Chapter 238 Fire! Barbossa’s compromise!

“Go to hell, Jack, nice to meet you!”

Pantel suddenly took out his pistol and aimed it at Jack’s chest.

But the next second Pantel was caught by a rope violently around his neck and dragged back.


The muzzle fired a shot in the sky, and the skeleton was directly torn to the ground, falling to the ground and making a “cack” sound of bones hitting the ground.

In the next second, there was another terrifying sound, and Rajetti, who had not figured out the situation, was also knocked out by a big axe.

Immediately afterwards, Jack Sparrow saw a familiar figure squeezed in from the captain outside, and he shouted in surprise: “Gibbs?”

“Long time no see, Jack.” Gibbs walked in with his axe, showing signs of a fight just now.

“Sorry, it is really important for you to stay in the captain’s room for such a long time.”

Jack frowned, just about to say something, but was interrupted by Gibbs’s words.

“Hand in hand, help me throw these two disgusting skeletons back into the sea!”

“This is not the time to chat. This ship is full of Barbosa people. It seems that there are more people betraying you than I thought!” Gibbs dragged a skeleton out of the house. Said slightly jokingly.

Jack Sparrow and Christopher snatched Pantel and Rajetti’s weapons, Jack kicked Rajetti’s head severely, and the horrible head suddenly tilted to one side.

Touching the disgusting bones, he lifted them, walked all the way out of the captain’s room, to the side of the bulwark, and dropped them directly into the sea while they were still struggling.

“Gibbs, I really didn’t expect you to take refuge in a Chinese pirate and betray me for him!” Jack’s tone was somewhat resentful.

“Then I can only blame you for’death’ too early. I promised that your father will help you become a real captain.” Gibbs brushed his hand, picked up a long sword on the ground and continued. , “And my mission was completed when you got the Black Pearl.”

“You know, pirates are a profit-only job. I can’t lie in the tavern every day for the rest of my life. Although I heard that you were dead before, I did feel that depression for a while.”

“According to the “Piracy Code”, all crew members should obey the orders of the captain of their ship. I just act according to the code, not betray you.” Gibbs patted Jack on the shoulder. “Anyway, I can see the live again. You, I am very happy.”

“Okay.” Jack curled his lips reluctantly. “So who the hell is that guy, the guy who tied me up, what does he want to do?”

In the next second, a skeleton rushed up with a long sword and slashed against Gibbs.

“Jack, if you want us all to die here, you can continue to stand by and stand by!” Gibbs pierced the skeleton’s arm and gritted his teeth.

At this time, the duel between the crew of the Jackdaw and the skeleton pirates has entered a white-hot state.

The shark fought two lean skeleton pirates in close hands with double knives in his hands.

“It’s not that easy to kill my shark!”

“The executioner’s knife is dedicated to cutting you ugly dregs!”

Even if it was facing an immortal monster, the shark did not have the slightest fear. His eyes burst with blood, and the huge body like a giant bear swung two machetes into the wind.

Brother Sacred Land fired two shots at a skeleton and found that the opponent was intact. In the next second, the axe held by the bone had already swung. In desperation, he could only use his agility to dodge, like an agile man. The monkey climbed up the tall mast on the side.

“Beat these girls! Beat these girls!”

“Leave them all off the boat!”

In the chaos, Cotton’s parrot was so scared that he lost half of his wings and screamed angrily.

“First officer, the Black Pearl has moved! It is aiming at us!”

When Gibbs heard the sound and looked into the distance, the Black Pearl really moved an angle, aiming the side muzzle to the position of the Jackdaw.

“The gunner is ready! The side cannon is ready!” Gibbs shouted immediately.

Cotton and other gunners were in chaos and entered the gun room with danger.

To fire a cannon, the slow-burning arquette needs to touch the ignition hole, which will ignite a flow of gunpowder, which will burn down along the ignition hole and ignite the gunpowder in the chamber.

In the next 2 to 3 seconds, the cannon will fire.

These cannons only slowly retreated to retreated when they fired, and they seem to be non-threatening.

In fact, the 3.1-ton gun will retreat by 10 to 11 feet, which is roughly three meters.

You can’t even see this process with your naked eyes, the back seat is extremely fast.

Because the muzzle velocity of what is shot out of the muzzle is 1.3 Mach, this will put a huge pressure on the ship wall, and the bolts fixed on the wall will be pulled inward by 16 tons every time the gun is fired.

Over time, people learned one thing, that is, don’t let all the cannons on the ship fire at the same time.

Let the cannons fire in turns, so that each bracket on each side of the ship will not be pulled by 16 tons at the same time and will not necessarily tear the ship to pieces. But if you don’t take turns firing, you will definitely put tremendous pressure on the transmission.

A few minutes later, the Jackdaw and Black Pearl stood side by side.


Almost at the same time, both ships issued aggressive attack orders without a captain.

The air was filled with the roar of a cannon explosion.

After the smoke dissipated, both ships received some damage.

There was still heavy smoke from the hole on the side of the Jackdaw’s hull, and silver and glass were scattered on the deck and hull of the Black Pearl.

At this moment, several figures walked out of the treasure cave on the island of Death in the distance.

“Everyone! Stop now!” A loud roar came from a distance.


Not long ago.

The same fierce fighting in the cave.

Chen Feng stepped on Barbossa’s upper body, pulled his skull head from his neck forcibly with his hands, and smiled evilly.

“You overlooked one point. If I break your curse now, guess what will happen to you?”

As soon as the words came out, Barbosa’s head, which was still trying to jump, suddenly rounded his eyes.

In fact, just when Barbosa discovered that the man in front of him could pinch his skull out of a pit with his bare hands, he realized that he had lost from the beginning.

“Well, stop man, I decided to agree to your request.”

He had suspected Chen Feng before, guessing that he had ulterior motives in handing Wiltner to himself, and he wanted to kill himself after the curse of own immortality was lifted.

But now it seems that it is not.

If he really intends to do this, he doesn’t need Barbossa’s consent because of his strength, and he can force Wiltner’s blood to return the last blood-stained gold coin, which is nothing in vain.

In this way, this person must have another purpose, but in any case, Barbosa seems to have only bowed his head to compromise.

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