999 Times Training System

Chapter 275: See you again

"Ding! The master took a step, and the lower-level mysterious technique'Thunder Light Transformation' gained experience points: (1*999 times)!"

"Ding! The master took a step, and the lower-level mysterious technique'Thunder Light Transformation' gained experience points: (1*999 times)!"


Ji You followed the reception woman to the venue for the alchemist assessment.

The entire venue is large enough to accommodate thousands of people, but most of the space belongs to the audience.

Simply put, this venue is not much different from the Colosseum.

There are stands for the audience all around, and the area at the bottom of the middle is the place where the alchemist is assessed.

But the biggest difference is that the audience in the stands cannot make a loud noise, but normal communication is still possible.

Because the entire venue is equipped with a volume reduction array, which is different from the hidden sound array that directly shields external sounds at the Dandao Conference. This is an array that can reduce the volume of the entire venue.

As long as the surrounding audience is not particularly loud and noisy, it will not affect the alchemist being evaluated below.

If someone violates the rules, they will be forced out by the Alchemist Guild. In serious cases, they will be blacklisted by the Alchemist Guild. All Alchemy Guilds in the Canglan Empire will no longer welcome that person.

Ji You walked down in no hurry and had to sign up before starting the alchemist assessment.

The lower area is divided into two areas, one is for the alchemist assessment, and the other is where the assessors sign up.

"I want to sign up for the alchemist assessment."

Ji You said to the person responsible for the assessment and registration.

"Give me your alchemist badge first."

I saw the person in charge said impatiently.

Hearing this, Ji You handed his alchemist badge to the opponent.

"A first-class alchemist?"

Seeing the badge of the alchemist handed by the black-robed man on the opposite side, the person in charge suddenly became even more impatient, "Hurry up and say, which level of alchemist assessment you want to participate in, and then report your name."

"Fifth-rank mid-level alchemist assessment, and my name is Ji You."

Ji You said calmly.

The person in charge was stunned for a moment, "Huh? You guy is here to make trouble, right?"

A small first-class first-class alchemist actually wanted to perform the fifth-class middle-class alchemist assessment?

Forget it, dare to call himself Ji You.

In the entire Canglan Empire, who does not know who Ji You is now?

That is the strong man standing on the second ladder, not only that, but also won the top spot in the alchemy conference.

How could the super arrogant of both pill and martial arts be such a first-class alchemist?

The person in charge is almost 100% sure that this black-robed man came here deliberately to make trouble.

"Come here, get me out of this troublemaker!"

Originally, he was in a bad mood today, and when he met such a troublemaker, his temper exploded.

Fortunately, no one was conducting the alchemist assessment at this time, and it would be fine to make a loud noise, otherwise he would be uncomfortable.

Ji You was completely speechless at this time, he obviously didn't do anything, and the trouble came to him again.

I had known that he would not cover his face with a black robe all the time, so there would not be so much trouble.

"What happened here?"

Originally, Ji Youzheng wanted to expose his face directly, but suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him.

This cold and beautiful voice reminded him of You Shuyun.

Ji You looked back subconsciously and found that it was You Shuyun as expected.

"Miss You, why are you here?"

Seeing the person's face, the person in charge immediately said respectfully.

You Shuyun is one of the top alchemy geniuses in the alchemy master association, and the master behind is the vice-chairman of their alchemy master association, so he is naturally respectful.

"I have made a breakthrough a while ago, and today I plan to try to conduct the third-rank high-level alchemist assessment."

You Shuyun said, "Then what happened here just now?"

The voice of the previous person in charge attracted the attention of many audiences here.

"Isn't Miss You Shuyun only promoted to the third-rank middle-level alchemist? So soon, you have to go through the third-rank high-level alchemist assessment again!"

"Sure enough, this kind of genius is not something we can do. I remember that she was a second-rank middle-class alchemist when the main meeting came. It has only been a few months, and she has already begun to challenge the third-class high-class alchemist. In contrast, I have been studying for so long and still wandering at the level of the second-rank alchemist, alas..."

"Before, it should be that You Shuyun didn't find the right way. Since he came to our Lord's Association and was accepted as an apprentice by the vice president, he has made rapid progress."


Seeing You Shuyun show up, their topics all shifted to You Shuyun.

"This guy came here deliberately to make trouble. I'm so angry that I can only come here."

The person in charge pointed to Ji Youdao.

"How is this going?"

You Shuyun's eyes fell on the black-robed man pointed to by the person in charge.

For some reason, although she could not see the face of the black robe man, she had a familiar feeling inexplicably.

"He is one of the first-class high-end alchemists, and he will be directly assessed for the fifth-class middle-class alchemists when he comes up, and even claims to be Ji You!"

The person in charge complained to You Shuyun.

He believed that after telling these to You Shuyun, You Shuyun would definitely not let the guy go.

When the people around heard this sentence, they also started to discuss.

"No wonder he is so angry that I can't be happy when I meet such a guy."

"This is too mad, a mere first-rank alchemist wants to participate in the fifth-rank alchemist assessment and he claims to be Ji You."

"Fortunately, Ji You himself is not here, otherwise, with Ji You's fearless temperament that day, I am afraid that we will all be wiped out in a rage."


However, You Shuyun's performance seemed a bit abnormal.

She stared at the black-robed man in front of her, her eyes full of movement.

"Is that you?"

You Shuyun walked towards the black robe man uncontrollably.

The person in charge hadn't noticed You Shuyun's strangeness, and looked at it with a smile, waiting for You Shuyun to deal with that guy.

The people around also looked like watching the show not too much.

But the scene that happened at the next moment shocked everyone's eyes.

You Shuyun's jade hand tremblingly lifted the black robe on the other party's head, and after confirming the other party's true appearance, he immediately couldn't help holding it up.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

The point is not that You Shuyun hugged a man tightly, the point is that the man in the black robe is really Ji You himself!

This is so amazing that no one can slow it down.

Especially the person in charge, just as if he had dementia, his jaw seemed to be dislocated and his mouth could not be closed.


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