Chapter 277 Dragon Tattoos! Captain Xiaofeng!

“Your mother always knew that you threw the linen into the well.”

The guard jumped back in shock, and he looked at the old woman in horror.

“How did you know?” he demanded.

She grinned, showing black teeth.

She whispered, “These canaries.”

The two guards stepped back. Although they didn’t understand what martial arts were at work, they didn’t want to have anything to do with them.

The monkey named “Jack” picked up the organ and shook the handle again.

The music was loud, and the pirates saw again below.

Not far away, Tai Huang was leading Barbosa and Elizabeth to a beer bath.

The bathhouse is Xiaofeng’s hiding place and is heavily guarded everywhere.

Elizabeth looked around, nervously alert.

Anyone who walked past them could be a pirate or an employee of the East India Trading Company, and that was even worse.

She tugged on Barbossa’s sleeve and whispered, “Do we have news from Will?”

Barbossa shook his head: “That kid will take care of own.”

He pointed out: “On the contrary, you have to be more introverted than usual in front of Xiaofeng.” Barbosa said with a wink.

“Is he that scary?” Elizabeth asked Barbosa.

“He is like me,” Barbosa replied, “but I don’t have my kind talent and fairness.” He grinned, making Elizabeth shudder.

Tai Huang walked to a door and knocked out a series of hasty signals.

A small slit in the door slid open, and a pair of eyes appeared, which were watching them.

A minute later, the small gap closed, and the door opened with the sound of the latch pulling open and the hinges creaking.

As soon as Elizabeth and Barbosa stepped into a small vestibule, Tai Huang turned and blocked their way.

“Remove the weapons,” he said, “please take them out.”

Elizabeth could hear from his tone that the word “please” did not make the sentence sound such a request, it was an order.

“Of course.” Barbosa said lightly. He handed over his own pistol and sword.

Elizabeth followed suit, but when they were about to move forward, Tai Huang raised his hand and stared at Elizabeth.

“Do you think he is a woman, so we wouldn’t suspect him of fraud?” He asked, “Please remove your weapon.”

Elizabeth sighed and took off his coat, revealing the two hidden swords tucked in the sheath of the lining.

She wanted to move forward again, but was stopped by the Thai side. “Please remove the weapon.” He repeated it again.

Elizabeth still wanted to argue, but it was in vain. She was forced to surrender all the weapons hidden in her body one by one.

To make matters worse, she was also asked to change into a robe so that she could not hide any weapons.

Elizabeth glared at the men around, tightened the belt on her blue silk bathrobe, and pulled her robe down and back, hoping to cover more legs.

An angry and unarmed Elizabeth finally followed Barbosa and Tai Huang into the bathroom.

As they walked along the tortuous, leaking and rusty pipe, past the algae-covered bathtub and the pirates, Elizabeth watched the surroundings carefully.

These pirates are Xiaofeng’s subordinates, and each has the own mark: a dragon tattoo.

Finally, they came to a room that was cleaner and warmer than the others, and the Pirate King of Singapore had just stepped out of his bathtub.

Two pretty maids quietly served him in all the outfits with the pirate kingship logo.

Elizabeth stared at this weather-beaten scar face, looking for signs of weakness, but the powerful pirate king’s eyes were deep and cold, and would not reveal any information. A pair of old scars extending from the corners of her eyes accentuated him. Forbidding majesty.

After a long time, Xiaofeng didn’t seem to notice their existence, or he was deliberately neglecting them.

Finally, Barbosa realized that he should speak first.

“Captain Xiaofeng.” He said calmly, “Thank you for allowing me to see you.”

Xiao Feng raised his head as if he had just seen them.

“Captain Barbossa.” He said, “Welcome to Singapore.” He gestured and said to the nearest guard, “More steam.”

The guard struck the wall twice, and a lot of steam spurted out of the pipe.

“I know you asked me, right?” he said to Barbossa.

“There is another proposal.” Barbossa replied, “I am going on an adventure. I need a ship and a crew.”

Xiao Feng stood up straight and looked at Barbosa with a sly smile, “And you think I deserve this honor? A ship and some sailors…” He giggled. , “What a strange coincidence.”

“Because you happen to have an unused ship and manpower?”

Elizabeth said recklessly, and Barbosa gave her a warning look, but Xiao Feng just smiled more openly, and the scar on the corner of his eye almost disappeared.

“No.” He said, “because earlier today, not far from here, a thief broke into the ancestral hall of Uncle, my most awe-inspiring, trying to escape with these.”

Xiao Feng strode across the room and came to a shriveled old man in a robe, who hugged a set of ancient nautical charts tightly to his chest.

The pirate king was serious and stretched out his hand to take the navigation route, but before the old man let go, he unavoidably pulled the nautical chart from the old man’s hand several times.

“Nautical chart.” Xiao Feng continued. He turned to Barbosa and Elizabeth, waving the blueprint in the air.

“The route to the end of the sky.” He said softly, observing the reaction on their faces. “If this adventure will lead you to another place outside this world, wouldn’t it be surprising? ”

Barbossa swallowed: “This sounds incredible.” He said bluffingly.

Xiaofeng looked at Barbossa calmly, and then he nodded to the two guards near the bathtub. The guard leaned over and pulled a person out of the water.

This prisoner is no one else but Will Turner.


Will Turner was very upset.

Some things Elizabeth didn’t know.

Will saw her kissing Jack on the Pearl.

Of course, he didn’t know that she did it to deceive Jack. He didn’t know that she had locked Jack to the mast.

He thought Elizabeth must no longer love him, and Will was sure that the person she loved now was Jack.

So for Jack Sparrow’s death, Will doesn’t really care.

In fact, if Will decides, he would rather let Jack die.

But Will has his own task, and unfortunately, this task includes helping Jack.

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