"Xuan Wei?"

"Is she also worthy of being a world-class villain?"

Chu Feng smiled and looked at Su Ji.

He probably understood what was going on now.

As early as when Hong said the definition of a world-class villain, Chu Feng had already made a judgment.

Among the people he had killed recently, only Xuan Wei, the destiny protagonist, met some of the conditions.

And when Xuan Wei died, he also saw that something strange was happening.

Unexpectedly, Xuan Wei, a destiny protagonist, was regarded as a world-class villain?

Is the Hongmeng Divine Alliance blind?

Obviously not, there must be other reasons.

He just thought about it a little and roughly understood the source.

The only one who brought such a big misleading thing could be the new god-level identity-the Nine Nether Sword Demon.

What's special about this identity?

Chu Feng's heart is like a mirror.

The infinite demon heart, the so-called inverted heaven and earth, the reverse of the heaven, is used here.

I, a villain, have become the destiny protagonist of justice in the eyes of others.

The world is really fucking amazing.

Chu Feng sighed���

The source of the devil's heart is the mutated identity.

After mutating for so long, he was only at the Quasi-Immortal Emperor level. He felt a little disappointed at the time. He didn't expect the bright spot to be in the devil's heart.

After Su Ji said this, Hong was surprised and said,"Xuan Wei?"

Su Ji nodded gently:"Xuan Wei's luck is terrible, and her thoughts are very dangerous. I used to be her teacher. If there is no restraint from me, with Xuan Wei's extreme thoughts, it is indeed easy to become the person you said." When she said this, her eyes rarely gave birth to a trace of coldness.

When I was Xuan Wei's grandfather before, I didn't notice anything. Now I suddenly look back and find that Xuan Wei is very against the sky.

It fits the positioning of the girl in red.

Hong said without thinking:"Then it must be her."

Su Futu on the side had a gloomy face and regretted it very much.

Xuan Wei?

I haven't heard of this name.

No seed has reported to me.

There are big world-class villains in the fairy world, but he is looking for them outside.

Such an important matter, I, who have great luck, was beaten to the punch by others.

Little gourd, am I really not the protagonist of destiny?

Su Futu doubted his life and subconsciously asked Xiao Hulu.

Xiao Hulu didn't respond. He frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

"Now, you should understand, right? A world-class villain is not someone who can be killed by anyone. You are the protagonist of destiny."

Hong said this, staring at Chu Feng and inviting him seriously,"The original intention of our Hongmeng Divine Alliance is to kill all villains and maintain peace in all worlds."

"It is precisely because of this concept that the protagonists of destiny gather together to make the Hongmeng Divine Alliance infinitely stronger."

"The quota of our Hongmeng Divine Alliance is very precious. Fellow Daoist Chu, please join. I am very optimistic about you."

She extended the invitation again. Her flaming red glass eyes flickered with anticipation.

In her eyes, it was a supreme honor to be able to join the Hongmeng Divine Alliance.

She had a good impression of Chu Feng and believed that he would be able to shine in the Hongmeng Divine Alliance in the future.

Chu Feng looked at her with a faint smile and did not respond:"How many destiny protagonists are there in the Hongmeng Divine Alliance?"

Hong was stunned for a moment, she hesitated and said:"This is unspeakable"

"Only if you join the Hongmeng Divine Alliance, you will know."

Chu Feng nodded, and then changed the subject and asked again:"So, what benefits can I get from joining the Hongmeng Divine Alliance?""


Hong was startled again, and immediately said:"There are too many benefits."

"We, the Hongmeng Divine Alliance, have countless treasures and countless inheritances."

"In a world as big as the Immortal Realm, the Immortal Emperor is already the pinnacle, but the Hongmeng Divine Alliance has long surpassed the Immortal Emperor. Above the Immortal Emperor is a whole new world."

"If you want to go further, joining the Hongmeng Divine Alliance can help you avoid many detours."

Chu Feng shook his head and said,"Don't make empty promises. I want real benefits."

"If the Xuan Wei you are talking about is a world-class villain, then I can be sure that they are very powerful. I have fought with Xuan Wei many times, hovering between life and death, in extreme danger, and I was almost killed by her several times."


You didn't seem to say that just now!

Su Ji:???

Husband, do you want to listen to what you are saying?

Her eyes flickered, but she did not speak.

For some reason, she felt that her husband had dug a big pit, waiting for this red girl to jump.

Chu Feng was still calmly analyzing:"You don't even need to think about it. After entering the Hongmeng Divine Alliance, you will definitely have to fight those terrible villains."

"If I guess correctly, this so-called villain should also have a powerful organization, right?" Hong was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and blurted out:"Are you talking about the Villain Alliance?" Chu Feng smiled:"It really exists." Hong's smile froze. Chu Feng continued:"This so-called Villain Alliance should not be much weaker than the Hongmeng Divine Alliance, right?


"Even if it is as you said, I am just an ordinary destiny protagonist, I don't have any great ambitions, I just want to find 100 million Taoist companions, open a big harem, live a leisurely life, and I don't want to die at the hands of these terrible villains."


So, I 'm sorry, I refuse."……"

One hundred million Taoist companions? ?

She was a little dazed and murmured,"This, this, you really like to joke."

Su Futu:"……"

He was also stunned.

Looking at Chu Feng who was neither impatient nor impatient, the other party seemed to really not care, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

When he faced the Hongmeng Divine Alliance, he was begging to join the other party, wanting to complete the test, and running for it for more than 100,000 years.

And this Chu Feng, actually didn't want to join? ?

Doesn't he want to join the Hongmeng Divine Alliance, prove the Immortal Emperor, and lead to a higher road?

What's more outrageous is, what is the villain alliance?

Why didn't Xiao Hulu and I think of this?

It doesn't matter.

The surprise in Su Futu's eyes gradually subsided, replaced by murderous intent.

If this woman hadn't interrupted, he would have taken action.

Now he knows a lot of things he wants to know.

Chu Feng, the so-called Heavenly Emperor, Xiao Hulu has just seen his background. The quasi-immortal emperor can reach this point in the fairy world, and he does have a foundation.

But he is also a quasi-immortal emperor, and even more a sword master, and he has the help of Xiao Hulu, this magical innate Taoist weapon.

In front of him, it's nothing.

He has no interest in seeing an enemy pretending to be powerful in front of him.

Kill him.

Replace him.

Let this woman know who is the real destined protagonist.

He silently touched his waist and sent his thoughts to it:"Little gourd, are you ready? Use the ultimate form and kill him directly."

Su Futu's eyes suddenly became empty, and his hands touched his waist, which was also empty. He fumbled around, and the emptiness in his eyes turned into confusion and astonishment.

Not far from him.

Chu Feng held the small gourd and said calmly:"I'm not kidding, there is not even a bit of truth in your mouth. The villain alliance sounds scary."

"I still say that, I accept the things, you keep the kindness. Please go back."

Hong was speechless. She did not expect that someone would not be interested in the Hongmeng Divine Alliance. She had to be frank and said to him:"This... the villain alliance is just a verbal name. They are called Jiuyou"

"Theoretically, there is a certain risk."

"But when Jiuyou saw us, Hongmeng, it was like a mouse seeing a cat, and it only dared to hide in the dark corners. The risk is actually not high."

"But since you've asked, could you be patient? I'll contact the alliance to see if I can improve your treatment."

After she finished speaking, a scroll of Hongmeng Book appeared in her hand, sending a message to the void.

Chu Feng said nothing after hearing the words, playing with the small gourd, his eyes flickering.


This name is interesting. Does it have anything to do with my identity?

He thought in his heart.

He knew very well that he was recognized as the protagonist of destiny because of Wuji Moxin.

To be honest, he should have been invited by Jiuyou's people. Unexpectedly,

Jiuyou's people did not come, and Hongmeng Divine Alliance came to invite him to join the alliance by mistake.

Isn't this a wolf entering the flock of sheep?

Chu Feng's first reaction was, is there such a good thing?

When he thought of the large number of leeks spontaneously gathering in the Leek Alliance, Chu Feng couldn't wait.

Expectations are expectations, but the wool that should be plucked must be plucked.

Didn't this woman say that as a villain, in addition to being lustful, you should be greedy, right?

The Hongmeng Divine Alliance was obviously eager for him as a villain, and of course he couldn't let the other party down.

Soon, Hong put away the Hongmeng Book in his hand and whispered to Chu Feng,"I've contacted"

"The alliance promises to give you a promotion."

"Oh, the so-called sequence is the level within the alliance, just like the position of elders in some sects."

"The alliance is divided into nine levels, one is the starting level, nine is the extreme level."

"The treatment of each sequence is very different"

"In addition, there is a special treatment"

"if you���If you kill another world-class villain in 100,000 years, you can be promoted directly to Sequence 6."

"One hundred thousand years, to kill another world-class villain?"

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes, pinched the gourd, and looked at Su Futu with his peripheral vision.

He wanted to practice the effect of the Wuji Demon Heart again.

One hundred thousand years... is too long, he only cares about the day.

Hong thought he was in a difficult situation, and comforted him:"One hundred thousand years is a bit short. After all, the fate villains of the big world are all extremely vicious and terrifying characters. It is very difficult to kill one in one hundred thousand years."

"But it is also an extra treatment, just do your best."

Chu Feng suddenly asked:"What is demon possession?"

"Possessed by a demon?"

"You just talked about this birth above."

Chu Feng said lightly.


Hong took a long time to react,"Oh, you mean Su Futu. Being possessed by a demon means that the heart of Taoism has fallen. For a seed like him who has the characteristics of a destiny protagonist, it is easy to fall. Once he falls into a demon, he is likely to be found by Jiuyou and become the new villain."

"Although Su Futu's personality is a little cold, his heart is not bad."

"In time, you will have a chance to become the protagonist of destiny."

Chu Feng heard this and suddenly smiled and said,"So that's the case. You are really naive."


After the words fell, Hong blinked in confusion.

Then she saw that Chu Feng suddenly had a small golden gourd in his hand.

Hey, isn't this... Su Futu's innate Taoist weapon?

【You have successfully refined the important golden finger innate Taoist weapon of the protagonist Su Futu, the Hongyun Gourd. With the blessing of his fate, his destiny value has been reduced by 3 million points. You have used the Destiny Critical Hit Talisman, which reduces the destiny value this time. The critical hit will deduct an additional 2.5 million points. You have obtained 10 top-grade Destiny treasure chests. 】

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