At the exit of the passage, there was a dark vortex.

The dark clouds on the entire sky were very heavy.

The rain transformed from spiritual energy was still falling and drifting down.

The vortex was like a lake, surrounded by a wild mountain range, stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles. The mountains were full of dark shadows and full of monsters.

The auras of these monsters, the weakest of them reached great power, and the stronger ones were kings and saints.

Above the sky, there was a totem stone pillar floating, on which there was a giant wolf howling at the moon, with hair like swords, ferocious and fierce, and green eyes full of murderous intent.

If you look closely at the moon, you will find that it will gradually turn into three strange ancient characters - Tianlangbu.

Next to this totem pillar is a giant wolf, with a surging aura and shining with the light of the sun.

The Great Sage Canglang growled,"Chief, what happened at the other end of the passage? Why did all the tribesmen who went ahead die? Could it be that the great beast took action?"

Opposite him was a giant wolf with white hair and green pupils. Hearing the voice, he said,"You ask me, how should I know?"

The Great Sage Canglang said dissatisfiedly,"How can there be a great beast in that garbage world?"

"If you ask me, we shouldn't report this matter. If Lord Wu Di didn't know, he wouldn't have sent us to attack this world again, and there wouldn't have been such heavy casualties."

The Tianlang tribe leader stopped us sternly:"Shut up, don't talk nonsense. Lord Wu Di is now capturing the big beasts and refining weapons everywhere. If the Lord Wu Di can subdue the big beasts, our Tianlang tribe will have a much better time in the future."

But the Great Sage Canglang said:"The big beasts are all supreme races with noble blood. How can our Tianlang tribe get involved in such a thing? Tribe leader, you reported this matter, and the Emperor didn't do it himself. Instead, he asked us to kill all the idle creatures in this garbage world first. This is a thankless task." The

Tianlang tribe leader shook his claws lightly, and flames seemed to appear in his dark green eyes:"It's a thankless task, but we have to do it."

"Even if we don't do it, the Xuanhu Tribe, the Liehou Tribe... aren't they also scrambling to do it?"

"You kid, you just don't have enough vision."

The Great Sage Canglang glanced at the dark clouds with dissatisfaction, waved his claws to disperse the dark clouds, revealing a crescent moon:"Are you rushing to die? Don't talk to me about vision, vision can't be eaten as meat."

The chief of the Heavenly Wolf shook his head:"The vision should be big, what does it matter if we lose a few wolf cubs? If we can get Lord Wudi to take a closer look, our Heavenly Wolf tribe will be able to rise to prominence. Once we become the leader of the Eight Heavenly Demons, what can you create that the wolf cubs can't?"

The Great Sage Canglang opened his mouth, his sharp fangs gleaming. He was about to refute something when he heard the chief of the Heavenly Wolf muttering:"You young tribesmen, you have no idea how great Lord Wudi is. In our Heavenly Demon world, Lord Wudi is the sky!""

"A single roc feather falling from his body would be thicker than the leg of a giant elephant."

The Great Sage Canglang looked at the wolf chief, who looked like a die-hard fan of the Emperor Wu, and shook his head, not quite believing it.

"You will understand later."

When the chief of the Tianlang tribe saw the look on the face of the Great Sage Canglang, he did not explain too much.

In the world of heavenly demons, the Martial Emperor is an undefeated myth! He is the supreme being in the world!

The Martial Emperor is the sky, the Martial Emperor is a god, the Martial Emperor is the guiding light for all demons, and he is a great leader!

Canglang is a descendant of the pure blood of the Tianlang tribe, gifted, and has just become a Great Sage recently. He does not have a deep understanding of the Martial Emperor. Once he has seen the Martial Emperor, wouldn't the Great Sage of the Tianlang tribe have more faith than him?


Suddenly there was a loud noise.

The dark clouds that had just been dispersed by the Great Sage Canglang were all broken apart.

The Great Sage Canglang and the chief of the Tianlang tribe saw a shadow like a swimming dragon, which suddenly pierced through the dark clouds in the sky like lightning, and headed straight for the moon with a ball of golden flames.

"what is that?"

""If I'm not mistaken, it seems to be the Martial Emperor?" said the Great Sage Canglang in shock.

His eyesight has always been good, especially at night, his eyes are even better.

Although it was very fast just now, he still saw it clearly.

It was a long green whip, emitting endless black air, and it was nailed directly into the chest of a figure!

And this figure, with golden feathers all over his body, wearing golden holy armor, with a strong and sturdy body, a long golden hair floating in the air with a pair of roc wings behind him, is extremely dazzling and highly recognizable.

It is the idol of the Tianlang tribe leader, Lord Wudi!

At this time, he was being chased madly by the snake-like whip. Not only was it nailed in the chest, but the whip was also pounding and biting wildly.

One bite!

Two bites!


Endless afterimages, golden blood splattered!

Like a meteor, it disappeared at the end of the sight in an instant.

Sirius Clan Leader:"……"

Wolf Sage:"……"

"Why is the Emperor Wu so embarrassed?"

The Great Sage Canglang was shocked, and he instinctively chased after him with all his strength.

The chief of the Tianlang tribe was also stunned. He immediately said,"Canglang, you are wrong. That is definitely not the Lord Wu Emperor. He just looks a little similar."

As he spoke, he also chased after him.

Soon, the two wolves chased each other from the sky into the universe, and finally saw a golden-haired man with golden wings waving slowly behind him, like a god, near the Taiyin Star.

At this time, the man with golden wings and golden hair had a golden vertical pupil on his forehead, bursting with divine light, shining in the direction of his palm.

Between his fingers was a long green whip, which was like a green snake being held by seven inches, struggling fiercely, but indifferent.

The man's eyes were shining with divine light, as if he sensed the arrival of a breath, and he looked down indifferently.

The limbs of the Great Sage Canglang and the chief of the Tianlang tribe suddenly softened, and their spines trembled and bent down under the terrifying pressure.

"See Emperor Wu"

"Emperor Wu wins the battle.

The two wolves immediately bowed.

Emperor Wu turned his gaze away calmly and said,"It's you."

"How did you get here?"

The Great Sage Canglang asked hurriedly,"I just saw you, Emperor Wu, you seem……"

The chief of the Tianlang tribe quickly interrupted and said,"Emperor Wu is mighty! Congratulations on your acquisition of a treasure."

Emperor Wu nodded gently, weighed the long whip in his palm, and pressed it down forcefully, saying,"It is unexpected that a treasure appeared while walking on the road. It wants to recognize me as its master, but if it wants to be this emperor's thing, it must withstand this emperor's test."

The chief of the Tianlang tribe immediately said loudly,"This is a good omen. Emperor Wu is prosperous and the way of heaven is loving you."

The corner of the Canglang Great Sage's mouth twitched, and he whispered to remind,"Lord Emperor Wu, behind you... there is a special scroll, which seems to want to recognize you as its master."


Emperor Wu frowned, but did not turn around. He turned his palm, and the world reversed. The scroll was transferred to his front, and the air was full of pressure.

It was a scroll made of simple material, exuding a deep breath. It was opened at some point. The scroll was blank, but it was shining with spiritual light. It was extraordinary at first glance.

The Emperor glanced at it and said calmly,"It is a useless discarded scroll. I don't know where it came from in the universe."

He then set his eyes on the two wolves and said,"If you have nothing to do, leave on your own."

The chief of the Heavenly Wolf tribe immediately reacted and turned around and left with the Great Sage Canglang. When the Emperor saw the two wolves leave, his face suddenly darkened. He grabbed the scroll and said word by word,"Immortal-level scroll." The fierce monster in the nameless world was not simple. It could even fight his clone on equal terms and dared to use the Immortal-level scroll to plot against him. Unfortunately, he had no idea what kind of existence he was facing.

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