"How about it, Miss Ben teased that guy for you, don't you have any indication?"

Walking on the road, Jiang Yuexin asked Ji You.

In Ji You's eyes, this guy is like a child asking for praise from his parents.

He thought for a while, then put his hand on Jiang Yuexin's head and patted it, and praised: "Mmmm, you're amazing."

Jiang Yuexin was stunned for a while, but she didn't react for a while.

The next moment, she quickly patted Ji You's hand off, pointed at Ji You with shame and indignity, and said, "You, you, don't treat this young lady as a child!"

Although that feeling...she doesn't actually hate it.

"Didn't I express what you said?"

Ji You was suddenly inexplicable, this was clearly what the other party requested.

"I want you to express that I don't want you to touch my head, but I want you to go to the Monster Beast Mountains with me."

Jiang Yuexin said.

"So that's what you said, it's better to have said no earlier."

Ji You said helplessly.

Jiang Yuexin couldn't help trembling with anger, this bastard touched her head inexplicably, how could it seem like she was wrong.

"Okay, okay, I'll go to the Monster Beast Mountain Headquarters with you."

Ji You smiled.

After what happened in the conference hall just now, his sense of Jiang Yuexin has changed a little bit, and he feels that this guy is not as annoying as he was at the beginning, instead he feels more and more that this guy is quite cute.

It just so happened that he could also go to the Monster Beast Mountains to hunt and kill monsters to earn some more gold coins. In the future, when the gold coins are sufficient, he would buy materials to refine the medicine pills himself, and then sell the medicine pills. This kind of profit is very high, and it will soon be very profitable. Can earn a lot of gold coins.

"That's good."

The angry look on Jiang Yuexin's face disappeared instantly, and it was replaced by joy, "Then I'll come back to you tomorrow, where do you live?"

Seeing that Jiang Yuexin's expression changed so fast, Ji You couldn't help but sigh that a woman's face changed faster than turning a book.

He pointed in a certain direction, "Go straight on this road, stop in front of a small wood, then turn right, and after a while, you will see a small thatched hut, where I live. already."

"Small thatched cottage... You actually live in that kind of place?"

Jiang Yuexin looked disbelieving, "Miss Ben seriously suspects that you are lying to me."

With this guy's ability, she didn't believe that this guy would be willing to live in that kind of place.

"What do I have to lie to you about?"

After thinking about it, Ji You was too lazy to explain, "Forget it, believe it or not."

"Okay, then I'll trust you once."

Jiang Yuexin still chose to believe Ji You.

Even if this guy really lied to her, she can always find this guy, but it is relatively troublesome.

"Then I'll go back first."

After speaking, Ji You walked towards his residence.

Soon, Ji You returned to his residence.

He sat on the bed, thinking about what had happened earlier.

Judging from his observations, Lynn Qitian should have sent someone to investigate his details.

But no matter how much he investigates the details, it is almost impossible to know his performance in the Monster Beast Mountain Range, so he is said to be a waste of the third level of Body Tempering Realm.

And he could guess from the fact that Lin Qitian didn't mention Chen Yan, that guy probably didn't know what Chen Yan did.

Thinking of this, Ji You couldn't help but smile coldly.

Chen Yan's shit was so well concealed, it is estimated that the entire Chaoyang Ancient City would not have Ji You opened his eyes and looked out the window, muttering in his mouth.


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