Chapter 72 Come, good daughter, come and call Brother Feng!

After the meal was full, Baifanyu greeted his subordinates to come in, and after a few words, his subordinates went out again.

After a while, there was a loud knock on the door.

Chen Feng couldn’t help frowning, but Baifanyu smiled.

“Come in!” Baifanyu said.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a woman outside the door opening the door and coming in.

“Really, Dad, you called me over and made me wait outside. I have to go to morning work tomorrow!”

The first thing that caught Chen Feng’s eyes was a pair of thin and smooth slender jade legs, followed by a slender figure and white arms like snow lotus roots.

The visitor wore a cool light blue dress with suspenders, a standard oval face, and seemed to be in his early twenties.

The skin is white and tender as if it can pinch water, the bright eyes are clear and clear, the nose is straight, the red lips are moist, and you can feel the graceful and just right charm of the oriental beauty at a glance.

“Come on, good girl, come and call Brother Feng!”

“Brother Feng is good!”

The young girl walked up with a smile, sitting beside the white rice fish and holding his arm a little bit coquettishly.

Baifanyu touched her daughter’s hand and patted it fondly, turned her head and smiled and said to Chen Feng:

“My daughter, how is she who works as a nurse in the hospital, she’s pretty, right?”

But when the girl’s gaze stayed seriously on Chen Feng’s face, she was stunned.

Not only was she stunned, Chen Feng was also stunned.

“A Qing?”

The visitor is no one else, but Ah Ching, who had a relationship with Chen Feng in Bar Street in Tsim Sha Tsui!

Good fellow, Chen Feng couldn’t help but want to call good fellow again!

“You knew each other before?” Baifanyu showed a puzzled expression.

A Qing nodded in embarrassment, and stared at Chen Feng silently.

“No, A Qing is your daughter?” Chen Feng also felt incredible.

“I have known you for so long, how can I never know that you have a daughter!”

Co-authored A Qing’s original surname is Bai, but his full name is Bai Qing?

“I have to tell you everything?” Baifanyu couldn’t help but laugh, “Tell you, I don’t have only one daughter, I have two! This one has been spoiled since childhood. There is no rule, you guessed it. It must be small.”

“Dad!” Bai Qing threw away Baifanyu’s arm, pretending to complain.

Chen Feng, who witnessed this scene, was speechless on the spot.

“Isn’t the point of the question now is how your rough man, who is full of fish smell, gave birth to a little nurse who is white and tender enough to pinch water?”

“This style of painting doesn’t fit well at all!”

After listening to what Bai Qing said about how Chen Feng helped by righteousness, the hero saved the United States, and rescued himself from the soldiers of the nation of Sam, Baifanyu cursed with an angry expression on his face.

“Sam’s country ghost attacking his mother! Why didn’t you tell me this kind of thing earlier! Daddy must be here to kill them all!”

“Dare to touch my daughter of Baifanyu! I don’t care if Sam Country is English, I chop them all up and throw them into the sea to feed the fish!”

After talking about Baifanyu, she patted Chen Feng’s shoulder again, and said, “A Feng, thanks to your help at the time, it seems that Baifanyu owes you another favor!”

Chen Feng waved his hand and said with a smile: “Well, I just didn’t know that A Qing was actually the daughter of your Baifanyu. If you know, I will let the soldiers of the country Sam walk out of Tsim Sha Tsui alive?”

Baifanyu laughed unscrupulously.

“Haha, Afeng, I originally wanted to introduce my daughter to you, but now it seems that I can save this step. Then I won’t say much about this crude person, let’s get to the subject.” Baifanyu’s face is not very meaningful. Smiling, rubbing his chin, “How is it? What do you think of my daughter?”

Chen Feng was stunned, squinted his eyes and smiled calmly: “Boss Bai, I hear what you mean, it’s impossible to think…”

Baifanyu’s intention to match herself with Bai Qing was too obvious.

Although Chen Feng’s voice hadn’t fallen yet, Bai Qing, who was sitting next to Baifanyu, snatched the stubbornness.

“Abba, Brother Feng is boring to me, so don’t make it difficult for him!”

“No, I haven’t finished speaking yet, why did you answer for me?” Chen Feng was helpless.

Baifanyu also frowned, “Afeng himself hasn’t spoken yet, do you know he is boring to you?”

“Huh, I don’t know? I wanted to invite him to dinner at that time. Thank you very much. I gave him the phone number, and I haven’t seen him call!” Bai Qing curled her lips, lowered her head and bulged her cheeks in an angry expression. self-mumbling.

Chen Feng slapped his head when he heard the words, and squeezed his forehead in regret.

Good guy, I want good guys again!

The note Wu Shihao handed over to him that day was always in his pocket, and he didn’t even leave the boxing ring.

As a result, when I got off the ring, I found that the paper was wet with own sweat, and the numbers in the back of the phone numbers were all blurred. Who would you say to make sense?

I only blame myself for my carelessness, this is a big misunderstanding!

“A Qing is so beautiful, why would there be men who don’t like it? Chen Feng, I am also a layman. Since you have such a meaning, Uncle, how can I refuse as a junior?” Chen Feng said sincerely.

Then he raised his eyebrows, smiled slyly, and said: “As for the fact that there was no phone call, it was really just a misunderstanding. As Qing said, I feel like a ruthless, desireless person.”

Baifanyu looked relieved when he heard this, and was very satisfied with Chen Feng’s answer.

“Let me just say, my daughter is loved by others, so how can anyone look down on my daughter, only the kid I look down on!”

Turning his head and saying to Bai Qing irritably, “Afeng is the head of the Liangongtang. On weekdays, the city’s business alone is busy enough. Back then, you were rescued by righteousness. You owed him, not that he owed you. You also say that others are ruthless, it’s too childish!”

After Bai Qing heard what Chen Feng had just said, her face had already turned from cloudy to sunny with naked eyes, and she smiled.

At this time, after being reprimanded by Baifanyu for a while, he raised his head and put out his tongue mischievously, making a grimace.

When Chen Feng saw this, he couldn’t help but smile, and his heart was a little moved.

The atmosphere in the box was peaceful, with laughter and joy.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

Ma Tsai, who had been standing at the door watching the wind in black, stepped forward quickly and leaned over to reach Chen Feng’s ear.

“Brother Feng, there was a disturbance in Hengtou Hom.”

Chen Feng’s face sank, and he nodded and waved his hand to indicate that he had already known.

Then directly squeezed out the few remaining cigars, threw them on the table, and stood up.

“Uncle, Aqing, I’m sorry, I’m going to be out of company first, there is a disturbance in the place, I’ll go and deal with it.”

After speaking, Chen Feng put on a windbreaker, opened the door and walked straight out. A group of Lian Gong halls followed closely behind them and walked out of the Yixing Restaurant.

In the box, next to A Qing, whose cheeks were slightly flushed, Bai Fanyu looked at Chen Feng’s away back and smiled and cursed:

“I, this kid! Uncle is called, so quick to change!”

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