999 Times Training System

Chapter 297: Register for the Hunting Ceremony

After spending a lot of gold coins, Ji You booked five high-end rooms in Qingfeng Building.

After all, it is the highest-end restaurant in Yaoguang Ancient City. Even if it is only rented for one night, the consumption is not low.

But these gold coins were nothing to Ji You.

In Qingfeng Tower, Ji You found that there were many young talents, many of whom had met before.

It is probably because the ceremony of hunting beasts is about to begin tomorrow, so like Ji You and the others, they also came to Qingfeng Tower for a temporary stay.

However, not everyone who is going to attend the Beast Hunting Ceremony will go to Yaoguang Ancient City, and not all those who come to Yaoguang Ancient City are to participate in the Beast Hunting Ceremony.

There are many entrances and exits to the Monster Beast Mountain Range, and several ancient cities surround the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

The ancient city of Yaoguang is just one of the temporary resting places.

And among so many young geniuses, not many are qualified to participate in the Beast Hunting Ceremony, after all, the threshold for the fifth level cultivation of the Imperial Profound Realm is still quite high.

Most people, just to join in the fun.

In addition, Ji You also learned a news.

Due to the large number of young talents gathered here today, the owner of Qingfenglou specially held a banquet to welcome them.

Ji You was too lazy to attend this kind of banquet, but Zhuang had to join in the fun.

He was more worried, so he had to follow along.

Ji You had attended this kind of banquet once before, and it happened to be here in Qingfeng Building.

It was very boring last time, and it is estimated to be similar this time.

"Go, let's find a seat first."

Coming to the large hall where the banquet was held, Zhuang Weiran said with excitement.

Ji You stayed quiet, and immediately found a place to sit down.

A group of young men and women around were toasting and making friends, and the atmosphere was lively and lively.

Ji You alone is the most abnormal table.

Needless to say, Ji You didn't like this kind of occasion at all.

Zhuang Weiran unexpectedly sat in her seat peacefully, as if she was just here to enjoy the lively atmosphere.

Then Cheng Yueyue and Cheng Jiangjiang, they are the people of the Breaking Army Empire and not the Canglan Empire, there is no need to know those people.

As for Qi Ling'er, she doesn't have that thought at all now.

At first, someone would take the initiative to strike up a conversation with Cheng Yueyue, Cheng Jiangjiang, and Qi Ling'er.

Cheng Yueyue let the flow go, Cheng Jiangjiang didn't give a good expression and drove all those people away.

At the back, there is no one who does not have eyesight to strike up a conversation.

Only Qi Linger seemed to be at a loss.

Now she not only cares more about Ji You, but also more and more about Ji You's feelings.

If he still had the original character, he would probably be disliked by Ji You.

She didn't want that.

So I don’t know how to deal with others.

If it weren't for Cheng Jiangjiang, she wouldn't know what to do.

Ji You noticed that Qi Ling'er had changed more and more.

He felt that if he had a chance in the future, he still had to ask Qi Ling'er to ask clearly.

Ji You and the others have been sitting in their positions until the banquet is over.

Except for drinking, it is tasting delicious food, and has never actively contacted others.

It just so happened that they solved the problem of dinner.


After the banquet was over, the five Ji You returned to their rooms.

Now that it's just night, Ji You has begun to cultivate profound energy.

"Ding! Master cultivated profound energy for one minute, and gained experience points for the'martial cultivation base': (10*999 times)!"

"Ding! Master cultivated profound energy for one minute, and gained experience points for the'martial cultivation base': (10*999 times)!"


By the end of the night, Ji You could feel that his cultivation was not far from the late sixth stage of the Tongxuan Realm.

Sleep deeply at night.

Woke up the next day and finished breakfast.

Then Ji You five immediately rode a carriage toward the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

Although the animal hunting ceremony will not start until the afternoon, you must register in advance.

After two or three hours, the carriage reached one of the entrances of the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

You can see that there are many young geniuses at the entrance, and there is also a strong man with a cultivation level of the Gundam Profound Realm, who should be the palace staff responsible for signing up.

"I'll help you report your identity later, and then you can check the bone age and cultivation level, and that's it."

About to get off the carriage, Zhuang Weiran reminded first.

Usually, the captain reports the identity of the entire team, and she is the captain of the team.

"To be on the safe side, don't report my name as'Mountain Season' later, just change it to a different one."

At this moment, Ji You communicated with makeup Weiran through spiritual communication.

He used the name "Mountain Season" in the entrance examination of Chaoyang Ancient City a long time ago, and there will be certain risks if he uses it again this time.

At least until the end of the beast hunting ceremony, he did not want to be discovered by others, especially the Temple of Evolution.

This beast hunting ceremony is a good opportunity for Ji You to improve his strength.

When he can contend with the nine-fold powerhouse in the Tongxuan realm, there is no need to fear the evolution temple.


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