999 Times Training System

Chapter 224: New palace owner, engagement

"And he also said that he is just the most ordinary believer in the Temple of Evolution. As long as I hand over the moon, the moon will be able to reach the sky one step at a time."

Jiang Zhongtian couldn't help but angrily said: "But how could I give my daughter to such a guy of unknown origin? And also made my wife endure so much pain!"


Ji You was silent for a moment, and said: "I almost understand that that person is about to come back, and the forces behind him are terrible."

Then he asked again, "But what I don't understand is, why is it ten years so long?"

If the Temple of Evolution is really as mysterious as Jiang Zhongtian said, why wait for ten years?

"I don't know this, maybe they are still planning something."

Jiang Zhongtian shook his head.

"So Palace Master Jiang wants me to take your place, just to compete with the Temple of Evolution?"

Ji You said.

"It's almost what it means. Now the entire ancient city of Chaoyang is in chaos. You can take this opportunity to unify all the forces in the ancient city of Chaoyang. You can definitely do it with the strength of the young man."

Jiang Zhongtian said: "But in fact, I don't expect anything else. I only beg my son to keep my two daughters."

Hearing what Jiang Zhongtian said, Ji You fell into contemplation.

He now understands that Palace Master Jiang's main purpose is actually to protect Jiang Yuechu and Jiang Yuexin.

The goal of the Temple of Evolution is Jiang Yuechu.

The purpose of unifying the ancient city of Chaoyang is to have enough strength to fight against the Temple of Evolution.

In fact, Ji You is not very repulsive of such things, he is still a little bit interested in forming a force of his own.

The reason why he didn't directly kill those people yesterday, but made them surrender, was because of a whim and wanted to engage a group of thugs with the cultivation of the Profound Realm.

"I can try it."

Ji You thought for a while and replied.

"The great kindness of the son is really grateful!"

Jiang Zhongtian was immediately ecstatic, and then knelt on the ground with excitement.

"Palace Master Jiang doesn't have to be like this."

Ji You was flattered and immediately helped Jiang Zhongtian up.

"Don't call me Palace Master Jiang anymore, you will be Palace Master from now on, Palace Master Ji!"

Jiang Zhongtian bowed his head and proclaimed himself the way.

"Okay, you don't need to be so serious."

Ji You smiled awkwardly.

He is usually used to jokes, and Jiang Zhongtian's so solemn appearance makes him a little uncomfortable.

"By the way, Palace Master Ji, I have one more thing I want to ask you."

Jiang Zhongtian said.

"But it doesn't matter."

Ji You said.

"Can Palace Master Ji marry my two daughters?"

Jiang Zhongtian said while rubbing his hands, "Look, Yuechu and Yuexin's looks are not bad, should they be in the eyes of the son?"


Ji You was stunned for a moment, "Um... Didn't I say that I am too young now and don't want to consider getting married?..."

"That's it..."

Jiang Zhongtian thought for a while and continued: "That's okay, you can get engaged first!"

The wife had never mentioned these things, so Jiang Zhongtian didn't know.

But no matter what, he wanted to match Ji You and his two daughters.


Ji You hesitated for a while and said, "Then I will ask them later. If they have no opinion, then I have no problem."

"it is good!"

Jiang Zhongtian responded with excitement.

He didn't expect Ji You to agree so quickly.

As long as Ji You is okay, there is absolutely no problem.

Because he had already noticed that both Yuechu and Yuexin had a great affection for Ji You, and they would definitely not have any opinions.

Perhaps Yi Yuexin's character may be uncandid, but he is not worried at all when Yuechu is here.

Jiang Zhongtian didn't do anything else, only hoped that Ji You could protect the beginning of the moon and the heart of the moon.

This time he begged Ji You to make up for the mistakes he had committed.


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