paper, wax, cloth, straw-are the same effect.

For people who believe that colors have power, dolls of various colors can also achieve different functions.

For example, red is used for love, black is used for hatred, green is used for money, yellow is used to protect or remove danger and evil, pink is used to bring friends or gain strength to achieve a special purpose, and so on.

Another way of saying is that black is used for curses, green is used for money, luck, and gambling, pink is used for love and sex, red is used for success, charm, and happiness, white is used for health and healing, and yellow is used for evil and friendship. .

Puppets are usually symbols. It is the magician who infused the power of will into the spell, which brings the driving force to his intention.

When the caster buys the doll, he will add some items related to the caster into the doll to increase its magic.

For example, paste the photo of the other party, wrap the doll in the cloth of the other party’s clothing, or cut seams on the cloth doll to stuff the other party’s hair or nails, and so on.

Generally speaking, the caster should tie the doll tightly with a red string, while repeatedly shouting the spell, and then pierce the doll’s liver with a needle or nail, and then the spell is finished.

Therefore, this “Voodoo Doll of Voodoo” can be said to be a very powerful prop in the world of “Pirates of the Caribbean”.

Chen Feng smiled and said to Barbosa: “It doesn’t matter who I am, what matters is who I have, Barbosa.”

“I brought the person you wanted.”

Barbossa squinted at Chen Feng, not knowing why.

This man can suddenly appear without him noticing, and even robbed Elizabeth, which shows that he is definitely not an ordinary person.

The appearance of the Chinese shocked him even more, and he thought it was the legendary “Whip of the South China Sea” howling wind came.

Since there was no command from the captain, the uninvited guests in front of him seemed not threatening, and the surrounding pirates watched vigilantly and did not move.

“Who is he?” Barbossa asked Will who had been put on the ground by Chen Feng.

“Will Turner.” Chen Feng smiled. “He is the child of William Turner you are looking for.”

“You betrayed Jack Sparrow and everything you did to you made “Boot Gang” Bill feel inappropriate. He said that this approach did not conform to the code, so he handed over his treasure, and then said that you deserve to suffer. curse.”

When Chen Feng spoke, Will shook his head in the dimness, as if vaguely heard his father’s name.


In this way, Own’s father is a person who distinguishes right from wrong, is he let these pirates get the end they deserve?

He is a good man.

Will hated pirates all his life, but now?

Now… everything has changed.

Chen Feng continued to tell the story of “Boot Gang” Bill, but Barbosa’s face worsened because it was impossible to know what Chen Feng said except the people on the original Black Pearl.

But why is this Chinese, who has never met before, so clear?

Is he here to avenge Jack Sparrow?

Chen Feng’s eyes became sharper, and his tone was full of aggressive provocations:

“In this way, you tie Bill’s shoelaces to a cannon. The last thing you see is that he sank to the bottom of the sea, into the endless darkness of David Jones’s tomb under the sea.”

“And after that, you only know that you need his blood to lift the curse!”

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