999 Times Training System

Chapter 232: Canglan Empire Academy's second acquired spirit

"let's go."

As Gao Junjie's voice fell, everyone from Canglan Empire Academy walked into Qianyuan Wufu.

One by one, they were half-dead, and completely ignored the inner palace student who was guarding the gate.

That person could only have a sullen face and watched these rude people break into Qianyuan Wufu.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he simply took out a jug of wine from the ring and drank it happily.


After drinking the whole pot of wine in one breath, he suddenly felt relieved.

He looked at the distant Canglan Empire Academy and others with a vague gaze, hoping that Chief Ji You could teach these arrogant guys a lesson.

"By the way, Teacher Liu, I heard that my brother Chen Yan was defeated by Ji You?"

Walking on the road in Qianyuan Wufu, Gao Junjie suddenly remembered something and asked the old man.

When he was at Canglan Empire Academy, Chen Yan also awakened the acquired spirit body just like him, and went to worship the dean together.

The relationship between him and Chen Yan can be said to be senior brothers, and even more iron buddies in private.

But whenever he mentioned Ji You's matter, Chen Yan kept silent, and his face was also very ugly.

Therefore, he became more and more curious about this matter.

What did that guy Ji You do to make Chen Yan look like that?

Shouldn't their acquired spirit body owners all be geniuses who rule an era?

"That incident is no secret."

Instructor Liu said in a deep voice: "Chen Yan was defeated by Ji You three punches before he entered our Canglan Empire Academy. Although we deliberately suppressed the spread of the news, many people were aware of the incident. ."

Tutor Liu, also the great tutor of Canglan Empire Academy, had a status above all tutors, and was almost the same as the martial elder of Qianyuan Wufu.

"That's it."

Gao Junjie nodded with interest, and said: "Then I would like to meet Ji You guy for a while to see how capable that guy is."

"I feel at ease about your strength, I'm afraid that kid Ji You dare not come out to fight with you."

Tutor Liu said.

"If he dare not come out, then I will lift the entire Qianyuan Wufu Mansion to the sky."

Gao Junjie smiled evilly, "I also heard that there is a lady named Qi Ling'er who looks good, and I will see if I can get that lady."

"It's up to you what you do, but don't go too far."

Mentor Liu reminded.

"Teacher Liu, don't worry, I have my own measures."

Gao Junjie said: "The most important thing is to teach Ji You a lesson and help my brother take revenge."

The brother in his mouth naturally refers to Chen Yan.

At the same time, the eyes of the surrounding Qianyuan Wufu students were all attracted.

They naturally recognized these people from Canglan Empire Academy, but they were just curious about what these people wanted to do.

He said that he was visiting, and the three-year-old would wake up.

The imposing appearance is clearly to find fault.

When the Canglan Imperial College group came to the center of the square, many Wufu students had gathered around.

Although they often bump into each other, the Canglan Empire students are clearly looking for faults.

Facing a hostile enemy, they can't help but quarrel with the enemy.

At this moment, the martial elder of Qianyuan Wufu came.

"Elder Zheng, long time no see."

"Teacher Liu, I have not seen the cultivation base for many days and have grown again."

Mentor Liu of Canglan Empire Academy and Elder Zheng of Qianyuan Wufu shuddered when they met.

The many students from Canglan Imperial College and Qianyuan Wufu all looked at each other with ill-faced faces, and there was a faint smell of gunpowder, as if they would stand up at any time.

Only Gao Junjie always looked cold and arrogant, he was not interested in these rookies in Qianyuan Wufu.

There were only two people he wanted to see this time, Ji You and Qi Ling'er.

"The Three Great Competitions are coming. I, Mr. Zheng, did not meet you in advance for this visit. Please forgive me for something wrong."

Elder Zheng said politely.

"Where is Elder Zheng?"

Instructor Liu laughed and said: "This time I brought some outstanding geniuses from our hospital. I deliberately wanted to discuss with the geniuses of your house. It was an appetizer for the three big competitions."

While Tutor Liu was speaking, Gao Junjie also walked out from behind Tutor Liu, looking at Elder Zheng still proudly.

As an acquired spirit body, his character is like this, he never puts anyone in his eyes, and he never cared about any etiquette.

"It turned out to be Gao Xian's nephew, who has admired his name for a long time, and he really shows his talent.

Elder Zheng said kindly.

But the next moment, his gaze changed suddenly, "But compared with the chief of my house Ji You, it's still a bit worse."


Gao Junjie's face suddenly became cold.


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