Chu Feng looked at the girl's white palm.

It was a special scroll that shone with golden light.

The law was the paper, the rhyme of the Tao was the words, and on the scroll was written a line of ancient characters in a flamboyant style.

【Welcome the Emperor to join the Hongmeng Divine Alliance. 】

His eyes were calm and unmoved.

Not far away, Su Futu fell from the sky and saw this scene with a gloomy face.

He couldn't see the words on it clearly due to the interference of the law, but it was his Hongmeng Book!

This woman gave it to him directly!

And Hong'er?

This is the first time you met, do you need to be so intimate?


"Futu, look, that flute, isn’t it the Nine Green Immortal Shepherd’s Flute?"

"Isn't this what you gave to that damn Tiandao before?"

The small gourd on his waist asked in a voice that only they could hear.

Su Futu's eyes changed, and he quickly locked onto the emerald green flute in Su Ji's hand, his eyes filled with rage.

Damn it!

Isn't it?

This is the top-grade fairy king spiritual treasure that he had presented to Tiandao before!

Why is it in the hands of this Chu Feng? And he gave it to Su Ji, the bitch!?

Aren't you Xingnu? Do you deserve a top-grade fairy king spiritual treasure?

How shameless!

Su Futu's mood fluctuated like never before.

After breaking through the quasi-immortal emperor realm, his ruthlessness was broken!

Emotions can easily go to two extremes!

When he thought of his things being taken in the hands of others and given to Su Ji, he had a murderous intention and wanted to send Su Ji and Chu Feng to death.

The small gourd was still complaining at this time:"It's really too much. This woman's enthusiastic attitude and her indifference to us, condescending, are like two different people!"

Su Futu's face turned even darker!

What Little Gourd said was right.

Hong's performance was too enthusiastic.

He had never seen such an enthusiastic side of Hong before! As soon as they met, she started to talk in a cutting and rubbing voice.

Are we going to go boating on the lake and tour the heavens together in the future?

This sharp contrast in attitude made Su Futu feel inexplicably frustrated.

His murderous intent became even more intense!

Little Gourd was still outputting non-stop:"And it's not me who said"

"This Hongmeng Divine Alliance is really unfair"

"We were both invited to join, so what makes Chu Feng better than you?"

"I'm not as talented as you, I'm not as strong as you, I'm obsessed with women, and I don't think my Tao heart is that good."

"Why did Hongmeng Divine Alliance choose him?"

"You have made such great achievements, but in the past, you would still be asked to complete missions and pass the test of the Hongmeng Divine Alliance!"

"Why can he join the alliance directly?"

"That's enough."

Su Futu shouted coldly,"Don't mess with my mood anymore."

"I'm giving that woman face and not taking action now"

"As soon as she leaves, I will take action to take back what belongs to me."

His eyes fell on Chu Feng and Su Ji, then passed them and looked at Su Cheng and Fei Yang, gradually looking further away, and instantly encompassing the entire Sword Domain.

A younger generation like a frog at the bottom of a well, who has never seen how vast the outside world is.

Just because of a little luck, he wants to join the Hongmeng Divine Alliance.

If it were somewhere else, he would have no control.

But this is the Sword Domain, the Immortal Realm!

He is the master of the Sword Domain.

The king of the entire Sword Domain.

The legend of the Immortal Realm.

He repelled the Nine Nether Demons, ended the disputes on the Tianyuan battlefield, and was the first person in ancient and modern times to break the extreme realm of the sword.

As long as he said no, no one would think of disobeying him.

Su Futu retracted his gaze and fell between Chu Feng and Hong again.

At this time, the girl in red, after taking out the Hongmeng Book, made another amazing move.

She flipped her wrist.


With a light sound.

A one-meter-high treasure chest made of divine stone fell between the two.

As soon as the treasure chest was released, the lid was naturally opened.

Suddenly, a dazzling array of luster appeared in the box.

Su Futu Tu's pupils shrank.

These lusters were all flowing supreme sword intent!

Looking closely, under the luster, there were round gems, as big as pigeon eggs.

He immediately knew what these things in the box were!

Sword pills containing supreme sword intent!


Each sword pill is directly connected to the sword path.

In the vast world, treasures related to the avenue are not only precious, but also rare.

He just glanced and found that these sword pills are the best ones!

From Su Futu's point of view.

In other worlds, the value of sword pills can be exchanged for an immortal king's spiritual treasure.

And now, Hong waved his hand and got a box!

There are at least hundreds of them in a box!

Too rich!

As a sword master, he also has a lot of sword pills.

But there are definitely not so many in a box.

Even he was shocked and even dispelled his anger for a while.

Hong's elegant voice sounded immediately:"By the way, Chu Daoyou, a small gift for meeting. Please accept it."

A small... gift for meeting...

Su Futu:"……"

He had not had much interaction with Hong before, and only knew that the Hongmeng Divine Alliance was an extremely terrifying force, with countless unimaginable strongmen and extremely terrifying resources.

But until now, he has truly witnessed the wealth of the Hongmeng Divine Alliance.

The gift for meeting is a box of top-grade sword pills!

Little Gourd couldn't help complaining at this time:"This woman really treats me differently."

"Why didn't you bring any gift when you met us that year?"

Su Futu felt even more uncomfortable when he heard this.

He stopped him coldly and said,"If you don't have any, then you don't have any. The sword pill is useless to me. When I join the Hongmeng Divine Alliance, I won't look down on this kind of thing either."

Hong was just a small character in the Hongmeng Divine Alliance, but he was so domineering! What about the big figures in the Hongmeng Divine Alliance?

With this kind of background, even if all the forces in the fairy world and the sword domain were added together, they couldn't even be a fingernail of the Hongmeng Divine Alliance!

Su Futu's yearning for the Hongmeng Divine Alliance became stronger. At this point, even if he could invest in luck, he had already reached an extreme. He had no idea how to go forward. It was far better to find a reliable top force than to explore on his own. The

Hongmeng Divine Alliance is the best choice!

Opportunities are gained by fighting for them!

No matter what methods and means I use, I must join the Hongmeng Divine Alliance!

He kept telling himself in his heart

"Hongmeng Divine Alliance?"

"What the hell? The name doesn't sound good, I'm not interested"

""Thank you, fellow Daoist. I've received the things. Please accept my kindness."

At this time, a faint voice sounded.

Su Futu looked at the man in black robe with a dull look in his eyes. He raised his hand to take the sword pill and the Hongmeng Book, and directly rejected Hong's invitation.


The opportunity I've dreamed of, you just reject it?

Do you know what the Hongmeng Divine Alliance means?

Su Futu was stunned!

He never expected that Chu Feng would refuse the invitation!

He stared at Hong intently.

With Hong's arrogant and condescending personality, he would probably be furious, right?

At this time, the little gourd also spoke. It sneered faintly:"I thought this Emperor of Heaven was some great man, it seems that he is a short-sighted fool."

Su Futu nodded in agreement subconsciously.

Between the Hongmeng Divine Alliance and the box of top-grade sword pills, this guy actually chose the latter. To say he was stupid was flattering him.

Hong was also stunned.

The flaming red glass eyes flickered and fluctuated.

She was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the handsome man in front of her would do this?


She reacted and immediately covered her mouth, laughing like a silver bell:"Fellow Daoist Chu, you are really funny"

"What do you mean? I accepted the gift, but I'll give it back to you."

"That's the opposite, right?"

"Don't be anxious, listen to me first. It's not too late to consider it after you know what the Hongmeng Divine Alliance is."

After hearing Hong's patient explanation,

Su Futu: ???

Is this still the domineering woman I know?

Why can the attitude be so different for the same thing?

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