Chapter 8 I am the culprit!

[Congratulations to the host for signing in successfully and getting the item “Healing Potion” X300! 】

Just after Chen Feng completed four consecutive days of sign-in next to the same piece of Medicinal herbs, and got 1,250 bottles of healing potions in total.

Chief designer Sennaca should have noticed that Chen Feng stayed here because this piece of Medicinal herbs began to burn the woods.

Sennaca’s mental activity is not hard to guess.

Since neither poison gas nor evil beasts can drive away Chen Feng, burn everything around him!

A burning fireball suddenly fell in the air, forcing Chen Feng to dodge in a hurry.

When Chen Feng ran a few hundred meters and turned his head, he found that the sign-in treasure he had finally found had been burned to ashes.

There is no shadow of Medicinal herbs, even the soil is burnt.

The fire is still spreading around.


Chen Feng suddenly felt a burning pain on his body, and only then realized that his arm and back had been burned.

“Just try the medicine!”

Chen Feng used his mind to interact with the print on his arm and directly used a bottle of healing potion in his personal warehouse.

An imperceptible faint green light immediately appeared on his body, and in the blink of an eye, a refreshing and comfortable feeling covered his whole body.

The burns on his body are gone!

“It really is a good medicine!” Chen Feng couldn’t help but applaud.

“Okay, more than a thousand bottles of healing potions are enough. It’s time to get involved.”

“With the sponsorship, the audience should also be worth the fare!”

Only then did Chen Feng decide to set off.

All the way concealedly headed towards the direction of the horn of Zeus, the birthplace of the game.

During the period, the birds in the woods sang endlessly and the melody was single.

This gave Chen Feng an ominous premonition.

This situation lasted for about an hour or two. The vegetation along the way became sparser and the atmosphere became quieter and quieter.

The Horn of Zeus is finally close at hand!

Suddenly, the “wind listener” caught the voice of Kaito, a professional tribute in the second district.

Chen Feng immediately slowed down and fell to the ground.

It was a commanding tone, with some quick gasps.

Several other professional tributes seemed to have left the camp together under Keto’s command, looking for something.

At the same time, thick smoke wafted from the sky at a corner of the jungle in the distance.

Seeing this, Chen Feng knows which time node in the original plot is now corresponding.

It was the time when Katniss united with the 11th district girl Ruxiang to avenge the professional tributes.

Chen Feng, who is familiar with the plot, knows that the thick smoke rising in the distance is actually Katniss’s plan to turn the tiger away from the mountain!

Katniss pretended to reveal a flaw, led the professional tribute away from the camp, and then suddenly killed the carbine.

This also means that if Chen Feng goes to the corner of Zeus later, there is a high probability that he will not be able to pick up the missing materials.

As expected by Chen Feng, when he was about to rush towards the camp, a bow and arrow suddenly fired from the side of the jungle.

The bow and arrow tore open a sack of apples on the high pile of supplies in the center of the camp.

The apples in the sack popped out one by one and scattered to the ground in all directions.

The most classic scene in the movie was staged again in front of Chen Feng.


A huge explosion sounded.

The mines buried near the Camp of the Horn of Zeus were all detonated.

Those three-district boys who have a good knowledge of gunpowder, under the command of Keto, dug out the mines buried in the metal disc at the beginning of the game and reused them.

The purpose is to protect the materials occupied by professional tributes from being stolen by others.

When you want to get close to the pile of materials piled up in the middle of the camp, you can only take a certain route to avoid being killed on the spot by triggering a mine.

Keto originally thought he had thought of a foolproof trick, but he didn’t expect to be clever and mistaken by cleverness in the end.

The mines were all triggered by the apple shot down by Katniss, and all the materials collected by the professional tribute were blown up.

Back before liberation overnight!


The powerful air current shock wave caused by the explosion pushed Chen Feng several meters away on the spot.

The cochlea hummed with deafening explosions.

Thanks to the cushion of Chen Feng’s backpack, he tried his best to block his face with his arms to avoid being scratched by the flying debris.

After a while, the earth stopped shaking.

Chen Feng patted his ears hard and shook his head, freed himself from the state of tinnitus, and barely got up from the ground.


The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke just after the explosion, and it was very choking.

Looking to the side of the horn of Zeus, the supplies piled up into a hill just now have been burned out.

Just as Chen Feng wondered if there were any lucky supplies left, the “Eye of Insight” caught the movement in the side forest first.

The “wind listener” was launched, and a dynamic portrait in his mind was instantly generated.

“It’s Katniss!”

Katniss was injured, and seriously injured.

The lower limbs were severely burned, and his body was scarred.

This is completely different from what Chen Feng expected according to the plot of the movie.

Suddenly, there was another angry roar not far away.

Keto jumped out of the woods, followed by a group of people, extremely angry.

He rushed to the boy in the third district who was in charge of guarding the supplies, shouting exaggeratedly, and shoving the boy unceremoniously.

“What’s the matter! What the hell are you doing!” Chen Feng heard him yell.

“I…I really don’t know.” The boy in the third district cried out, behaving very innocently.

The boy threw some stones at the ruins, and there were no more explosions.

“It’s all gone, all the mines have been detonated.”

Keto’s face was flushed red, and he didn’t care what he said long ago. He stretched out his violent arms and broke the boy’s neck with force.


The sound of the gun sounded.

The others wanted Keto to calm down, but Keto was obviously occupied by anger at this time and lost his reason.

“It must be the ghost of the girl in District 12, she and the person who set the fire together!”

“Fak, get me arrested! She must be nearby!”

“Don’t do anything if you catch her, I will teach her personally!” he yelled hysterically.

This is not a good sign.

In the current state of Katniss, he will definitely not escape this catastrophe.

At this time, Chen Feng, who realized afterwards, suddenly wanted to understand one thing.

The reason why Katniss’s state deviated from the original plot and was so badly injured is probably because of his own gift!

In the original plot, Pita reminded her to escape in time when Katniss used the killer bee to be rounded up, and Katniss was able to escape the pursuers that followed.

But this story was completely gone in Chen Feng’s hands!

Not only that, Katniss was previously burned by a fireball, and would have received a box of critical burn ointment as sponsorship.

However, Chen Feng’s operation of ignoring poison gas and tame wild dogs was so showy that it attracted the attention of more patrons.

Forcing the mentor Hemis to temporarily change his mind, and replaced the five darts for Chen Feng by adding extra sponsorship fees to the ointment money originally planned to be given to Katniss!

In other words, Katniss was robbed of an airdrop supply by Chen Feng alive!

This resulted in Katniss having a moderate burn of his thigh for three days, so he appeared so weak.

“Fuck! After a long time, I turned out to be the culprit!”

[Secondary mission: Survive to the end with tribute partners from the same district in The Hunger Games. 】

Thinking about it this way, even if she throws off the line task, this Tsundere girl has a reason to save.

“Can’t stay outside of the matter anymore.” Chen Feng secretly said.

It’s not impossible not to save Katniss.

But that would be small.

The pattern is smaller.

If you complete one less side mission, you won’t get a higher dungeon score.

And if the original heroine dies here, it means that Chen Feng has lost control of the known plot line ahead of time.

The uncertain factors are big!

Chen Feng would never allow such a situation to happen!

With a thought, Chen Feng raised his hand and threw a stone towards the bushes in the distance, deliberately imitating the sound of someone escaping.

Sure enough, this movement immediately attracted Keto’s attention.

Right now his helpers went to two other places to search, and Keto could only rush to the source of the sound alone.

Taking advantage of the gap where Keto was distracted, Chen Feng rushed out and ran towards the chaotic Horn of Zeus.

At this time, a large plane appeared in mid-air, which was sent by the organizer of the contest to take away the bodies of boys in three districts.

The huge hum of the aircraft engine just covered the sound of Chen Feng running across the grass.

Chen Feng swiftly bypassed the huge crater blasted by landmines around Zeus’s Horn, and plunged into the jungle where Katniss had previously disappeared.

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