999 Times Training System

Chapter 238: Host, Canglan Empire Academy

After chatting casually with Elder Zhuang, Ji You went on a walk.

About ten minutes later, Ji You returned to the grove, ready to start practicing the true meaning of kendo.

"Ding! Master urges Yicheng Kendo true meaning, Yicheng Jiando true meaning gains experience points: (100*999 times)!"

"Ding! Master urges Yicheng Kendo true meaning, Yicheng Jiando true meaning gains experience points: (100*999 times)!"


"Ding! Congratulations, Master,'Yicheng Swordsmanship True Meaning" successfully broke through to'Twocheng Swordsmanship True Meaning'!"

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, the'Twenty percent Sword's True Meaning' successfully broke through to the'Three percent Sword's True Meaning'!"

Not long after he advanced to the true meaning of Sancheng Kendo, Ji You suddenly felt that his cultivation level had reached saturation.

When the opportunity for breakthrough was reached, he immediately seized the opportunity to instantly break the sky through his exercises.

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, the'Buddhist cultivation base' successfully broke through to the fourth stage of the Tongxuan realm!"

After a while, Ji You broke through to the fourth level of the Tongxuan Realm.

At this time, with four days left before the start of the Three Great Competitions, he had already completed his cultivation goal.

During the next four days, Ji You planned to use it to enhance the true meaning of Kendo.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master, the'Thirty percent of the true meaning of Kendo" successfully broke through to the '40 percent of the true meaning of Kendo!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master, the'Four percent Sword Doctrine' successfully broke through to the'Five percent Sword Doctrine'!"

In four days, the true meaning of kendo reached its fifth percent.

During this period, Ji You didn't know anything about what happened to the outside world, and he didn't bother to understand those bad things.

Tomorrow, the three big competitions will be held.

The venue is located at Canglan Imperial College. Because Canglan Imperial College was the first place in the previous Three Sect Competition, it became the host of this three Sect Competition.


On the second day, all Qianyuan Wufu students who were preparing to participate in the Three Grand Competitions gathered outside the palace.

In addition to the ten core students, including Ji You, there are also quite a few students from the inner government, roughly number one hundred.

Leading the team are two elders, one is the martial arts master elder Zheng, the other is the kendo master elder Fu.

As for Jiang Yuechu and Jiang Yuexin, they have been practicing with the head of Palace Murong, and have not come together to participate in the Three Sects.

When everyone arrived, everyone set off immediately.

They rode a high-quality Hummer, and they arrived at Canglan Empire Academy in no time.

When he first came to Canglan Empire Academy, Ji You discovered that there are two styles of painting here and Qianyuan Wufu.

Qianyuan Wufu as a whole looks antique, but Canglan Empire Academy is completely different.

More precisely, it is the difference between the building and the environment.

Qianyuan Wufu was built in the woods, and the building materials were made of various woods.

The Canglan Imperial College was established in the most prosperous area of ​​the city, with towering buildings and unique streams and lakes.

Apart from other things, Canglan Imperial Academy is still far ahead of Qianyuan Wufu and Qing Xuanzong in terms of financial resources.

At the same time, the ordinary people around who came to join in the fun of the Three Sects Dabi noticed the people in Qianyuan Wufu.

"The dressing of these people...the people from Qianyuan Wufu are here."

"It's indeed from Qianyuan Wufu. The one who walked in front should be the self-styled Tianjiao Ji You, right?"

"What Tianjiao, it's just a tortoise with a shrunken head, hiding in Qianyuan Wufu for so long before running out."

"Yes, it's a big joke that even a counselor is embarrassed to call himself Tianjiao."


When the passers-by saw Ji You, they all showed their contempt. They looked down on this kind of counseling the most.

However, Ji You didn't bother to bird these people at all, and continued to move forward calmly, as if he hadn't heard anything.

The martial arts students next to him wanted to help Chief Ji You fight the injustice. Chief Ji You was the first genius of Canglan Empire Academy with a single sword. How could he turn into a tortoise with his head in the mouth of these guys?

But in the end, they endured it.

After all, the Lord Palace had explicitly said that they could not disclose what happened during the visit of Canglan Imperial College that day, how could they dare to violate the order of the Lord Palace Lord.


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