Chapter 84 Massacre of the Kowloon Walled City Committee!


The window glass was shattered, and a dark figure turned over and leaped in from the window.

Ability “Bullet Time”!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In his fingers, three consecutive bullets shot out again.

Rattlesnake, Prince Ji, and Jian Chen all stared at the direction where the doll was falling, with expressions of disbelief.

The next moment, a terrifying blood hole appeared on the foreheads of the three of them. The red liquid splashed out, and the walls and seats were soaked with blood.

All three of them collapsed to the ground in a blink of an eye, and their deaths were miserable!

Immediately afterwards, there were continuous gunshots, and all the strong dolls in the scene were headshots.

The entire Juyi Hall was suddenly filled with blood mist.

The black shadow who broke into the Juyi Hall removed the phantom mask from his face, revealing the young Lengjun face under the mask.

“A Feng?”

Baifanyu stared blankly at Chen Feng, who was like Divine Armament descended from the sky, almost speechless.

Then he suddenly realized what had happened just now, his eyes widened in horror, and he sat stiffly on the seat.

“I pick!”

Although Chen Feng had greeted him a few days ago, something big will happen today, and he also guessed what Chen Feng was planning.

But he never expected such a development!

Within a few seconds, Chen Feng actually shot and killed four members of the Kowloon Walled City Committee! !

Four in total! ! !

“I’ve seen all of them.” Chen Feng turned his head against the guest, with a sullen face, and after looking around the room, he stared at Baifanyu and Shanglong and said in a deep voice, “The doll has killed the Ding Ye, and also killed the rattlesnake, Prince Ji and Jianchen!”

If the scene where the doll pulls out and shoots Ding Ye is shocking and can’t believe it.

Then Chen Feng suddenly appeared just now, and the operation of killing doll Qiang, Rattlesnake, Prince Ji, and Jian Chen can be said to directly cause the collapse of the three views!

Although “Sanglong” Huo Qilong had a fierce name, he was a Junior after all. After witnessing the death of Ding Ye and several uncles of the committee in a short period of time, he suddenly felt that the sky had fallen!

His legs trembled, and his mouth opened wide, but he couldn’t make a sound.

The white rice fish next to him quickly recovered his composure and stood up and took a step forward suddenly.

“Eh!” Chen Feng reacted at once.

Before the words finished, Baifanyu suddenly picked up a big black star on the ground and raised his hand.


The bullet spun out.

Directly through the head of Cholang!


Chen Feng frowned.

The killing of Rattlesnake, Prince Ji, and Jian Chen was originally his plan.

According to Chen Feng’s original plan, after the Kowloon Walled City gained a firm foothold and gained the trust of Ding Ye, he would secretly wash the entire Walled City Committee in the name of Ding Ye.

First use the own Master gambling technique to win out the chips in several gambling stalls of the Rattlesnake, forcing the Rattlesnake to come out to bet against him personally, and then set up a game in the gambling stall with Dawei to make the Rattlesnake die suddenly, as if he died in an accident.

The Prince Foundation was shot to death at the Port Lan Street Bar. The scene was disguised as Daquan Boy and Vietnamese Boy drunk making trouble, drawing a gun and shooting accidentally injuring a neighboring seat when they disagree.

Jianchen would eventually be strangled to death in the bathhouse by Wu Shihao with a bath towel.

As long as these old men occupy the seat of the Walled City Committee for a day, the walled city will never change. He Chen Feng will never want to sit on the position of the new reporter of the Kowloon Walled City!

It will be a matter of time before they kill them! It’s just that this time Chen Feng happened to take a ride, using the doll to force this lunatic, who even Ding Ye dared to kill, to complete it ahead of time!

The doll dared to kill Ding Ye, so naturally he also dared to kill other committee members!

And Canglong is just a dispensable character, he shouldn’t have appeared on this occasion today, it doesn’t matter whether he kills or not.

However, Baifanyu’s shot was neat and tidy. In this way, only Baifanyu and Chen Feng were left who really knew what was going on in the Juyitang.

“A Feng, since you have decided to take this step, you can just do it and do it endlessly! No future troubles!”

“I will accompany you, who has never been through the door, to bet this one!”

Baifanyu dropped the gun, turned around and showed a sly smile to Chen Feng, before sternly shouted:

“Hurry up, here I’ll take care of the aftermath!”

Chen Feng nodded gratefully.

Four of the six members of the Walled City Committee died at once. As soon as this news spreads out, the Kowloon Walled City will be in chaos, and all the forces in the Walled City will be involved, desperately fighting for the position of the leader.

As a result, the fruits of victory that Chen Feng should have deserved by boldly playing the killer this time will most likely fall into the hands of others and become a part-time job for others!

But now there is another possibility to break this deadlock.

That is Ding Ye is still alive!

And it was Chen Feng who rescued it from King Yama!

“A Feng! What are you doing in a daze! Go away!” Baifanyu shouted.

However, Chen Feng turned a deaf ear, came to Ding Ye and squatted down. There were two blood holes in the latter’s head, and his left shoulder was also pierced by a bullet.

Turning his back to Baifanyu, Chen Feng quickly took out an object from his personal warehouse.

Prop “Alpha Gel Set”: It is used to treat head gunshot wounds. The gel can protect the brain, and it contains nano robots that can directly repair damaged tissues. ——From the world of “Ace Agent”.

This is the key item that Chen Feng signed from the agent’s cousin “Ginger Water” in the last dungeon world!

In the original plot of “Ace Agent”, Harry, who was shot headshot by Valentin outside the church, was saved by the prop of “Ginger Water”!

In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng wrapped Ding Ye’s entire head with a transparent bandage made of a special material.

Immediately, he took out two slender needles, held them in his left and right hands, and pierced them toward the temples on both sides of Ding Ye.

Alpha gel was injected, and the two colors of colloidal liquid were mixed, and it immediately filled the bandage-wrapped area of ​​Lord Ding’s head.

The next second, Chen Feng tore off two more cloth straps and tied Ding Ye to his back.

Ignoring Baifanyu’s stunned expression again, Chen Feng rushed out of the door, jumped directly from the third floor where the Juyi Hall was located, and landed steadily on the ground.

Looking around, shouting and killing sound shook the sky.

Leiluo was long gone.

The whole city walled angrily shouting his name, but the voices came one after another, and the news of accusing Lei Luo of killing the Ding Ye had gone viral in the Kowloon Walled City.

“Lei Luo killed Ding Ye! Lei Luo killed Ding Ye!!”

“Catch Lei Luo! Kill him!!”

“Chasing!! Don’t let him run away!!!”

“Kill Lei Luo!! Revenge for Ding Ye!!!”

There were endless shouts of killing from all directions.

Thousands of thugs in the entire Kowloon Walled City moved upon hearing the sound and filed out, vowing to leave Lei Luo’s body in the walled city.

Even if Chen Feng and Baifanyu shouted to refute this statement, it was too late.

Of course, this situation is also in Chen Feng’s plan.

To put it simply, today’s two key roles, Ding Ye and Lei Luo, he must save Chen Feng!

According to the original plot of “Chasing the Dragon”, it takes a little skill to save Leiluo. It is too early to save. You must wait for Leiluo to lose the flare gun and be surrounded by chasing soldiers.

At that time, Chen Feng descended from the sky like a savior, and rescued Lei Luo from the army. Only in this way can he exert the greatest effect and greatly increase Lei Luo’s favor with own! Accelerate the completion of the side quest to reach the perfect rapport with Leiluo!

This is why Chen Feng wore a phantom mask to ambush outside the Juyi Hall for a long time, and waited until the doll yelled out the phrase “Lei Luo killed the Ding Ye” before taking action!

Fortunately, the person with mind-reading skills is Chen Feng, not Lei Luo. Otherwise, let Lei Luo know that Chen Feng is using his own life to plan the game, and it is estimated that he will faint on the spot.

Take the bamboo shoots!

It’s too TM damage! !

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