The first thing to do when opening a box is of course to open the best box.

Chu Feng was somewhat expectant:"I don't know what kind of surprise this God-level Destiny Treasure Box can give me."

He opened the box surrounded by purple air without hesitation.

As his thoughts moved, the top of the box suddenly lit up Chu Feng's vast sea of mind with a brilliant white-gold light.

Two blazing white light balls like glass floated out of the box, carrying an endless deep and ancient breath.

Chu Feng concentrated his mind and sensed it, and immediately stripped the two light balls naked, exposing them to his perception.

They were two diamond-shaped crystals!

One pink and one azure blue.

The information of the two crystals was immediately understood by him.

First was the pink crystal, the protagonist's authority crystal, a somewhat strange name.

The function was very simple and crude. After refining, it could obtain the strongest talent of the destiny protagonist killed by him.

Chu Feng was a little disappointed:"What talent can Gu Yan have?"

Out of respect for the God-level Destiny Crystal, he still refined it.

At the moment of refining, the pink crystal shattered and turned into"tadpoles" composed of extremely complex Dao patterns, which spread towards Chu Feng's limbs and bones.

Suddenly, Chu Feng gained a new talent - immortality.

"Oh, as the reincarnation of the spirit of the Eternal Gate, Gu Yan does have a thick blood bar, so this immortal talent is of some value."

Chu Feng sensed this talent and understood it immediately.

The so-called immortality is just like Gu Yan in the Xuan Realm, who can be resurrected infinitely and never die.

And there is no risk of being killed after the destiny value is reset to zero like Gu Yan.

Chu Feng didn't feel much. He was a great emperor. In a small world like the Xuan Realm where there was not even a Saint King, he was invincible. Who could kill him?

Unless this talent can still take effect after leaving the Xuan Realm, it would not be useless.

Of course, Chu Feng, who knew that the principle of immortality was the destiny of the Xuan Realm, knew that this was impossible. Unless the Xuan Realm was strong enough to affect other worlds, it would be effective.

"Let's see if the other thing can give me a surprise."

Chu Feng focused his thoughts on another azure crystal that he had opened from the treasure chest. The

Supreme Destiny Crystal is a thing of infinite creation.

When using the Destiny Key to unlock the God-level identity, consuming the Supreme Destiny Crystal will give you a chance to unlock the Supreme God-level identity.

If you don't get it, you will get a blessing value. When the blessing value reaches ten points, you will definitely be able to unlock a Supreme God-level identity.


After Chu Feng sensed the effect of this crystal called the Supreme Destiny Crystal, he was immediately stunned.

"Dog system, there is such a thing? What is the supreme god-level status?"

This crystal is actually directly linked to the god-level status awarded by the system.

Chu Feng's face became a little solemn, and he asked the system

【Dear host, among the 999 god-level identities provided by this system, there are 18 supreme god-level identities. There is a small probability of success in each unblocking.】

"What is the difference between god-level status and supreme god-level status?"

【Compared with the supreme god-level status, the god-level status is not even worthy of carrying shoes. It is the difference between the baby ox and the grandfather ox.

You are really good at learning and applying!

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and said,"For example? Tell me about the information of the supreme god-level status?"

【The host is not strong enough at the moment, and cannot check. 】

Okay, okay, if you are not strong enough, even the emperor will look down on you, right?

If someone else heard the system say this, they might give up, but Chu Feng loves to learn new knowledge, and he persuaded him earnestly:"Open a backdoor, just one. Otherwise, I won't open the next destiny treasure chest, save thousands of them, and keep them for stacking boxes."


Dear host, you are really a dog.

Silence for a long while

【Supreme God-level identity, husband of the Great Dao, harem-like identity. After unlocking, you can designate a Great Dao to transform into a female, become your Dao partner and have full loyalty. This identity has growth potential. With each star increase, you can designate one more, easily have many wives and concubines, and with the help of the corresponding Great Dao, it is no problem to become the king and dominate, and it is not a problem to beat the destiny protagonist. 】

Chu Feng:"……"

This made Chu Feng silent.

Is this even possible?

Designate a road and become a wife?

Can it grow? Easily have a harem of wives transformed from a lot of roads?

Whose brain hole is this?

Unlock this supreme god-level identity, designate the road of fire, and transform into a hot Ji Zi-style aunt.

Designate the road of ice, and transform into a cold, celestial-like big sister of the mirror style


Chu Feng felt excited just thinking about it.

Chu Feng understood the value of this supreme god-level status.

It was all the system's fault. After knowing the existence of the supreme god-level status, he suddenly felt that the ordinary god-level status of the emperor was not so attractive.

He couldn't help but blame the system:"System, you are really a dog. Is this something I can listen to? Don't do this next time."


"I remember I have accumulated five destiny fragments, right?"

"There are 22 boxes left, so I should be able to collect ten of them."

Chu Feng looked at the remaining treasure chests with some anticipation, and without hesitation, he did two ten-draw combos!

【You opened the treasure chest of destiny, and you obtained a hundred kilograms of holy skills】

【You opened the Destiny Treasure Box and obtained Destiny Fragment*1】

【You opened the Destiny Treasure Box and obtained Destiny Fragment*1】


【You opened the treasure chest of destiny and obtained 300 tons of holy weapons.】

【You opened the treasure chest of destiny, a golden flash of light flashed, and you obtained the ultimate imperial weapon - the Nine Netherworld Rope】


【You opened the Destiny Treasure Box and obtained Destiny Fragment*1】

【You opened the treasure chest of destiny, a golden flash of light flashed, and you obtained the immortal scroll - Great Doom Spell】

【You opened the Destiny Treasure Box, and you got a ton of Enlightenment Tea. 】

Two hands ten consecutive, the Destiny Treasure Box opened crazily.

Chu Feng's luck has always been good. In addition to the golden legend that is guaranteed to come out in ten consecutive draws, there are twenty Destiny Fragments Treasure Boxes, and six Destiny Fragments are directly opened!

In addition to the quasi-saint-level skills and saint-level weapons, a new treasure is opened-Enlightenment Tea!

But at this time, Chu Feng's mind is no longer on these extremely ordinary things. He took out ten Destiny Fragments without hesitation!

The crystals formed by the ten Destiny Fragments naturally began to fuse when they were close, and burst into colorful luster.

The system immediately entered the state and began to provide emotional value for Chu Feng.

【You have consumed 10 Destiny Fragments and synthesized a Destiny Key. Do you want to unlock a new god-level identity?】

【Do you want to consume the Supreme Destiny Crystal to increase the probability of unlocking the Supreme God-level identity? 】

ps: There will be another chapter later.

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