999 Times Training System

Chapter 203: Kill Mother Green Spider Emperor with One Sword

"Ding! The master used the ‘Thousands of Illusion Flash’, and the ‘Thousands of Illusion Flash’ gained experience points: 400*999 times!"

"Ding! The master used the'fist to break the mountain and river', and the'fist to break the mountain and river' gained experience points: (400*999 times)!"


"Ding! Congratulations to the master, the superior mysterious technique of the Profound Stage successfully broke through to the realm of "Furnace and Pure Blue"!"

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, the superior mysterious skill of the Profound Stage successfully broke through to the realm of "Slightly Xiaocheng"!"

Then I encountered a lot of second-tier monsters.

Ji You still punched one, and the realm of body and boxing skills were also improved.

Gradually, fewer and fewer monsters came to attack Ji You and Zhuang Weiran.

Obviously, there is probably a more powerful second-grade monster beast in the nearby area, which shocked other monsters from coming closer.

Because the territorial consciousness of the monster beast is very strong.

The weak little demon beast dared not easily break into the territory of the powerful demon beast, and the consequences would be extremely serious once it broke into it.

And Ji You guessed that this monster beast should be the Mother Green Spider Queen.

At this moment, suddenly several small green spiders appeared not far away.

In fact, it is not small, it is almost as big as Ji You's fist.

But compared with the mother green spider queen who is at least two or three meters long, these are indeed small spiders.

"Ding! The master casts the'Leaf Sword Technique', and the'Leaf Sword Technique' gains experience points: (100*999 times)!"

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, Huang Tier's superior mysterious skill'Falling Leaves Sword Technique' successfully broke through to the state of'Slightly Xiaocheng'!"

When the long sword was unsheathed, Ji You only used Huang Jie's superior "Leaf Sword Technique".

Just relying on these few little spiders that even didn't reach the second grade, he was not worthy to use the "Nine Swords of Lonely Peak".

He just cut the little green spiders in half.

After a while, countless small spiders swarmed out from the dense vegetation.

This is when the Mother Green Spider noticed that an outsider has invaded the territory and summoned the little spider to attack the outsider, that is, Ji You and Zhuang Weiran.

Ji You always looked calm.

These tens of thousands of small spiders would pose a great threat to the general Yuxuan realm martial artist, but they were insignificant to him.

"Ding! The master used the'fist to break the mountain and river', and the'fist to break the mountain and river' gained experience points: (400*999 times)!"

Ji You hit the ground with a punch.

Just listen to a loud noise of "boom".

The ground instantly cracked, spreading towards the front hundreds of meters at a very fast speed.

In a total of no more than three seconds before and after, countless small spiders disappeared.

Only the huge green spider mother remained, with green blood constantly flowing on her body, and her injuries were obvious.

Without further ado, Ji You used the "Nine Swords of the Lonely Peak" and killed the mother green spider emperor with one sword.

The difficulty of hunting the Mother Green Spider Queen is higher than the thousands of small spiders.

The Mother Green Spider Emperor was also ranked second and eighth, and the strength was estimated to be not as good as Zhao Bashan.

Naturally, it would only be killed by Ji You's sword.

Next, he was about to cut out the poison sac from the corpse of the Mother Green Spider Queen.

Because the goal of the mission is the poison sac of the Green Spider Queen.

But the mother green spider was poisonous.

Especially after death, toxins will become more lethal.

Ji You naturally wouldn't be careless, and used the defensive mysterious technique "thick soil armor" in advance.

Then began to harvest the poison sac.

"Ding! The master used the thick soil armor, and the inferior Huang Tier mysterious skill ‘thick soil armor’ gained experience points: 20*999 times!”

"Ding! The master's body was poisoned, and the yellow-level inferior mysterious skill'Thick Earth Armor' gained experience points: (1*999 times)!"


"Ding! Congratulations, master, Huang Tier's inferior mysterious technique "Thick Soil Armor" successfully broke through to the state of "Mountain Peak"!"

"Ding! It is detected that the low-level mysterious technique of the yellow rank is full of the thick soil armor, and it is automatically upgraded to the middle-level yellow mysterious technique'rock soil armor'!"

Carefully took down the poison sac from the mother green spider empress.

Even with the protection of the defensive mystery and thick earth armor, Ji You's body was still corroded by the toxins in the mother green spider empress.

But the impact is not big, so you don't need to care at all.

On the contrary, it also brought Ji You a benefit, that is, the defensive mysterious skill was upgraded to a "rock soil armor" of the yellow rank.


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