Chapter 260 Lifelong service as a bet!

Jones had a sullen face, one of his tentacles stuck into his shirt and pulled out the key, which was hung on a chain around Jones’s neck.

This is what Will wants to see, now he knows where the key is hidden.

He tried to restrain his own satisfaction and smashed the dice cup heavily with Jones.

Suddenly, the other dice cup also smashed down.

“I’ll join.” Boot Gang looked at Jones and said, “Same as his bet, I will serve you for life.”

The Boot Gang started a new game without permission. He looked at it: “The dice under the dice cup said I have three twos.”

“Don’t do this.” Will pleaded.

If his father came to bet, the bet would be too big. If Will loses, he will join Jones’ crew, but at least his father is free.

But if the boot gang loses, although Will is free, he himself can only be tied to this ship again.

The boot gang turned a deaf ear to his son’s plea, and only said: “Will has already cast the dice. It’s up to you to call, Captain.”

David Jones looked at the own dice: “Say four threes.”

“Five threes,” Will said reluctantly.

“Seven fives.” Jones said to them.

Will can’t be called high anymore. He bluffed and said: “Eight fives.”

Jones smiled. He knew Will was lying: “Welcome to the team, kid.”

“Twelve fives.” The Boot Gang suddenly yelled, Jones glared at him, but the Boot Gang was very determined, “Either call me a liar, or stop shouting higher.”

Jones quietly put the key back into his shirt, “Boots, Bill, you are a liar, you will serve me in this boat in this life and this life.”

“William Turner, whatever you want to go ashore, but we have to wait until we get ashore next time.” Jones laughed and left.

Will was furious: “You are so stupid! Why do you want to do this?”

The boot bang drooped his tired head and said, “I can’t let you lose.”

“The problem is not winning or losing.” Will said with a sigh.

The boot gang stared at Will for a few seconds before realizing it-to find the key.

At least Will did it!


Late that night, the merchant ship named Edinburgh Merchant appeared on the sea not far from the Dutchman.

The boot gang pulled Will to the front of the boat, pointed quietly at the distant mountain boat, and whispered to Will: “Your chance is here.”

Will nodded, but he had something to do before he got on the passing boat.

Will went to the captain’s room and sneaked in, Jones fell asleep on the organ.

Just as Will was a step closer, Jones’ finger suddenly hit a key, and the sound reverberated throughout the cabin.

But the sleeping captain did not move.

Will held his breath and tiptoed into the organ, pushing away Jones’ tentacles and moustaches to touch the keys.

Just as Will removed the key from the chain, a tendril suddenly grabbed the key and tried to drag it back.

Will lowered his head and saw the piece of cloth he was holding. He rolled up the piece of cloth, and quickly tucked the cloth and held on tightly.

Something grabbed, and the tentacle let go of the key contentedly, grabbed the piece of cloth, and recovered his peace.

Will withdrew from the captain’s room and hurried away to find the boot gang. His eyes tried to search for the merchant in the dark sea. He asked, “Is the ship still there?”

The Boot Gang has prepared a small boat for Will and said: “It’s still there, but the opportunity is about to be missed.”

Will couldn’t bear to leave his father behind. He crawled out from the side of the Dutchman and begged his father, “Come with me.”

“I can’t, I’m part of this ship now, Will, I can’t leave, take this.” He said, handing Will a black knife taken from his waist. “I always wanted to take this Give you.”

Will smiled: “I must watch you get out of this cage with my own eyes, I swear to you.”

Will quietly got into the boat and disappeared into the dark sea.

In the early morning of the 4th, a big sailor came to change his boots and stood guard. He found the old pirate asleep and kicked him desperately.

“Get up quickly before the captain finds out!”

Suddenly the sailor’s eyes fell on the Edinburgh Merchant, and all the crew yelled: “Stern, there is a ship at 45 degrees!”

David Jones came to the deck and looked at the sea: “Who was on duty last night?”

The crew pushed the boot gang out.

“Boot Gang, how did you say it caused this ship to slip out under our noses.” The captain asked him.

“Spare me, Captain, I’m asleep, please let me go, this will never happen again.”

“Bring his son up here,” Jones ordered.

“He is not on board, sir.” said one of the crew members. “There is still a small boat missing on board.”

Jones immediately understood. He and the boot gang met his gaze, and his face suddenly paled when he saw the pirate.

Jones pulled the chain out of his shirt, but the key was long gone. There was only one such cunning behind-the-scenes command.

“Jack Sparrow.” Jones yelled. “Captain Jack Sparrow!”

In the captain’s room of the Merchant of Edinburgh, Will curled up under a blanket, holding a cup of hot drink in his hand, trying to warm his frozen body.

Captain Bellamy tried to figure out what happened. He said: “It’s a strange thing to run into a small boat on the high seas so far.”

Will replied: “You can go as far as you can go, and as far as you can go.”

He suddenly saw Elizabeth’s wedding dress casually thrown on the opposite chair.

“Where did you find that skirt?” Will asked.

“Interestingly, the skirt was found on the ship, and it also caused a lot of confusion among the crew. Everyone thought it was a ghost that would bring bad luck, but in fact it brought us good luck.”

“This ghost told us to dock at Tortuga, and we made a lot of money there, a windfall.” Captain Bellany said.

Will moved his hand across the white skirt and he smiled: “I guess you have a crew member who slipped away in Tortuga.”

“That kind of thing is bound to happen,” Bellamy said with a wave of his hand.

A sailor on the deck rushed into the cabin and reported: “Captain! A ship was found.”

“What flag is hanging?” Bellamy asked.

“There is no flag, sir,” the sailor replied.

“Pirates,” Bellamy said, looking at Will warily.

“Or worse.” Will yelled and rushed to the deck. He climbed up the mast and looked at the sea.

“It’s the Dutchman.” Will exclaimed. “I killed everyone in this ship.”

Before Will finished speaking, the Edinburgh Merchant leaned on its side and stopped abruptly.

“Haiyan is here!” The accountant yelled in panic, “What happened?”

“It must be on the rocks,” the quartermaster replied.

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