Perform a show?

When will I perform a show? ?

Gu Yan's face froze.

Originally, when he realized that he was frozen in space by Chu Feng, he was not too panicked because he was holding the seed given by the Great Sage Qingniu in his hand.

But when Chu Feng said this, for some reason, Gu Yan felt a familiar palpitation in his heart! At this moment, all the bad experiences he had encountered during this period of time kept surging in his mind.

Thinking carefully, what kind of handle would be caught by this guy.

But no matter how hard Gu Yan racked his brains, he felt that he had no problem!

Gu Yan stared at Chu Feng:"Don't talk nonsense to me here."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Chu Feng ignored him.

He wasn't bored, and he specially invited Gu Yan at this time, of course, for a deep meaning.

These days, he was a little tired of Gu Yan, the little leek.

Last time, Tiandao also specially reminded him that the new protagonist was about to strike.

So... today is a day to completely dig up the leek.���, take back the good day he deposited in Gu Yan's Eternal Gate.


Under the gaze of everyone, Chu Feng snapped his fingers. As the sound rang out, a light blue halo suddenly appeared behind Gu Yan's neck, rising like fireworks, and gradually merged into a picture that everyone could see clearly.

Elder Jiang and other elders of Chongxuan Pavilion immediately focused their attention on the gradually emerging picture.

Two figures soon appeared on the screen.

One of them was easy to recognize, it was Gu Yan. The other one was very unfamiliar, a tall and strong man with two huge bull horns on his head, showing his barbarity and tyranny.

"Who is that?"

"Gu this a demon clan?"

"The demon race? Aren't demons a rare race? How could Gu Yan have had contact with the demon race?"


The big men who were watching the ceremony immediately locked their eyes on the horned man on the screen above Gu Yan's head. They were knowledgeable and quickly identified that the horned man was from the demon race.

Some young disciples of Chongxuan Pavilion asked curiously:"Demon race? What race is that?"

An elder explained:"The demon race is a hybrid born from the combination of our human race and fierce beasts. It is very rare. It is a garbage race in the Xuan Realm, just like scraps. It has a very low status. I didn't expect Gu Yan to be reduced to mixing with the hybrids."

The young disciples of Chongxuan Pavilion suddenly realized and looked strange.

The Xuan Realm, including the lower world Xiaozhu Realm, is dominated by humans, and other races are rarely seen.

This demon race is even more rare for many disciples. After learning about its origin, they looked at Gu Yan with very strange eyes.

After all, the origin of this demon race is really indescribable. To be able to mix with the demon race, this Gu Yan is really...

Gu Yan has no time to care about those strange looks. When he saw the picture of him and Qing Sheng appearing above his head, his heart was in his throat.

"How could he have an image of me and Qing Sheng? ?"

Gu Yan's heart was in a mess!

The next scene made him feel even colder!

Because in the blurry picture, a voice gradually came out!

"Don't worry, Qingsheng. Since I'm working for the demon clan, I won't have any other thoughts!"

"To put it bluntly, I, Gu Yan, have fallen to this point, and only the demon tribe treats me with sincerity, so of course I will also repay the demon tribe with sincerity!"

"Very good! You are a good traitor. The princess has a good eye."

The demon clan, work for the demon clan?

What do you want to do?

Gu Yan's sonorous and powerful voice came one after another!

As the voice sounded, the world was silent.

""Gu Yan, you f**k!"

Soon, there was a curse!

Li Zhengyang's face was filled with blood and he cursed:"You don't want to be a good person, but to be a dog for the demon clan. You are such a talent! Fortunately, I didn't help you at that time! Otherwise, my Li family will never be able to raise our heads in the Xuan Realm in this life!"

His words made all the big guys in the audience agree unconsciously.

Not only him, but also Xiao Xingjun, who had a good personal relationship with Gu Yan in Zhaixing Tower, stared at Gu Yan who was dumbfounded at this time, and shouted angrily:"Gu Yan, you make me feel sick!""


You f**k, you actually want to be a traitor!

Do you know that the demon clan is a marginal garbage race with no sense of existence in the Xuan Realm?

After all, he was once a top genius of the transcendent power, but he has to be a traitor! It

's really disgusting, disgusting!

Ji Kong finally knew who rescued him in Xiaozhu Realm at the beginning, and couldn't help asking:"Gu Yan is a traitor, what does he want to do?"

He keenly noticed the key point of the problem.

The demons in the picture were obviously plotting something bad.

They definitely couldn't have admired Gu Yan's face when they found him, a former genius.

It must be profitable!

There is a problem, definitely a big problem!

Not only Ji Kong, but other bigwigs also thought of this. They all stared at Gu Yan, whose face was pale and bloodless, trying to see the truth.

The voice in the picture had not stopped.

Soon, Gu Yan's voice continued to ring.

"Qingsheng, this is wrong."


"I am definitely not just a qualified rapist, believe me, even for my sister Xin'er, I will do my best"

"During this trip to Xuanjie, I will not only blow up the Fu Mo Fa Array of Chongxuan Pavilion, but all 77 Fu Mo Fa Arrays in the entire Xuanjie are my target!"


Subduing magic array!

Hearing the voice coming from the picture, the big guys present could hardly believe their ears!

The demon race, a trash race in the Xuan world.

How dare they think of subduing the magic array!

That's the life gate of the Xuan world!

Once the subduing magic array has problems, the entire Xuan world will have a big problem!

The small demon race actually wants to attack the subduing magic array?

The most important thing is that one dares to think, and the other is really willing to do it!

This Gu Yan came to Chongxuan Pavilion today, and it is definitely not just as simple as making trouble!

His purpose is to subdue the magic array!

Almost in an instant, many big guys in the Xuan world present have reacted.

Elder Jiang turned his head quickly and waved to Elder Xu, saying:"Quick! Go and see Wanzhang Mountain!"

Wanzhang Mountain is also a forbidden place in Chongxuan Pavilion.

But Wanzhang Mountain is much more important than the Nether Cliff where Gu Yan was once imprisoned!

Because Wanzhang Mountain is a formation eye specially used to seal and suppress the subduing magic array, and it is guarded by the strong men of Chongxuan Pavilion all year round!

Anyone with a little brain can think of it.

If the picture is true.

Then the purpose of Gu Yan’s coming to Chongxuan Pavilion today is definitely the magic circle of Chongxuan Pavilion!

"Don't panic"

"Since my husband knows, there must be no problem with the magic array."

Just when Chongxuan Pavilion was in a panic, Nangong Qin's faint voice sounded.

She stared at Chu Feng with her phoenix eyes and found that he had a familiar smile on his face.

"Continue watching"

"The fun has just begun."

Chu Feng's calm voice startled the elders of Chongxuan Pavilion.

They found that the picture had changed at this time.

A huge dark green mountain stretched across the picture, occupying most of it.

A dark figure that looked exactly like Gu Yan was sneaking towards the mountain, holding a long scarlet spike in his hand.

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