Chapter 274 The Death of Elizabeth!

“Calm down, guys.” Norrington noticed everyone’s unease. He said, “We are standing on an ocean-going ship and nothing more. You have to be calm, like a navy.”

While he was speaking, a few men lifted a box on the ship’s side and onto the deck of the Dutchman.

This box is what they are going to guard here-the undead box.

It contained the beating heart of David Jones.

Lord Beckett was standing on the deck, smiling.

In order to be able to stand here now and let Jones take orders from him, he has been waiting and planning for a long time.

Beckett knew that David Jones was commanding the fastest ship at sea, and the crew of the Dutchman was destined to be controlled by Jones for a hundred years.

Whether it is physically or spiritually!

David Jones himself is immortal. Since his lover broke his heart, he has plucked out the troublesome organ and placed it in the dead chest and buried it on Cruise Island.

Unless you have this heart, no one can hurt him.

This is precisely why Lord Beckett put so much energy into finding this heart.

First, he arrested Elizabeth Swann, the daughter of a blacksmith named Will Turner and the Governor of the Royal Harbour.

That was the day they were overjoyed. In exchange for their freedom, he sent Will to get back the Feng Shui compass that belonged to the annoying Captain Jack Sparrow.

This special Feng Shui compass is not used to point to the north, but to what you desire most in your heart.

Once Beckett has this Feng Shui compass, he believes it can directly guide him to find the dead chest.

Although things did not develop exactly according to Beckett’s plan, the results were very beneficial to him.

Will, Elizabeth, and Jack found their way to Cruise Island before Beckett.

But Norrington, who allowed the hanged pirate to escape and was dismissed in the Navy and then joined the Sparrow fleet, sneaked in and stole David Jones’ heart.

He took the heart back to the Royal Harbour and gave it to Beckett.

Norrington was immediately restored to his post and was promoted to admiral.

Therefore, although Beckett did not get the Feng Shui compass, he now got something of greater value and infinite power-the heart of David Jones, and he also completely controlled the flying Dutchman.

With the power of this ship, Beckett and the East India Trading Company can rule the entire sea.

Even better, the only ship that can compete with the Dutchman, the Black Pearl, was also dragged into the seabed by Jones’s own devil pet big monster.

“Go away, all of you, take that one together!” Jones roared and walked up from the cabin.

Shaking with anger, he walked straight to Norrington, but still kept a safe distance from the treasure chest.

The closer this heart is to him, the stronger his inner feelings.

Jones will feel safe only if this heart is far away from him.

“I don’t want that Devil-like thing to stay on my boat!” David Jones yelled.

“Then I’m sorry,” Lord Beckett said coldly, “because I want it to stay here, because this seems to be the only way to ensure that this ship obeys the company’s orders.”

Jones clutched the ship’s side with a big sting in his left hand, the long tentacles on his beard twisting with fury.

Beckett nodded to Norrington, and Norrington led the soldiers off the deck carrying the treasure chest.

“The actions of the Dutchman will only be under the command of its captain.” Jones roared.

“And its captain will command it as ordered.” Beckett replied, “this is no longer your place, Jones. Immortal things have become insignificant. I thought that when I ordered you to kill you As a pet, you already understand this.”

Jones’ face twitched at the thought of the sea monster.

The Titanic sea monster that killed Jack Sparrow and dragged the Black Pearl to the bottom of the sea is now dead.

And it is the first victim of Beckett’s cruel campaign against the “uncivilized” sea.

At that moment, Governor Swann stood up.

On the Endeavour, he witnessed the destruction of the pirate ship in horror. No one survived on the ship, and all the ships were blown to pieces.

The governor was furious, as Beckett and Norrington boarded the Dutchman.

“Don’t you give these ships a chance to surrender?” the governor asked David Jones, his face pale against the white wig.

Jones smiled triumphantly and said, “We have let them see us. I think this opportunity is enough.”

Swan was filled with indignation: “My daughter may be on one of the ships!”

He shouted: “This alone is enough to be a reason for your mercy!”

The Governor has been looking for her for months since he helped Elizabeth escape from the prison cell in the Royal Harbour and watched her escape into the dark night.

He knew that Elizabeth was looking for Will and Jack among the pirates.

But since that night, he hasn’t seen her or heard her message again.

He hoped that by walking with Beckett and Norrington, he could find her and beat her before she was caught and executed as a pirate.

But Beckett’s dissatisfaction with Jones’ blatant defiance has other reasons.

“We need prisoners to interrogate more information.” Beckett said sharply to Jones: “This requires them to be alive.”

“I’m destroying pirates,” Jones said, “It’s the company’s order.”

He bowed mockingly, then turned to Swann.

“Your daughter is dead, and was dragged to the bottom of the sea by my pet along with the Black Pearl. Didn’t Lord Beckett tell you?” Jones grinned sullenly.

For a moment, Swann stood in shock.

Lord Beckett has been lying to him, Elizabeth is dead!

He turned and hurried to the cabin.

Lord Beckett glanced at Jones angrily, following Swann.

When Norrington was putting the key in the keyhole of the treasure chest, Swan suddenly grabbed him and dragged him aside.

“He knows all about it, doesn’t he?” Swan grabbed Norrington’s collar and shook it sharply, shouting at him, “You all know it, don’t you?”

“Governor Swann!” Lord Beckett shouted from the door.

Swan pushed Norrington away, he took a bayonet from the nearest navy soldier and brandished it.

Norrington grabbed his arm and stopped him.

Beckett yelled at the soldiers: “Get out, get out all.”

The soldiers glanced at Norrington, and he nodded.

Everyone filed out, leaving only the treasure chest, Swan, Beckett, Norrington, Jones, and Beckett’s lieutenant Mercer.

“Governor Swann.” Beckett soothed him, “Believe me, I just do this to try to relieve your pain…”

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