Above the nine heavens of the Mysterious Realm, in the silent universe

, a figure slowly approached.

In the distance, there was a golden light spot, as fast as light, tirelessly fleeing towards the end of the universe.

But unfortunately, no matter how fast the golden light spot fled, the figure behind it, like walking a dog, maintained a fixed distance from the golden light spot.


"It's really interesting. The ultimate imperial weapon transformed from the origin of a world is really powerful."

"It's much harder to get you than you thought."

Chu Feng smiled faintly as he walked the golden light spot, not in a hurry to catch it.

The current turmoil in the Xuan Realm obviously had a huge impact on the golden light spot.

He clearly sensed that the power of this golden light spot was declining at a speed visible to the naked eye. It wouldn't be long before it would completely expose its aura and true body - the Gate of Eternity.




At this moment, the golden light from the Eternal Gate emitted a strange rhythmic sound.

"Chu Feng!! You lied to me!!"

Soon, a furious roar sounded from the golden light spot.


"What did I lie to you about? Little leek."

Chu Feng smiled and asked casually.

Although the voice was a bit harsh and sharp.

Without much thought, it was known that the victim who made this voice was Gu Yan who was swallowed by the Eternal Gate.

Gu Yan was in an extremely special state at this time. After hearing Chu Feng's voice, he fled for tens of thousands of miles before answering sullenly:"This door has never been yours!"

Chu Feng frowned and interrupted with a wave of his hand:"What nonsense are you talking about, this is my door"

"I know the name of the gate is Eternity's Gate, do you know?"

"You don't know, you just call it the Mysterious Gate."



Gu Yan was furious!

He was extremely frustrated, and it was not until this moment that he knew the truth.

Gu Yan's mentality collapsed because he knew the truth!

How could there be such a shameless person in this world!

If he and the Gate of Eternity were not in a special chaotic state, he would not know the truth!

Sensing Chu Feng's self-righteous look, Gu Yan fiercely retorted:"I am the reincarnation of the spirit of the Gate of Eternity! You still want to lie to me!?"

He understood everything!

Just now, he experienced a life-and-death crisis.

Chu Feng's strength is too strong!

So strong that the Gate of Eternity can't protect him by conventional means.

The only way is to completely merge him. From now on, he is the Gate of Eternity, and the Gate of Eternity is him!

Because of this, Gu Yan awakened the memory of his previous life.

It turns out that he is the reincarnation of the spirit of the Gate of Eternity! He tried to use the power of the world and the Gate of Eternity to walk out a new path and prove the truth with the instrument!

But now everything is ruined!

Everything was ruined by this mortal enemy who suddenly appeared!

Gu Yan's mentality is now more broken than before! Now that he has merged with the Gate of Eternity, not only is this life completely destroyed, but even the Gate of Eternity itself will be contaminated.

If you want to restore the Gate of Eternity to its previous state, it is impossible without thousands or tens of thousands of years of nurturing.

Hearing Gu Yan's self-explosion, Chu Feng was also surprised:"What? You are the spirit of the Gate of Eternity?"

This is really an unexpected, yet reasonable thing.

As expected of the protagonist of destiny, his path is wild.

He seemed to have thought of something, and frowned:"Doesn't that mean you are mine too?"

Gu Yan was dumbfounded.

What the hell are you talking about? ? ?

Before he could continue to refute, Chu Feng shook his head and said,"No, absolutely not. I don't have the habit of collecting stamps from men."

"Besides, how can a scum like you be the spirit of the Eternal Gate?"

"With that said, the logic seems to make sense. A mere extreme imperial weapon, what kind of weapon spirit do you need? I'd better wipe you out."

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Feng waved his hand and captured the golden light spot in his hand.


Gu Yan's beautiful Xuanjie words came from the golden light.

He would never have thought that after he exposed himself, the other party would catch him.

Damn it!

How is it possible!

I was transformed from the origin of the Xuanjie. After merging with the main body, even if the other party is a Saint King, it is impossible to catch me.

What's wrong with this Chu Feng?! ?

Gu Yan's mentality really collapsed.

He thought that everything was lost, but relying on the power of the origin, at least he could run away and find a deserted place to recuperate. But now it seems that he thought too much!

The other party caught him very easily, as if he was really a leek, and he could be cut in any posture he wanted.

"Haha, don't be impatient."

Chu Feng chuckled and blamed:"I haven't blamed you for ruining my wedding yet."

"Besides, if you want to blame someone, blame your childhood sweetheart."

Didn't you invite me here???

How dare you blame me for making trouble??

Gu Yan was furious!

And, childhood sweetheart?

What does that mean?

Gu Yan was stunned. He immediately realized that childhood sweetheart was Bai Xiner.

What does this have to do with this little girl Bai Xiner?

Although he had some unpleasant quarrels with Bai Xiner in the small world of the wasteland before, Gu Yan never blamed Bai Xiner.

That girl has always been outspoken, and it's normal for her to do stupid things occasionally.

But Bai Xiner has him in her heart, Gu Yan knows it very well.

At this point, Bai Xiner is the last white moonlight in his heart.

But now listening to the devil Chu Feng's words What does that mean? Could it be that... there is something wrong with his white moonlight? ?

Chu Feng felt the golden light in his hand, emitting a blazing light. The temperature was enough to burn a sea, but there was only a little bit of warmth in his palm.

In the light, the outline could be seen faintly.

The square edges and corners, the ancient and desolate aura, were gradually emerging.

This meant that a huge change had occurred in the Xuan Realm, and the origin began to be damaged. It would soon be impossible to cover up the body of the Eternal Gate.

He was refining this treasure with a rich smile, and at the same time, he whispered to Gu Yan like a devil:"Are you surprised?"

"I'm not God, how can I know what you are going to do for no reason?"

"Everything has its own consequences, and everything has its own traces, right?"

Gu Yan:"……What do you want to say?"

Chu Feng smiled faintly, holding the golden light spot, turned back to the direction of the Xuanjie land, and with one step, he crossed an infinite distance and returned to the Xuanjie. The surrounding scenery changed, mountains, seas, lakes, giant trees, abysses... one scene after another appeared under his feet

"Quick! Stop these guys!"

"The magic circle is broken! It's over, we are all finished"

"Ahhhh! The Saint of Heavenly Language has died. How could this happen? ?!"


Shouts, roars, and roars… one after another, resounding throughout the Xuan Realm.

At this time, the Xuan Realm was in chaos, and the surging aura of the Xuan Realm's strong men was blooming everywhere.

However, the entire Xuan Realm seemed to be shrouded in a shadow, and people were constantly seriously injured and killed.

"The three magic arrays were destroyed."

"Gu Yan, did you see this? This prosperous world is what you wished for."

"It shouldn't be long before the passage under the magic circle is connected."

"It's really a troubled time, Gu Yan, guess who did these?"

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and said softly, coaxing Gu Yan.

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