Chapter 271: The Sea Monster Strikes! Jack’s sacrifice!

“The Black Pearl runs faster than the Dutchman?” Will asked Barbossa.

“That’s not an ordinary ship.” Barbosa said and nodded towards the flying Dutchman.

“It can go completely against the wind without slowing down in a hurricane. So she can always win by surprise, but if it’s a tailwind…”

“We have an advantage over her.” Will said suddenly.

“Yes.” Barbossa said. “The Pearl is the only ship that David Jones is afraid of. That’s for a reason.”

Seeing the Black Pearl get further and further away from the Dutchman, Jack smiled, still holding his jar tightly in his hand.

“If we can run faster than her, we can beat her!” Will rushed to the deck and said to Jack, “We should turn around and go back to fight!”

“Or we should slip away like the cowardly weasels.” Jack answered easily.

“You have the only ship that can rival the Dutchman! In a fair battle, we still have half the odds of winning.”

“I don’t have such a big motive to fight, am I?” Jack replied by knocking on the jar in his hand.

Suddenly, the Black Pearl tipped over and the crew fell to the ground.


Jack’s jar slammed into his hand, smashed to pieces, and sprinkled a deck of sand.

He knelt down and scratched around, but the ground was dirt except sand.

Jack looked up at Barbosa, swallowed and said, “Well, I didn’t get that heart.”

“Who will hold it then?” Barbossa asked.

At this time, the Pearl creaked, trembled violently, and stopped.

Jack’s face was pale, he now has neither Jones’s heart nor Tia Dalma’s soil.

The Pearl stopped slowly, and Elizabeth looked out of the ship.

“We must be on the rocks!” she cried.

Will frowned. He had heard the same thing on the Merchant of Edinburgh.

“No! That’s not a rock! Get out of the ship’s side!”

“What’s that?” Elizabeth asked, and she saw the horror in Will’s eyes.

Barbossa only said two words: “Sea monster.”

As soon as Gibbs’ words were understood, the deck of the Pearl fell silent, and the sea monster finally found Jack.

Jack lay on the deck and stopped digging in the sand. It was useless to do so.

The heart was not there, the dark spot appeared on his hand again, and he became the marked person again.

It was hopeless this time—he was destined to die.

Jack walked as quietly as possible to the stern of the Pearl. When he slipped into the boat and rowed out of the Pearl, no one on the boat noticed.

The sea around the Pearl began to churn and bubbling, heralding the arrival of the sea monster.

At this moment, something terrible appeared in the depths of the sea, with its tentacles held high above everyone’s heads.

“Pick up the weapon!” Will shouted loudly. “Protect the mast! Never let it touch the mast!”

The pirates were in their respective positions, preparing for the upcoming attack, the cannons were filled with ammunition, and the masts were tightly guarded.

The tentacles of the sea monster slowly approached the ship’s side, but Will had a cannon ready because he had encountered the sea monster earlier and knew that it would start from the starboard side of the ship.

Following Will’s majestic command, the cannons fired together.

The sea monster was hit, and its body twisted in pain and left the hull and began to sink. When it sank, it shattered the boat.

“It will come back again!” Will yelled, turning to Elizabeth and adding: “We have to leave this ship!”

“There are no boats left.” Elizabeth replied, and the sea monster destroyed all the remaining boats, or almost all of them…

When the sea monster was about to attack again, Jack was rowing a small boat to escape as soon as possible, but something seemed to prevent him from leaving completely.

He looked down at the Feng Shui compass and saw that the pointer turned to its target-the Black Pearl and his crew.

Jack sighed and began to stroke.

On the Black Pearl, the sea monster seemed to be about to succeed.

No matter what the pirates do, they cannot effectively prevent the sea monsters from attacking.

They shoot at it, stab them with swords, throw nets at it…but monsters can always make a comeback.

Elizabeth stood in the captain’s room, holding a rifle with trembling hands.

She was very angry when she knew that Jack had escaped.

How could he leave at this time? He is the one the sea monster is looking for.

It was Jack that got them into their current predicament!

At this time, several tentacles slowly crawled into the window and began to reach Elizabeth.

Elizabeth tripped and fell to the ground with the rifle in her hand. She walked towards the deck and happened to collide with Jack. He came back.

“We still have some time to abandon the ship!” he ordered, ignoring the consternation on Elizabeth’s face.

“Is it saved by getting on the boat?” Will came to Jack and asked.

“Hope is slim, but we can walk towards that island, and we can leave before it can swallow the Black Pearl!” Jack’s eyes became sad when he said this.

There is no other choice, the sea monster will come back again, the Black Pearl will sink to the bottom of the sea, and they must leave.

Will, Gibbs and the rest of the crew obeyed and walked towards the boat, but Elizabeth stayed behind.

“Thank you, Jack.” Elizabeth said softly.

She approached Jack and said, “He comes back, and I know you are a good person.”

Elizabeth leaned forward and kissed the pirate, and then she slowly backed away.

There was a click.

Jack looked down, and Elizabeth locked him to the mast of the ship when they kissed.

“The sea monster wants you, not this ship, nor us. This is the only way.” She defended.

“You are a pirate.” Jack said in an admiring tone.

Elizabeth glanced at the pirate one last time. This person was the cause of so many troubles in her life and the reason for her many adventures.

She rushed off the Black Pearl and left Jack on the ship to wait.

The sea monster’s tentacles slowly climbed onto the deck, and the sea monster roared and appeared in front of Jack.

It opened its mouth wide, breathing with the breath of Death, right in front of Jack, between the teeth of this behemoth, was Jack’s long-lost beloved hat.

He pulled the hat out of the sea monster’s mouth, put it on own’s head again, and returned it to its original place.

Jack said: “Hello, little monster!”

The crew of the Black Pearl watched the sea monster and Jack fight on the boat.

Slowly, this terrible sea monster occupied the entire ship.

With the huge splash, the Black Pearl and Jack on the ship were swallowed by huge waves.

On the flying Dutchman, David Jones looked at the distant scene, raised the corners of his mouth, smiled, and his tentacles were waving arrogantly.

He said contentedly: “Jack Sparrow, the bill between us has been wiped out…”

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