"Ding! The host reviewed it for a minute, and the 'Silver-level memory' gained experience points: (1*999 times)!"

"Ding! The host reviewed it for a minute, and the 'Silver-level memory' gained experience points: (1*999 times)!"


After returning to the Canglan Branch Hall.

Ji You hurry up and finish today's affairs.

Then I went to explain to the three deputy hall masters.

Ask them to help with the rest of the day.

Ji You is not afraid of what the hell the three deputy halls are thinking.

Not to mention that he has already established his majesty in the Canglan Branch Hall.

Now Zhuang Tian Que has broken through the Spirit Profound Realm.

When Murong Zili cultivates Zi Liutong to the realm of "purple glaze transforming into a god", she will definitely be able to directly break through the spiritual realm.

Just by virtue of these three deputy hall masters at the peak of the ninth level of the Tongxuan Realm, they still don't have the capital to move the ghosts.

After explaining, Ji You went back to his residence to rest.

While resting, he thought about it.

After leaving the Canglan Empire tomorrow, where should I go?


Although you can go anywhere.

Regarding Nanyu, Ji You recently went to read a lot of books to learn about it.

Although there are not many records in the books, he has almost understood it clearly.

There are seven empires in the Southern Region.

They are: Canglan Empire, Pojun Empire, Wanshan Empire, Qinggang Empire, Lingbao Empire, Drunk Moon Empire, and Puppet Empire.

The seven empires also correspond to the seven occupations to a certain extent.

For example, the most popular profession in the Canglan Empire is undoubtedly the alchemist.

The prevalent profession in the Broken Empire is the Array Mage.

The most popular profession in Wanshan Empire is animal trainer.


The Qingsteel Empire corresponds to the Refiner.

The Lingbao Empire corresponds to the treasure appraiser.

The Drunk Moon Empire corresponds to the winemaker.

As for puppet empires, it is clear that puppet masters are the most popular.

In addition to the seven empires, there are actually two other places in the southern region.

And they are all very special places.

One of them is the place of chaos.

The chaotic place has almost gathered the most evil people in the entire southern region.

It's an impossible place.

Those who would be in such places are either outlaws who do all kinds of evil, or lunatics seeking excitement.

Of course, there will be very few geniuses who go out of their way to hone themselves.

After all, in such a ferocious place, it is possible to die at any time.

The other place is extremely cold.

There is no detailed description in all books about the extreme cold.

Just know there is such a place.

Ji You, on the other hand, planned to go to the Wanshan Empire, which was the closest to the Canglan Empire.

Although the place of chaos is his favorite place.

After all, this is the best place for him to hone himself.

But the land of chaos is the farthest from the Canglan Empire.


the next day.

Ji You directed the direction, and Xiao Gu took him to the Wanshan Empire.

The distance is still very far, and it took about three hours to reach the destination.

Ji You was dressed in the uniform black clothes of the Canglan Branch Hall.

On the other hand, Xiao Gu was wearing the white dress Ji You had bought for her before.

With silver hair and snow-white crystal skin, this white dress is very suitable.

At this moment, Ji You and Xiao Gu were landing in a sparsely populated place within the Wanshan Empire.

The reason not to fly into such crowded places is to avoid unnecessary troubles.

The map that Ji You bought at Wanshan Empire last time is still in Najie.

"Ding! The host urges the mental power to open the ring, and the 'gold-level mental power' gains experience points: (1*999 times)!"

Open the Na ring and take out the map.

After judging his geographic location, he set off for a nearby town called Qingyan Town.

"Ding! The host took a step, and the upper-level movement method 'Shadowless Lightning Flash' gained experience points: (1*999 times)!"

"Ding! The host took a step, and the upper-level movement method 'Shadowless Lightning Flash' gained experience points: (1*999 times)!"


Taking Ji You's current cultivation base.

Even if it is just an ordinary walk, the speed is very fast.

In a few minutes, he came to Qingyan Town.

However, the people of Qingyan Town did not seem to welcome them.

As soon as Ji You arrived at the entrance of Qingyan Town, he found a bunch of heavily armed people blocking the entrance.

Each one stared at himself ill-faced.

"Stop, who are you?"

I just heard a middle-aged man standing in front of the comparison shouting coldly.

"We're just ordinary people passing by."

Ji You walked over unhurriedly and said lightly.


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