999 Times Training System

Chapter 273: I don't think your daughter is very willing

For the ancient city of Yunchuan, Ji You didn't have much impression.

Although it was also one of the ancient cities belonging to the Canglan Empire, the ancient city of Yunchuan and Chaoyang had very little contact.

There is nothing special about Yunchuan Ancient City, and its overall level is comparable to Chaoyang Ancient City.

The city lord's mansion came to marry this time, and he didn't know what kind of calculation he was making.

"I'll go over immediately after eating."

Ji You said to the servant.

The servant nodded, then stepped back.

Ji You finished his breakfast in a few strokes, and then set off for the meeting hall.

Not long after, he came outside the conference hall.

"My Lord City Lord!"

The elite guards patrolling and guarding here all greeted him respectfully.

Walking into the discussion hall, you can see Jiang Zhongtian and others, as well as some strangers that have never been seen before.

Those strangers should be the City Lord's Mansion of Yunchuan Ancient City.

Ji You noticed a little bit, the middle-aged man sitting in the front should be the leader, and his cultivation level had reached the Profound Realm.

Sitting beside the man was a slim girl who seemed to be fifteen or six years old.

Although it's not particularly beautiful, it's still pretty.

And the girl is still young, she might become more beautiful when she grows up.

Ji You looked at the group behind the man and the girl again, and found that they were all at the imperial Profound Realm cultivation base, both weak and strong.

He could see that it was obvious that the other party was definitely not here to make trouble, otherwise he would not only bring people with such a low level of cultivation.

"Ji You, here you are."

At this time, Jiang Zhongtian greeted him.

As Jiang Zhongtian spoke, Yunchuan Ancient City and others also noticed Ji You who walked in from outside the conference hall.

When they discovered that this young man was the person they wanted to find, the middle-aged man led the first to get up and hold his fist to Ji Youxing, "In the ancient city of Xiayunchuan, asked Yang, I met City Lord Ji."

"Nice to meet you."

Ji You didn't put on airs, and said politely: "I heard that your mansion is here today and wants to get married, what's the matter?"

At this time, Ji You was already sitting beside Jiang Zhongtian.

But Jiang Zhongtian didn't say a word. Now this is Ji You's business, and it is not convenient for him to be nosy.

"Looking up to the name of City Lord Ji for a long time, it happened that my little girl just turned sixteen and wanted to come to ask City Lord Ji for a kiss."

Yang asked.

He really liked Ji You, who was less than eighteen years old, and his strength reached the second step of the Canglan Empire, and he had the courage to fight against the Canglan Empire Academy.

Regardless of talent or courage, there is no one in the entire Canglan Empire.

He desperately wants to climb the arrogance of Ji You, if he succeeds, he will never worry about glory and wealth for the rest of his life.

"That's it."

Ji You nodded slightly.

At this moment, he took a look at the girl beside Yang Wen, who was the daughter in Yang Wen's mouth.

Although the girl concealed it well, he still caught a trace of sadness.

"This is my heart."

Yang Wen took out a good quality ring, "There is..."

He just wanted to give a good introduction, but was interrupted by Ji You.

"Wait a minute."

Ji You said: "Your Excellency is very good, but I already have a marriage contract."

"Have a marriage contract?"

Yang Wen was taken aback for a moment.

He has never heard of it, when did Ji You have a marriage contract?


Ji You's hand pointed towards Jiang Zhongtian, "The two daughters of Patriarch Jiang are now my fiancées."

It is normal for the other party to be so surprised, because he and Jiang Yuechu and Jiang Yuexin simply entered into a marriage contract, and did not publicize it.

"Then... Then let my little girl stay with City Lord Ji and be a concubine."

Yang Wen looked a little flustered.


Ji You's eyes narrowed slightly.

He felt that this guy had a problem.

Ji You observed the girl again and found that the girl's expression had undergone a subtle change, which seemed a little sad and uneasy.

"But I don't think your daughter is very willing."

Ji You said.

"How can it be?"

Yang Wen took a sudden look and noticed his daughter's subtle expression.

The girl was even more shocked, and hurriedly put on a very happy smile.

However, in Ji You's eyes, this smile was far-fetched and deliberate.

"City Master Ji, please rest assured, my daughter will not be reluctant, she has long admired you for a long time."

Yang asked with a smile.

"I only believe in my own feelings."

Ji You put his chin on one hand and said calmly: "Sorry, please come back."

Yang Wen was speechless.

After sitting in the position for a long while, he got up and led people away.

When he walked out of the discussion hall with his back facing Ji You and the others, his face became very gloomy.

The girl next to her secretly glanced at her father, and saw that his father's face was so scared that she immediately turned her gaze back, and her little face turned pale.

Ji You looked at Yunchuan Ancient City and the others with lazily eyes. He noticed that the girl was cowering when she left, and he was obviously afraid of something.

At this time, Jiang Zhongtian admired Ji You more and more, and in a few words persuaded the people in Yunchuan Ancient City to go back.

If you change to him, you don't know how long you will entangle with that Yang Wen.

Through the exchange between Ji You and Yang Wen just now, Jiang Zhongtian also saw the strangeness of the girl opposite.

If he didn't expect it, then the girl should have been forced by Yang Wen to come to the marriage.

Ji You is indeed very good, but letting a little girl marry someone she has never contacted is still a coercive method, and it is normal to be reluctant.

Although this phenomenon that can be described as "political marriage" is very common, he still dislikes it very much.

"There should be nothing else, then I will leave first."

After speaking, Ji You also left the conference hall.

He was a little worried about the girl just now, so he planned to follow it and take a look.

"Ding! The master took a step, and the lower-level mysterious technique'Thunder Light Transformation' gained experience points: (1*999 times)!"

"Ding! The master took a step, and the lower-level mysterious technique'Thunder Light Transformation' gained experience points: (1*999 times)!"


Ji You has been following outside the City Lord's Mansion.

Sure enough, as soon as he walked out of the City Lord's Mansion, Yang Wen began to curse his daughter.

"It was almost a success, you trash, what use do I want you to?"

Yang Wen pointed at the girl with a gloomy expression and cursed.

The others in the same group wanted to dissuade, but they didn't dare to get involved.

The girl lowered her head, clutching the corners of her clothes tightly with two small hands, dare not say a word.

The first tears dripped uncontrollably.

Seeing this scene, Yang Wen suddenly became even more angry.

"Do you dare to cry for me?"

Yang Wen was angry, raised a slap and slapped the girl.

However, at the next moment, he felt as if his wrist was clamped by iron tongs, unable to move a bit.


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