After that, Ji You, word by word, told Murong Zili the second half of Zi Liutong's cultivation secrets.

As for Murong Zili, most of them can be understood after listening to them.

And a few are incomprehensible.

She will remember.

In order not to accidentally forget and trouble Ji You later.

"Okay, I'm all done."

At this point, Ji You had already finished telling the entire contents of the second half of the cultivation secrets.

He also added something about the curse.

In this way, I can round up the words I made up before.

"I also remembered it all, thank you."

Murong Zili couldn't contain the joy in her heart.

Although the curse has not been lifted.

But now a way has been found.

It's only a matter of time before the curse is lifted.

At least before the next full moon night comes, Murong Zili is sure to cultivate Zi Liutong to the realm of "Purple Glaze Transforming God".

"Then it's almost time for me to go back."

Ji You said.

After he finished speaking, he took Xiao Gu's hand and left.

"Well, walk slowly."

Murong Zili watched Ji You walk out of the Zijin Hall, and then began to practice Zi Liutong's skills.

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