When Chu Feng first mentioned the betrothal gift, many people who were watching the show had not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

When he put all the books shining with precious light on the ground.

Seeing the brilliant precious light representing the holy-level skills, the colorful books were piled on the ground by Chu Feng casually like garbage.

The whole place was silent.

After a period of silence, the elders of the Chongxuan Pavilion who were nearby all screamed.

"Holy shit!! The Infinite Heart Sutra? Saint-level skills?!"

"Oh my god!! Heaven Collapse Sword Technique? Saint-level Sword Technique!"

"Hiss… Mountain and Sea Reincarnation Classic? ? Oh my god, it’s still the Holy Rank? ? How is this possible? Help!!"


Screams rose and fell, resounding through the sky.

Chu Feng did not hide these Saint-level techniques!

They just checked it out briefly, and they all blushed, their hearts beat fast, and they gasped!

These powerful people in the Xuan Realm have lived for thousands of years, and what scenes have they not seen?

But today's scene is really something they have never seen before!

These Saint-level techniques are all genuine.

Sword techniques, knife techniques, spear techniques!

Body refining, talismans, and alchemy!


It's all-inclusive, everything is there!

What's even more terrifying?

You know, the martial arts books are all as light as feathers!

This little mountain is piled up.

A quick look shows that there are at least a few hundred books!

Someone recalled Chu Feng's casual words just now,"one hundred jin"!

Oh my god!

Is the unit of jin used to describe the holy-level martial arts?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What is a holy-level martial arts?

In the Xuan Realm, as long as there is one, you can open up a big force and attract many kings to join.

The reason why Chongxuan Pavilion is a transcendent force in the Xuan Realm is largely because they have two sets of holy-level martial arts!

And now this saint has given Nangong Qin a betrothal gift of a full one hundred jin!

It's not calculated one by one!

It's calculated by jin! ?

Calculated by jin, even the heaven-level martial arts, there are not so many in the pavilion. The ones that can use this outrageous unit of measurement are often the most rubbish and lowest-level cabbage martial arts!

When did the holy-level martial arts be calculated by jin? ?

Who is this saint...?

Nangong Qin still doesn't agree?

I'm not bad looking! Can I go?

No matter men or women, old or young, everyone present had their heartbeats speeding up, staring at Chu Feng.

All the elders of Chongxuan Pavilion stared at Chu Feng, then at Nangong Qin, and they were almost going crazy!

Why is the Pavilion Master still standing there like an idiot?

Hurry up and agree!

If she doesn't agree, they all want to agree for her!

"This… this illusion is really outrageous."

Gu Yan stared at the pile of Saint-level techniques in a daze.

He himself had Saint-level techniques, so he knew how powerful Saint-level techniques were!

When he saw this pile of small mountains, greed rose in his heart, and he wished he could take them all into his sea of consciousness!

But he soon realized that this was definitely a trap.

It was impossible for the entire Xuan Realm to have so many Saint-level techniques.

"This is another test for me."

He pursed his lips and gritted his teeth, staring at these Saint-level techniques and Nangong Qin, thinking self-indulgently.

With just this little thing, the noble master shouldn't agree, right?

Nangong Qin was indeed shocked by Chu Feng's arrogance.

She stared at the hills in disbelief, her mouth slightly opened, wanting to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

She knew that at this time, as long as she agreed, a saint would not deceive her, and these Saint-level techniques would definitely belong to her.

Chongxuan Pavilion has obtained so many Saint-level techniques, and it will definitely become the first force in the Xuan Realm in the future, and it will last for tens of thousands of years, and countless forces will look up to it.

Even the crisis in the pavilion has a chance to be completely resolved.

However, she was uneasy, wondering why this saint senior would come to me?

Seeing that Nangong Qin was still silent, Chu Feng didn't care.

It seems that sincerity is not enough.

He waved his hand.

Suddenly, two more hills appeared out of thin air next to the original hill.

"Add another 200 jin of Saint-level skills"

"Is it OK?"

Chu Feng said lightly.

System:... numb. The door to the new world has been opened.

Is this how these things are used?

If the one hundred kilograms of Saint-level skills made everyone in the audience confused.

Then the two hundred kilograms of Saint-level skills thrown by Chu Feng directly made everyone critically hit! What the hell. Who is this saint? Too arrogant, too terrifying! This is a full three hundred kilograms! Any Saint-level skills in the Xuan Realm will cause a bloody storm! How come it is like toilet paper in the hands of this saint? ?


"The master's pattern! A bigger pattern! Don't hesitate, agree quickly"

"Today is the day when our Chongxuan Pavilion will take off. Pavilion Master, you must seize the opportunity!"


Almost in an instant, almost all the elders of Chongxuan Pavilion in the audience sent a message to Nangong Qin without hesitation, asking her to agree immediately.

This kind of overwhelming wealth, if missed once, will never come again!

A saint who can come up with things of this level is not just simply arrogant!

Elders with a little vision know that with the ability of this saint, it is easy for him to destroy the entire Chongxuan Pavilion if he is unhappy.

Nangong Qin's rationality was about to disappear at this time.

A full three hundred kilograms!

Just appeared in front of her!

If she agreed, perhaps the tragic fate of the Nangong family could really end with her.

Nangong Qin glanced at Chu Feng and found that the other party had a calm expression. He stared at him without any joy or anger.

Her chest heaved, and she immediately said to Chu Feng:"Thanks to the kindness of the senior, I can agree"

"But I have a condition."

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, a little unhappy.

Still need a condition?

Elder Jiang and others almost went crazy when they heard Nangong Qin's words!

"Pavilion Master, please don't be confused!"

"What conditions are there at this time? If you anger the saint, it will be a waste of time."

"Apologize to the Saint Senior immediately, don't hesitate, this concerns the fate of Chongxuan Pavilion, Pavilion Master"


Hearing the anxious voice in his ear, Nangong Qin did not reply, but stared at Chu Feng.

If there was no hidden task, Chu Feng would have turned around and left.

He looked at Nangong Qin's phoenix eyes, clear, persistent, and without the slightest greed.

For the sake of the task, he gave Nangong Qin one last chance:"Speak."

Nangong Qin bowed slightly and said:"Senior Saint, I am just a weakling, unworthy of being a Taoist companion of the Saint."

"Besides, with the senior's background, I'm afraid he is not as simple as a saint. I am willing to be your concubine."

"If the senior allows, I will agree."

Be a concubine to this senior?

No one expected that Nangong Qin's conditions would be like this.

The elders were shocked!

Concubine, that is the most humble status in the mortal world.

It is just a title, and it is completely incomparable with a Taoist partner.

A Taoist partner is the legal wife. Is

Nangong Qin crazy?

Not willing to be a senior's Taoist partner, but to be a concubine?

Chu Feng was also a little surprised, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes. He smiled and said,"Okay."

"Then I agree."

Nangong Qin smiled softly, revealing her white teeth, which was breathtakingly beautiful.


【You succeeded in capturing the heroine Nangong Qin, and Gu Yantian's life value decreased by 20,000】

【The hidden task is completed, the current completion rate is 100%, do you want to settle the reward? 】


I give up, the hidden task is completed just like that?

"I don't agree."

At this moment of great anticipation, a cold shout rang out.

Gu Yan became anxious.

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