Chapter 46 Rescue Wu Shihao!

Amidst the shouts of the crowd, Chen Feng forced a way out with his own body.

When wooden sticks, iron rods, and machetes hit him, he didn’t even blink his eyes.

“Admiralty cover iron cloth shirt?”

Seeing this scene, several gangsters who tied the iron rods to their hands with towels exclaimed.

In fact, only if they observe carefully, they will find that Chen Feng’s arms, neck, chest and other exposed parts have a layer of grayish-yellow gravel condensed at this time.

It’s as if the whole body is coated with a film.

Ability “Guardian of Sand”!

Sand armor!

Before these people could react, Chen Feng had quickly given a precise and effective counterattack.

Nearly ten people fell to the ground in a blink of an eye.

However, most of these punks went astray and did not die. Chen Feng did not intend to kill them directly. He just knocked them unconscious and made them unable to fight back, leaving the rest to Sir to take care of.

Dawei and Xiwei, who were still being beaten by strong dolls just now, only took a breather, and they were only standing around them and a strange man who did not move like a mountain.

On the second floor of the Da Fu Hao Restaurant, both Inspector Yan Tong and the big man Fat Boy Chao, who were standing by the window and witnessing the scene, had a cold back and took a breath of air-conditioning.


“This guy…this is too strong!”

“Dollar and Grizzly have these powerful double bonus red sticks in their hands?”

“Those who can fight like this are not included in one’s own ranks, it’s a violent thing!”

Seeing Chen Feng’s astonishing performance, Xiwei was even more frightened, holding the mop stick in front of him, and stepping back against the wall.

“Which side are you from?”

Chen Feng didn’t answer, but instead ordered in a nonchalant tone: “If you don’t want to squat in the messenger hall, just leave, the messenger will come soon!”

Dawei and Xiwei looked at each other, and both of them let out a sigh of relief in an instant.

I want to thank God, but fortunately it’s my own person, otherwise this fist as big as a sandbag would really be deadly.

“Dawei! Xiwei!”

At this moment, Wu Shihao, who had already defeated a few people in a fierce battle not far away, could not help yelling eagerly when seeing something strange here.

It was too late and it was fast, Wu Shihao, who was eager to save his brother, rushed over and jumped and kicked to kick Chen Feng away.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng would easily dodge it sideways like long eyes behind his back.


Wu Shihao’s sneak attack was unsuccessful, and the iron shutter door that kicked to the side made a huge noise.

Before he stood firm, he turned around and hit Chen Feng’s face with another punch.

However, Chen Feng seemed to inadvertently raised his hand, with the back of his hand in front of the door, and easily resisted Wu Shihao’s full punch.

“Brother Hao, stop, he belongs to us!” Dawei and Xiwei hurriedly shouted when they saw this.

Wu Shihao was taken aback, looked at Dawei Xiwei with suspicion, and then asked Chen Feng again: “Are you from the Grizzly Bear?”

Dumb Qi was late in arriving, grinning and holding up the snatched iron rod as he was about to smash Chen Feng, his hand suddenly stopped in the air.

Chen Feng smiled faintly.

“I’m not anywhere, I’m just here to help you.”

“You guys, don’t want to be caught by the messenger to drink tea, you must withdraw now, and someone will come soon!”

Chen Feng knew that according to the original plot, the riot uniformed police called by Superintendent Hunter should almost arrive.

After a while, Hunter led the team to seal the two ends of the street, and he had a way to get out of the way, but Wu Shihao and the others would be more fortunate.

Chen Feng was talking here, but the hands and feet on the other side did not stop for a moment.

Wu Shihao, Dawei, Xiwei, and Duqi were all hesitant and looked at each other when they heard the words.

After all, it’s hard to come out for a fight. The 30 dollars of hard work will have to be put in your pocket. This will make you escape. Not to mention the hard work of the fight is gone, but I want to continue to play under the Grizzlies in the future. There is no chance.


Sure enough, only a few seconds later, Chen Feng’s characteristic “wind listener” caught the sound of leather boots neatly stepping on the stone bricks from the end of the street.

It was a group of riot police holding shields and batons, marching in a line from the east and west sides of the street towards the middle.

After a while, I only heard someone shouting in the distance.


On the street outside the store, several cans fell from the sky.


The gray-white gas leaked from the can, and the whole street was enveloped in smoke in a blink of an eye.

At first, the dozen or so thugs who were still in the middle of the road endured the pain, and suddenly tears and nose poured out, and the throat and nasal cavity were more uncomfortable than eating a few kilos of chili.

“It’s tear gas!” someone shouted.

“The bad guy is here!!”

At the same time, this group of horses discovered that their bosses-Doll Qiang, Grizzly Bear, Hua Zai Rong and others had long since disappeared.

The four brothers Wu Shihao just woke up like a dream and planned to escape.

“Stupid, you four, now I’m thinking about running to both ends of this street? Hurry in and get into the rich man, get into the banquet guests, and then sneak out through the back door!” Chen Feng cursed.

Wu Shihao showed a dazed expression.

“What do you do in a daze? I don’t understand what I am saying, go in! I’ll break it!”

“Thank you guys!”

Wu Shihao quickly cupped hands and said thank you, and immediately wiped the dust off his clothes under the cover of Chen Feng, and walked towards the front door of the Dafuhao Restaurant with his three younger brothers.

Chen Feng put down a few more to catch up with Sijiu Zai, who followed closely behind.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened.

Hearing a bang, gunshots rang out from a crowd of smoke-covered and scattered people not far away.

At this time, the riot police team was still slowly moving closer to the middle on both sides of the street. Obviously, this shot was not fired by a bad guy.

Good guy, it is a felony to hide guns in private these years. Street fires are merged into fires, but steel rods, maces and so on are already dark enough, who would have thought that someone would come to fight and bring guns.

The gangsters who had been choked with tear gas just now were all taken aback when they heard the sound, and then they yelled and crawled and fled.

As soon as the gunshots sounded, the nature of what was originally a mere street fighting incident was completely different.

By the window on the second floor of the rich man.

“If you shoot a blockbuster, shoot a blockbuster and shoot in front of so many people? Your two brothers are crazy enough!”

Inspector Yan Tong, who just looked jokingly just watching the show, frowned when he heard the gunshot, his expression became a little serious, and he said to the fat boy who was holding a cigar and having a big belly.

“Sorry, Lord Yan!” Fat Boy apologized with a smile and nodded again and again.

He turned his head and bit his cigar again and couldn’t help cursing.

“Fuck, doll Qiang and Grizzly bear! Crazy line, silly! Do you have to bring a short dog (pistol) to shoot a blockbuster? Would you like me to send some pineapples (grenade)!”

At this time, Chen Feng downstairs was also stagnant. He knew that if he followed the original plot, there would be no gunfight here.


Chen Feng’s pupils shrank suddenly.

Unless the person who shot was Samsara!

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