Chapter 88 This Port City, you and I divide the world equally! (Thank you for rewarding 1500 book coins without a girlfriend)

“Sing Tao Daily”: Shocking! A bloody battle broke out in the Kowloon Walled City last night! Four big city gangsters died! Shocked Hong Kong Island!

“Communiqué”: Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station Inspector Lei Luo was seriously injured after failing to negotiate with the walled city. After being sent to the hospital for rescue, he was out of danger. The current situation is stable and the police refused to give more details on the matter.

“Hong Kong Island Daily”: An unprecedented large-scale fighting broke out in the Kowloon Walled City. According to people familiar with the matter, this matter may involve the replacement of the power of the Walled City Committee! It is reported that Li Hongding, the veteran of the walled city, is currently dying.

“Peninsula Daily”: Hong Kong Island Chief Superintendent Gerber issued a police position on the large-scale armed fighting in the Kowloon Walled City at today’s press conference. A reasonable explanation was made for the incident that occurred late, and at the same time, the residents of Kowloon City District should not be panicked. The police have the absolute ability to protect the safety of the people.

“Hong Kong Business Daily”: Thirty years of the great city of the city is finally coming to an end? Uncover the legendary life of Kowloon gangster Li Hongding.

“Yes, let the bullet fly for a while.”

In the ward, after reading the front page news of all the mainstream newspapers bought by Lard Boy, Chen Feng threw the newspaper aside and stood up.

Leiluo was lying on the bed with a plaster bandage on her right hand, and a graceful female nurse was feeding him porridge.

The noon sun shines into the ward through the gaps of the half-closed blinds, and Lei Luo’s face looks much better.

“Thanks to the lard boy not to ask those reporters to write too exaggerated.”

Leiluo gently pushed the spoon handed by the nurse with the only left hand he could use, signaled that he had eaten, and sat up a little bit against the wall.

“What’s the result? I was sent to the hospital after being badly injured. It was so exaggerated. Am I going to eat porridge here?”

The nurse cooperatively put the bowl of porridge back into the cart, and after pushing it out the door, only Lei Luo and Chen Feng were left in the ward.

Chen Feng sat down on the seat next to Lei Luo’s bed and smiled: “How can you make big news without exaggeration? You know the reporters from Hong Kong City!”

“Why don’t you write other people’s ideas like this? A bloody battle! Your brother Luo broke a right hand when he came out of the walled city. Who can believe this? Isn’t it invulnerable?”

Leiluo smiled and pointed at Chen Feng twice with his fingers: “You, you, I don’t know if I am invulnerable, but I saw it with my own eyes.”

Chen Feng smiled without saying a word.

In the morning, the chief officers of the police stations in all districts have come to the hospital to visit Leilo. At this time, the VIP ward is full of flowers and fruits for sympathy.

Lei Luo’s deeds of going to the walled city alone to negotiate are also publicized as a positive example in the city police circle in Hong Kong. Although the desperate way to solve the problem is questionable, in the eyes of Superintendent Ghost, it is still conducive to establishing a glorious image of the police.

Therefore, Chief Superintendent Gerber himself will also come to visit Lei Luo on behalf of the Hong Kong General Police tomorrow.

“Houtian, I have a press conference, and I have already asked Lard Boy to arrange it.” Lei Luo asked Chen Feng to light a cigarette for him, and took a faint sip after a long absence.

“Don’t worry, I won’t disclose too much about the walled city. You can solve the problems in your walled city by yourself.”

“But this time the trouble is so big, we must wipe our butt, give the ghost an explanation, and give us a step down. Although it is unlikely that the city will be uprooted from the top, sooner or later, if you continue to do it like this, sooner or later. Go on the street.”

“Understood.” Chen Feng let out a puff of cigarette and nodded: “Thank you Luo Brother, I will talk to him on Ding Ye.”

“Right.” Lei Luo turned his head, “How is the situation with Lord Ding?”

“My mind has been sober and my thinking has been restored. I still remember what happened in the walled city that day, but…”

“Just what?” Leylo asked.

Chen Feng looked at Leiluo, and then said: “It’s just that my lower body is paralyzed. I have to go out in a wheelchair. I can’t help it. The bullet hurts the nerve center. It is irreversible. This is the best result.”

Leiluo was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded calmly: “Well, it’s good to have a clear mind. If Lord Ding is dead or vegetative, the current mess of the committee is really not going to end, and the city will be chaotic at least in the first half of the year.”

Chen Feng smiled and shook his head when he heard it, unable to argue.

What Chen Feng didn’t tell Leiluo was that the first thing Ding Ye woke up was to ask who had acted on him.

When he learned that his nephew Doll Qiang was the one who shot him, Lord Ding was furious, and his blood pressure came up and almost fainted.

It was learned from Baifanyu that Gongziqiang had been killed by Chen Feng, and it was also Chen Feng who carried him all the way from the Juyi Hall of the Walled City Hall to rescue him from King Yama. Ding Ye was greatly moved.

I also believe that the doll forcibly killed the Rattlesnake, Prince Ki, and Jian Chen.

People are most afraid of being betrayed by their relatives and subordinates when they are old, especially the big man like Ding Ye who has been riding Rivers and Lakes for decades. After learning the truth, he was hit in his heart. After a lot of things were figured out for a while, he immediately decided to close the report. Feng is a righteous son, and at the same time, he entrusted Baifanyu to temporarily take over the affairs of the city.


After smoking the cigarette and squeezing out the cigarette butt, Lei Luo’s eyes flashed a bit of cruelty: “But Fatty Super I won’t just let it go, I must move him.”

“The doll is dead, and Yan Tong’s current strength is not as good as before. It is estimated that he will have to retire in a few years.”

“This fat boy is too arrogant. In the past, he was obedient and I could reward him with a bite of food, but now he dares to ride on my head and kill me in the city?”

“Afeng, since you have now parted with Lian Gongtang, you don’t need to hide some evidence that the fat boy has committed a crime?”

Chen Feng’s deep eyes smiled slightly, “Will you still use you to talk about Brother Luo? I’m already ready.”

After speaking, Chen Feng took out a portfolio from the briefcase on the side and handed it to Leiluo: “Now, it’s all in it.”

Leiluo took the portfolio and pointed at Chen Feng with a bright smile: “Hey, I know, this is like you.”

“Okay, okay!” After reading some of the information in the portfolio, Leiluo shouted with satisfaction.

“Iron proof is like a mountain, and it’s hard for him to deny it.” Chen Feng smiled frivolously: “Then let the lard boy buy him a cup of judicial milk tea, and force him to draw another custody.”

“Haha.” Lei Luo laughed suddenly when he heard the words, “Now the English is on my side, and when I collect the evidence, it should be a bit of a big move.”

“Okay, don’t hesitate to mention anything else you need.” Chen Fengying said peacefully.

After a word, Lei Luo’s tone suddenly became serious: “Want to talk about the needs, I do have one here.”

“What, Brother Luo, just say it.”

Leiluo stared straight at Chen Feng, then paused and spoke earnestly: “A Feng, I want you to look farther and not stick to a small walled city.”

“Brother Luo, what do you mean?” Chen Feng pretended to be puzzled.

As soon as the voice fell, a line of clear words appeared in the field of vision.

“Ding! Congratulations to the “Chen Feng” Samsara!”

“The side quest has been completed: the friendship with Leiluo has reached the perfect match!”

Leiluo’s eyes were abruptly solemn, and he said meaningfully:

“I mean, from now on, as long as I have, there will be half of you.”

“This port city, you and I divide the world equally!”

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