999 Times Training System

Chapter 245: Seven emotions and six desires are human nature

When Ji You sat back in his position, the martial arts elder Zheng gave him a meaningful look.

Elder Zheng was not particularly surprised by Ji You's performance in the three levels of fantasy.

He paid attention to a point that everyone else did not. Ji You spent a long time in the third level of the three levels of fantasy.

The first two levels only took less than half a minute, but the third level took two or three minutes.

Elder Zheng knows that the third pass is the Passion of Lust, which also shows that compared with other aspects, Ji You is slightly flawed in Lust.

Although far stronger than the average genius, it is still a bit behind the original record holder.

The record of the three levels of fantasy has not changed for a hundred years. He was the first genius of the Canglan Empire half a year ago, and he was also a person with innate spiritual body physique.

Although the first two levels are not as good as Ji You, makeup Wuhen only spent a few breaths in the **** level.

It's a pity that Zhuang Wuhen gave up the throne of Canglan King and resolutely left the Canglan Empire to go to the outside world. Now there is no news of death or life.

"But it's not surprising, after all, no one is perfect."

Elder Zheng couldn't help but whispered with emotion.

Elder Fu on the side seemed to hear Elder Zheng’s inner thoughts, and said lightly: “Make-up Wuhen is a special case. His character is destined to not like beauty. I still like Ji You’s kind better than the guy with Make-up Wuhen. A healthy young man."

"That's true."

Elder Zheng laughed and said, "It may not be a good thing that this kid has a woman he likes in his heart."

At the same time, on the side of the Alchemist Guild.

"Shu Yun, have you noticed that although the boy passed the entire three levels of illusion very quickly, his stay in the third level was obviously much slower than the previous two levels."

The gray-robed old man said to You Shuyun.

You Shuyun nodded silently, she also noticed it.

At the same time, there was a hint of thought in her heart, whether the girl Ji You met in the **** Guan was herself...

But immediately she dismissed the idea, because she knew that the two sisters in the City Lord's Mansion were the ones that worried Ji You the most.

Thinking of it, I didn't seem to see the sisters present today, and I don't know how they are now.

Only a handful of people noticed Ji You's flaws in eroticism, including Leng Rumeng.

But she didn't feel anything.

In her opinion, the seven emotions and six desires are human nature, which is not surprising.

If makeup Wuhen appeared in front of her, she would definitely think this person was a strange flower.

Regarding Elder Zheng and Elder Fu's discussion, Ji You didn't react at all, because he was already immersed in cultivation.

"Ding! The master has practiced martial arts for one minute, and the experience value of'Budo Cultivation': (10*999 times)!"

"Ding! The master has practiced martial arts for one minute, and the experience value of'Budo Cultivation': (10*999 times)!"


For Ji You, everything that happened next had nothing to do with him until the ring match started, so there was no need to pay attention.

Participants have been eliminated by the illusion one after another, of course, some have successfully passed the three levels of the illusion, but it also took at least ten minutes.

For example, the second one who passed the three levels of fantasy was the first genius of Qing Xuanzong. It took a total of fourteen minutes to get to the front, and was not at the same level as Ji You.

The last one to pass the three levels of fantasy is Chen Yan. He was not hit as hard as Gao Junjie, so he passed the level very reluctantly.

To most people's surprise, Qi Linger was also eliminated.

No one of them could have imagined that the former first genius of Qianyuan Wufu was actually trapped in the **** gate and could not get out.

They all felt very surprised. Isn't this Qi Ling'er a notoriously annoying man? How could he be trapped in the lust?

Then some people have a conjecture in their minds, is it possible... Does Qi Linger like women?

Regardless of everyone's random speculation, only Qi Linger knew the truth.

After Qi Ling'er was eliminated from the illusion, he immediately returned to his position on the high platform with a blushing face.

She was obviously sitting next to Ji You, but her eyes did not dare to look at Ji You.

The ghost knows what she has experienced in the fantasy lust.


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