999 Times Training System

Chapter 265: Deliberately to form an alliance

"Close to the subject."

Almost enough joking, Ji You sternly said: "Do you know those people in black with masks just now?"

"do not know."

Nangong Moqing shook his head and said: "Maybe the big man behind them has something to do with our Nangong family, so this time someone specially sent to intercept us."

"OK then."

Since he didn't know him, Ji You couldn't get any useful information.

The topic should have ended, and Nangong Moqing suddenly said: "But this time it is really weird. In the past, at most, I would only encounter the harassment of the warriors of the Imperial Profound Realm. This time there are so many powerful people who have mastered the profound realm."

Although their Nangong clan is one of the best families in Mingyue Ancient City, they are Dan Dao clan and their overall martial arts level is relatively low.

Even if her father, the Patriarch of the Nangong family, was also the strongest martial artist of the Nangong family, his cultivation had just broken through the second level of the Tongxuan realm.

The entire Nangong aristocratic family had no more than three powerhouses to reach the Profound Realm. This time the nine-fold elder of the Imperial Profound Realm who was sent to protect her by her father was able to rank among the top five in the clan.

Their Nangong aristocratic family knew that the martial arts was weak, and would not easily provoke other families or forces. Those who dared to provoke were those whose strength was lower than their own.

But this time, there were so many experts from the Profound Realm who came to intercept and kill, obviously something was wrong.

These thoughts were not hidden in Nangong Moqing's heart, and they all spoke to Ji You unhurriedly.

"If you say that, it is really strange."

Ji You's eyes became slightly solemn.

The reason why he had previously saved the life of the man in black was because he suspected that the masked men in black were all sent by the Temple of Evolution.

Although Nangong Moqing is not very good in martial arts, she has an extraordinary talent for alchemy, and it is not surprising that she will become the goal of the evolution temple.

But he had no strong evidence to infer that those people were sent by the Temple of Evolution, and he asked the man in black to no avail.

The other party didn't seem to be lying at the time, but really didn't know who was behind it.

Until now, after listening to Nangong Moqing's inner thoughts, Ji You believes that the possibility that the big figures behind the people in black are the people of the Temple of Evolution has greatly increased.

Whether it is true or false, as long as there is a possibility, he has to be vigilant.

If it were true, the Evolution Temple could allow those strong in the Profound Realm to sacrifice their lives without knowing it, indicating that its background is extremely terrifying.

If the evolution temple is connected to the profound realm, it is possible to invite anyone who is strong enough to sell their lives at will, so the inner strength of the evolution temple... is really unimaginable!

At this time, Ji You felt that the Temple of Evolution was like a huge mountain blocking him.

Not to mention that Jiang Yuechu, who has long been targeted by the Temple of Evolution, is probably too bad for him.

Since the Temple of Evolution specifically targets genius, his previous performance in the Three Sects is enough to be regarded as the number one goal by the Temple of Evolution.

Whether it was for Jiang Yuechu or for himself, he had to split the huge mountain in front of him.

Feeling a little heavy, Ji You slowly let out a sigh of relief, and then asked Nangong Moqing: "What are you doing here in Chaoyang Ancient City?"

"Not long ago, I heard that the ancient city of Chaoyang was almost unified by the City Lord's Mansion. Our Nangong family is going to form an alliance this time."

Nangong Moqing answered truthfully.


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