Chapter 78 I don’t have a Master, if you insist on asking, my teacher Yan Yongchun!

I saw Sun Tingyun clasping Ziwu Mandarin Duck and Yue with both hands, walking with his legs bent like mud, and using swing steps to transform his body shape.

Turning and twisting, moving clouds and flowing water, continuous and continuous, there are circles in the circle, and the layers are continuous!

Chen Feng fixedly looked at his constantly changing opponent, and the “General Outline of Ancient Martial Arts” in his personal warehouse suddenly glowed with white light, as if he had sensed the majestic power of the person who specializes in ancient martial arts.

The page of the ancient book opened immediately, and a blank page showed a new portrait, with a few words hanging on the paper.

“Cheng Pai swims in the hands of Eight Trigrams…The first teacher is Cheng Tinghua?” Chen Feng couldn’t help but mutter.

[Ancient Martial Arts Specialization: Eight Trigrams Palm 2% (Beginner)]

Now Chen Feng has many ways to learn and master fighting skills.

Except for direct check-in to obtain.

One is to borrow the effect of the prop “General Outline of Ancient Martial Arts”, and use own ancient martial arts to uprightly defeat the opponent’s ancient martial arts, thereby inheriting all of the opponent’s ancient martial arts expertise.

The other is to use the own traits “eye of insight” and “memory palace” to record the opponent’s moves, with the trait “Wizard of Martial Arts” to learn and comprehend directly in actual combat with the opponent.

The latter’s speed of mastering moves is naturally much lower than the former, but it is also a way.

Therefore, come to the sixth ring boxing ring, regardless of whether you win or lose, as long as you do not die, for Chen Feng who wants to use this dungeon world as much as possible Ascension’s own combat power is a steady profit!

On the other side, Sun Tingyun raised his eyebrows when Chen Feng saw his faction, and responded:

“Yes, Sun Gonglu, my uncle and grandfather, is from Mr. Cheng Tinghua!”

The Eight Trigrams palm was created by a generation of Great Master Dong Haichuan. Because Dong Haichuan Great Master teaches differently, according to the characteristics of each disciple, he taught different methods to encourage his disciples to play by themselves. Therefore, many different genres of Eight Trigrams palms were formed.

Among them, Cheng Pai, Yin Pai, Liang Pai, Shi Pai, and Zhang Pai are the five major schools. Cheng Tinghua is the founder of the first of the five schools in the hands of Eight Trigrams, “Cheng Pai Eight Trigrams”.

“Okay!” Chen Feng smiled disdainfully when he heard the words, “After you are a famous sect, the first teacher Cheng Tinghua is a national hero. If he is in the spirit of the sky, he will see you do evil in the name of the Eight Trigrams taught by him. I’m afraid it’s not about jumping out of the coffin to clear the door!”

When the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China, Mr. Cheng Tinghua was patrolling by more than a dozen German soldiers. The German soldiers wanted to check Mr. Cheng. Cheng Tinghua did not agree because of language barriers and hatred of foreign enemies.

The German soldiers wanted to beat him, but he was knocked to the ground one by one. After he succeeded, Cheng Tinghua jumped on the beam of the room and wanted to escape, but he didn’t expect his hair to be stuck in the cracks between the tiles, and he couldn’t stand it up.

It was precisely because of this that the time was delayed, and the Germans shot and fell into a pool of blood, and a generation of martial artists fell.

Unexpectedly, after being poked into the sore spot, Sun Tingyun spit on the ground and sneered at Chen Feng.

“Where do you have the qualifications to say to me? Where does your Wing Chun Kungfu learn from? You are not afraid of knowing your ancestors in such a place to fight black fist and make a sidetrack?”

Sun Tingyun deliberately misunderstood the meaning of Chen Feng’s words. Chen Feng said that the unrighteous thing was that Sun Tingyun killed a family of nine. Sun Tingyun responded to Chen Feng by saying that he had fallen into a black boxing punch in the city.

“I’m sorry, I don’t have a Master.” Chen Feng didn’t change his face, and laughed loudly: “If you really want to ask, then I can only answer you-Master Yan Yongchun!”

There is nothing wrong with this. The Master Wing Chun of Chen Feng was indeed the Yan Wing Chun who signed in and rewarded the world of “Wing Chun” directly.

But Sun Tingyun immediately believed that Chen Feng was talking nonsense and slanderous!

Yan Wing Chun is the originator of Wing Chun, a person from Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty. How could Chen Feng directly worship her as a teacher?

It’s impossible for the wonders of grave heads and hearse drifts to happen in later generations!

“Yan Yongchun? Why don’t you say that it’s the five masters?!” Sun Tingyun was consciously teased, a little angry.

Wu Mei Shi Tai is one of the five Shaolin elders of Southern Shaolin who was burned down in the legend.

It is said that the five masters handed down to the world their royal noblemen’s Nanquan, which was used for self-protection, and then developed and developed separately, and then the Wing Chun, Dragon and Hongquan fist systems were born.

Seeing Chen Feng and Sun Tingyun glaring at each other on the stage, they were arguing, but both of them just looked at each other like a battle, holding them stiffly for more than a minute.

The spectators in the stands below quickly booed their dissatisfaction. He Yaowei and Wang Yunxiong in the two VIP boxes on the upper level also frowned upon seeing this.

Before Dakou Jiuhe could speak, there was already a hose in the stands that directly raised one hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars and roared unceremoniously:

“What a ghost? Sing on the platform! Pick! One hundred thousand yuan! I want the two of you to fight immediately! Get off the stage if you don’t fight!”

Bodeng, who was sitting in the front row, immediately stood up when he heard it, and smiled in front of Dakou Jiu and asked the little brother to take the person’s money.

“No problem! Let’s fight right away!”

Bo Deng immediately turned around and shouted at Sun Tingyun on the stage: “Ayun! I heard you! Don’t keep your hands! Hurry up and solve the street attack on the opposite side!”

He just finished speaking here, but Bo Deng suddenly raised his head and looked at the VIP box high up.

I saw that behind the floor-to-ceiling windows of the box, the rich man in a suit raised his hand and gestured a finger at Bodeng. When Bodeng saw it, he immediately understood and yelled at the stage again:

“Young Master pays another million! Life and death! Ayun! Kill him before stepping down!”

As soon as this remark came out, there was a commotion in the audience.

“Okay! Life and death!”

“Waiting for this exciting scene!”

The ring host immediately held up the microphone excitedly and announced with excitement: “The boss bets one million! The two masters on the stage are now fighting for life and death! One is not dead and the other is not allowed to step down!”

Dakou Jiu’s face suddenly changed when he heard this.

He didn’t intend to bring Chen Feng to the sixth round, but he insisted on coming.

Dakou Jiu originally wanted to let Chen Feng come to the stage to play a warm-up and meet the world.

It never occurred to me that Wang Yunxiong had made it clear that he was going to fight He Yaowei, and he would directly pay for a life-and-death battle on stage!

It’s not that Dakou Jiu doesn’t believe in Chen Feng’s strength, it’s just that this is a matter of life and death, and it is inevitable that there will be an accident.

If Chen Feng had an accident in the ring, how could he explain to Fat Boy Super!

However, according to the rules of the sixth ring, now that the ship is done, this life-and-death battle can’t be avoided anyway, and can only bite the bullet and go on.

The host over there just announced the changes to the rules, and at the sign of He Yaowei, Dakou Jiu also took out a betting slip and shouted:

“Pick that star! How Shao bet 1.5 million yuan! Not only is there a life-and-death battle! But also the whole body is not left!”

“A Feng, why don’t you want you to take off the smashing hands and feet on the other side first! Cut your throat again! If you want to see blood, the more the better! I hear you!”

As soon as the voice fell, the audience in the sixth ring was in an uproar!

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