Chapter 258 The Treasure of the Undead!

“Bang, bang.” Rajetti added with a grin and patted own chest.

“The person who owns this treasure chest has the ability to order David Jones to do whatever he wants, including helping the brave William to escape his cruel fate.” Jack quickly said, ignoring the pair of living treasures.

“How can we find that treasure chest?” Elizabeth asked bluntly.

She doesn’t believe Jack, but she wants to find Will as soon as possible.

At this time, Jack Sparrow discovered that Elizabeth was filling out her name on the amnesty order she had received from Lord Beckett.

Jack snatched them away immediately: “These amnesty orders should be for me, aren’t they?”

Jack looked at the inscription on the amnesty order: “Lord Cutler Beckett, is he who wants my Feng Shui compass?”

Elizabeth hesitated.

“It’s not Feng Shui compass, it’s a treasure box.”

This sentence caught the attention of Barbosa: “Treasure chest? Will it not be David Jones’s treasure chest?”

“If the East India Trading Company controls this treasure chest, they will control the entire sea!”

Elizabeth pricked her ears and listened.

Control the entire sea?

No wonder Beckett wants to get the treasure chest so urgently!


At this moment, on the deck of the flying Dutchman, David Jones is sitting and playing a coral pipe organ, which seems to have grown from the organic shape of the deck itself.

The sound of his piano was sad and haunting, and Jones’ eyes blurred as the tone filled the entire ship.

His gaze was drawn to the statue of a woman with long hair and fluttering on the coral engraved above the huge keyboard.

On another part of the deck, the crew worked hard, including one of those new members-Will Turner.

He was pulling a rope hard, and suddenly, the rope slipped out of his hand, and a boom fell down and hit the deck.

“Pull up the weevil!” the Posang exclaimed.

Holding a nine-tail whip in his hand, he shook a whip in his hand, walked towards Will, and said, “Reward you five whips to remind you to obey orders!”

Just as he was about to swing the whip, Bootsman Bill reached out and grabbed his wrist.

Possang roared: “Block me from performing the task! You have to be punished together!”

“Punish me alone.” Boot Gang said to Possang.

“Oh, is it?” David Jones asked.

He stopped playing and carefully observed the development of the situation: “What inspired such a kind act?”

The boot gang raised a hand covered with barnacles and pointed at Will, “My son, he is my son.”

When Jones saw Will staring at his father with wide eyes, he smiled: “What an accident!”

Jones slapped his knees and shouted, “Do you want your son to be exempt from Posan’s punishment?”

“Yes.” The Boot Gang replied.

“Give your whip to Mr. Turner, the old one.” Jones ordered Posun.

When the whip was placed in his own hand, Bootsman Bill tried to protest and was forced to beat his own son, which may be the heaviest punishment in the world.

“There are no secrets now, Mr. Turner!” Jones yelled, and the crew trembled with fright.

“Your question is, do you want to experience Posun’s hand, or the pain you created with your own hands!”

Possang tried to take the whip back, but was pushed away by the boot gang.

He raised the whip and slammed it at Will with his barnacle-covered arm.

Will almost staggered into the cabin late that night, the boot gang following him.

“Possang is proud that every time he takes a whip, he will hit this man with flesh and bones.” Boots helped Will explain when he sat on the bench.

Will glared at him. He couldn’t believe he was talking to own father after so many years.

“So I should think you did it out of sympathy?” Will asked Own’s father.

The boot gang nodded.

“In this case, I think I really am my father’s son. It’s been almost a year, and I keep telling myself that I killed you to save you.” Will admitted.

“You killed me?” Boot Gang said.

“I lifted the curse you received, and know that it will mean you will die, but at least, you will not suffer the suffering brought to you by Barbosa.”

“Who is Barbosa?” The Boot Gang asked, confused.

“Captain Barbossa.” Will said, and he was wondering how his father’s brain became so dull that he couldn’t remember it.

“The one who led the rebellion on the Black Pearl and kept you on the bottom of the sea forever!”

“Oh, it turned out to be like this.” The boot gang nodded and said.

His eyes were wet, and he told young Will: “This is a gift and a lie from Jones. You join his team thinking that you have deceived the gods, but what you end up with is not delayed Death, but forgetting. ”

“You will lose your original appearance, bit by bit, until you finally become the appearance of poor Evan.”

Will followed his father’s eyes and found an old sailor who looked like a sculpture, and his body had become part of the hull.

The boot gang sighed: “Once you swear to the Dutch, you can’t leave it.”

“Unless your debt has been paid off, then you will not only be on the boat, but a part of it. Why would you do this, Will?”

“I didn’t swear.” Will said honestly.

Hearing this message, the boot upper’s face suddenly lit up, “Then you should leave.”

“Unless I find this.” Will said and showed his father the key map. “This key should be on the boat. Jack wants to find it. Maybe this is a way out?”

Suddenly, Old Evan moved and broke free from the wood of the hull.

“The treasure of the undead!” He groaned and stretched his arm to the piece of cloth.

When the wooden creature tore its own body from the hull and suddenly screamed, Will quickly jumped away, his face pale.

He knew that this was the fate of all those who served David Jones.

The old boot gang will soon disappear in the hull, and another tortured person will become part of the ship.

However, the following sentence of Evan gave Will hope.

“Open the treasure chest with the key, and pierce the heart again.” Old Evan said loudly, and then he seemed to have suddenly changed his mind.

“You can’t pierce that heart! The Dutchman needs a living heart, otherwise there will be no captain! If there is no captain, no one will have the key!”

Will was confused by Evan’s mumbling, and he asked, “The captain holds this key?”

“Hidden.” Evan retreated after only one sentence, becoming part of the hull again.

But Will has got the answer he wants, and half of what he needs.

The key is on Jones.

Will headed straight for the deck.

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