999 Times Training System

Chapter 269: Rectify the ancient city of Chaoyang

Hearing what Ji You said, Zhang Quan was overjoyed.

Then he said to Zhang Hao, who was demented by the side: "From today, the entrance guard is closed for three years, unless the cultivation base is broken through the Profound Realm."

The more the Lord Mayor said that, the less he would be merciless to his **** son.

At this moment, Zhang Hao's face was numb, leaving only deep despair and regret in his eyes.

Three years of access control is as uncomfortable as killing him.

"Fuck off."

Ji You nodded in satisfaction, and did not continue to embarrass the Zhang family father and son.

This time he was not only to help Nangong Moqing, but more importantly, to establish his prestige.

In the future, there will be no more people who dare to do like Zhang Hao, which can save a lot of trouble.

Zhang Quan didn't dare to complain, and quickly took Zhang Hao and left here.

Those guards were left on the court, standing stupidly at a loss.

All the people watching in the surroundings cast admiration and admiration, and only the Lord of the City can make Zhang family father and son obedient.

Zhang Hao was sanctioned, and they all loved hearing about it.

Ji You didn't take care of the guards and returned to the carriage.

At this time, none of the people in the Nangong family had recovered from the shock. The black-robed man turned out to be the famous Ji You!

And when Ji You became the new lord of Chaoyang Ancient City, they didn't even know.

"Let's go?"

In the carriage, Ji You said to Nangong Moqing.


Nangong Moqing nodded slightly.

Even though she knew that Ji You was great, she still felt a little difficult to calm down after seeing it with her own eyes.

The young man in front of her is already unmatched in Chaoyang Ancient City.

The carriage team of the Nangong family continued to advance, and everyone around gave way to a spacious road.

Because they knew that Lord Santo was sitting in the carriage.

Not long after, the carriage team arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.

Immediately, an elite guard guarding the gate of the city lord's mansion came to stop them. Just as they wanted to speak, they found a black-robed man coming out of the carriage.

When they saw the black-robed man's face completely, they immediately knelt on one knee and said, "See you, Lord City Lord!"

They are all elite guards of the City Lord's Mansion, and it is impossible not to recognize who this black robe boy is.

"Get up all."

Ji You said.


The elite guards got up immediately and made way for the carriage team.

The carriage team then drove into the city lord mansion.


In the discussion hall, Jiang Zhongtian, Ji You, and Nangong Moqing were all present, while the rest were waiting outside the hall.

"this is……"

Jiang Zhongtian didn't know the purpose of Nangong Moqing's visit this time, he only knew that Nangong Moqing came with Ji You.

Ji You came back with Nangong Moqing on purpose, and he couldn't help but think about it.

"Could it be that Ji You and Miss Nangong are getting along well?"

Jiang Zhongtian couldn't help asking.


Ji You calmly denied Jiang Zhongtian's conjecture, and briefly summarized the ins and outs of the matter.

At the same time, Nangong Moqing, who was sitting aside, couldn't help but feel a little bit of loss in his eyes.

Even if there is a slight fluctuation, Ji You's expression is terribly calm.

"That's it."

At this time, Jiang Zhongtian finished listening to Ji You's words, and then turned his eyes to Nangong Moqing, "Since Ji You has promised you, there is no problem."

He can only be regarded as an acting city lord now, and the real right to speak is still in the hands of Ji You.

After signing a contract, the Nangong Family officially formed an alliance with the Chaoyang Ancient City City Lord's Mansion.

Jian Nangong family must make offerings on time and according to rules, while the city lord mansion is to give Nangong family asylum. Simply put, the relationship between the two is like this.

Nangong Moqing did not stay in the City Lord's Mansion for too long, and returned to Mingyue Ancient City with the carriage team the next day.

Ji You also started to deal with his own affairs. He came back specially this time, mainly to rectify the City Lord Mansion and strengthen the overall strength of the City Lord Mansion.

Before he left the City Lord's Mansion, some family forces successively returned to the City Lord's Mansion, and now almost the entire Chaoyang Ancient City is unified.

And the foreign forces of the non-Chaoyang Ancient City, the first Nangong family to ally with the City Lord’s Mansion, must soon have other foreign forces coming to form an alliance.

But Ji You couldn't just casually form an alliance with any foreign forces.

Because this is the territory of the Canglan Empire after all, everything is in charge of the palace.

The ancient city of Chaoyang formed an alliance there by itself, and the palace might have said nothing on Ji You's face.

But if it continues to expand, the palace will not be able to sit back and watch.

Ji You didn't want to be an enemy of the palace. His goal was never to overthrow the palace. To put it bluntly, he was not interested in the throne of the Canglan Empire.

His only purpose now is to resist the Temple of Evolution.


After spending a few days, Ji You dealt with many people who like to die like Zhang Hao.

The pass, the kill, the kill.

As long as he committed something in the ancient city of Chaoyang, once he found out, he would never let it go.

This wave of resolute sweeps alerted everyone in Chaoyang Ancient City.

No one dared to move his mind anymore, because he could lose his head at any time.

Even if they don't lose their heads, they don't want to be stared at by Lord City Lord, the feeling of restless sleep and food is too uncomfortable.

Of course, Ji You hadn't neglected to practice in the past few days, and let the flow go to the four peaks of the Tongxuan Realm.

Today, Ji You wandered around the street as usual, still dressed in a black robe.

Although most people in Chaoyang Ancient City now know that Ji You has always been dressed in this dress, there are more and more people wearing black robes in Chaoyang Ancient City, and Ji You is not afraid to be recognized.

You could see several people in black robes who were dressed the same way as him in the street, and they were all teenagers at the age of second-degree illness.

"Ding! The master took a step, and the lower-level mysterious technique'Thunder Light Transformation' gained experience points: (1*999 times)!"

"Ding! The master took a step, and the lower-level mysterious technique'Thunder Light Transformation' gained experience points: (1*999 times)!"


Not long after, Ji You passed by a mansion by accident.

He looked up and found that it was Fang's family, so he planned to go in and take a look.

Ji You strolled into the Fang family's mansion, but he seemed to be slow, and he probably couldn't see him clearly in the eyes of outsiders.

The guards guarding the gate, even though they were highly concentrated, did not notice anyone entering Fang's house.

It didn't take long for him to sway most of the Fang family mansion.

At this time, Ji You came to a martial arts training ground.

This should be the place specially provided by the Fang Family Mansion for disciples to practice. You can see many young men and women practicing martial arts here.

Not only that, he also saw a familiar figure.


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