It's incredible, it's really incredible.

A puppet that can use profound skills, a puppet that can use profound skills, this is...!

The elder took a deep breath. He had never seen such a terrifying skill in his whole life.

This is simply incredible.

"This, I'm afraid that our president is also comprehending this trick."

He didn't dare to stay longer, left the room, and hurried out.

Seeing the examiner leave immediately, everyone guessed.

"Could it be that this kid can't control his puppet being attacked."

"I think that's how it should be."

"Haha, I have long said that he is over his own strength."

"That's right, just like this, you dare to oppose the Jin family, you just don't know whether to live or die."

After saying this, they took a deep breath.


Hearing what the elder said, he stood up and hurried to Ji You's direction.

After seeing Ji You's puppet exactly like Ji You, he suddenly took a breath.

"Brother Ji, I don't know how your puppet is forged, how did you know it?"

He looked at it in surprise and touched the puppet in front of him.

Ji You said, "That's right."

"I got the puppet book from below."

"What? Puppet Book of Heaven?"

"That is the book of heaven forged by the legendary ancestor!"

They sucked in a breath of cold air, and the president said, "According to the rules, you have obtained the puppet scripture, and naturally you have won the throne of the president, and you have seen the president below."

Ji You pulled him up and said, "President, I can't be in the puppet empire every day, so naturally I can't take on this important task, so please don't do this."

The president pondered for a moment: "Well, starting today, as the vice president of the puppet trade union, how about Brother Ji becoming the nominal president of the puppet empire."

"Unless something major happens to the union, I will definitely not disturb the president."

Ji You thought about it, and he didn't suffer anyway, so he agreed.

"But please don't announce it to the president."


"All right."

"President, this is the token belonging to the president, please keep it for president Ji."

Ji You changed the upper part of the puppet book and handed it over to him.

"This is the first half of the puppet scripture. The second half is too difficult to cultivate. If you give it to you at this time, you may not be able to comprehend it. Instead, you will go crazy. After you have comprehended it, I will hand over the second half. For you guys."

Hearing Ji You say this, they immediately waved their hands.

"How can I be qualified to comprehend such a sacred object?"

Ji You patted him on the shoulder: "If I say you have it, you will have it."

The president put away the book with satisfaction, and handed the wooden box into Ji You's hands.

"Ji You, the fifth-grade peak puppet master!"

The elder's voice came from the room.

Everyone wondered if there was something wrong with their ears. The president of the puppet union was the first-level puppet master of the fifth grade.

How come Ji You is the puppet master at the peak of the fifth rank?

"Even if you cheat, you can't do it."

"It's fake."

Everyone was talking in a hurry.

At this moment, the president came out: "Ji You's achievements were certified by the old man himself, who would dare to disagree!"

Jin Fu came out. As the genius who existed at the peak of the entire puppet empire, he was naturally dissatisfied.

"I don't agree with you."

"You must never compete with that Ji You."

As soon as he heard Jin Yuan say this, Jin Fu, who was hesitant at first, immediately said, "I'm going to compete with Ji You next time."

These third-rank puppet masters challenge the fifth-rank peak puppet masters, aren't they asking for hardships?

Ji You is not interested in fighting with Jin Fu: "I am not interested."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, returned to his room, and the ghost image of the remnant took away all the profound energy in the piece of paper.

His outline can already be clearly seen, but why does this outline look strange.

Ji You threw the thoughts out of his mind.

He found that the pieces of paper he collected seemed to be related, and put them together on the table.

It was a map.

The phantom of the remnant soul had already entered the dream realm at this time, no matter how Ji You called, there was no response.

Ji You had no choice but to think for himself, what was so weird about it.

I only saw four big characters appearing behind the map.

Frozen land.

It seems that this is the clue to the Temple of the Frozen Land.

He put the map away.

Xiao Gu said that he was hungry again. Recently, Xiao Gu didn’t know why, but his appetite increased greatly.

Ji You thought of this in her heart, and took her to the street for food.

Suddenly, an inexplicable scent came, Xiao Gu ran out in the direction of the scent, Ji You hurriedly followed behind, and walked several hundred meters outside the capital city.

People from the Jin family are gathering here.

The meat of a monster of the peak of the fourth rank is being roasted until it is tender and tender.

"People want to eat legs and legs."

"Okay, wait."

When Jin Fu was about to cut off the leg meat, a black shadow suddenly flashed and took the leg meat away.

After eating the leg meat, he stood up.


He turned around suddenly and saw Xiao Gu's figure.

"Didn't you follow the little girl behind Ji You all the time?"

The two eldest brothers of the Jin family said at this time: "This chick looks good, how about we take her back."

"Then big brother, will you be first or me first?"

The two looked at each other and let out a strange laugh, Xiao Gu didn't understand what this laughter meant.

At this moment, the eldest brother of the Jin family let out a scream.

A click came.

His calf was kicked open.

"Ding, the host used the "body puppet", and the puppet attainments gained 1*999 experience points"

Ji You's figure appeared in front of the two of them.

"You are so brave."

When Jin Fu saw Ji You appear, he snorted coldly and said to Ji You, "Boy, today I don't think you are pleasing to the eye. You dare to appear in front of Lao Tzu and court death!"

After saying this sentence, Jin Fu's hands changed.

Seven or eight puppet wolves appeared in the air.

"Five-grade puppet master, I want to see how powerful you are?"

He waved heavily, and the eight wild wolves shot out in the direction of Ji You.

Ji You took out the giant sword of the Rong Dog, and with a single wave, he killed two of the wild wolves.

The remaining wild wolves also broke through in front of Ji You, bit down heavily, and tore off the clothes on his body, seeing that it wasn't blood flowing out of it.

Everyone present widened their eyes, Jin Yuan rolled his eyes, and immediately came to Ji You.

"Please, don't hurt me."

Feeling the turbulence of Jin Yuan, Ji You swallowed a mouthful of spit. Men are not afraid of women's beauty, because a beauty with a frosty face can only be seen from a distance, and this beauty who is close to the body is the most deadly.

Ji You took a deep breath.

The human puppet kicked Jin Fu heavily.

However, although Jin Yuan is beautiful, it is a waste of time to easily want to win Ji You's heart.

Seeing Ji You being so indifferent to him, Jin Yuan immediately had a plan.

After Ji You finished teaching Jin Fu, he took Xiao Gu and left. In terms of face, Xiao Gu was much better than Jin Yuan.

Back in the room, Ji You touched Xiao Gu's head: "Go to sleep."

At this moment, Xiao Gu suddenly grabbed Ji You's hand.

Ji You glanced at her curiously.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Ji You's words, Xiao Gu said, "I saw you touch that woman with your hand that night."

Saying that, Xiao Gu took Ji You's hand and put it on his body, and Ji You explored it.

"Xiaogu, no."

Only then did Xiao Gu withdraw his hand regretfully, and Ji You hugged Xiao Gu: "Go to sleep."

After she rested, there was a sudden sound of the piano, and Ji You followed the sound of the piano and came to a room.

When Jin Yuan saw Ji You walk in, he put down the piano in his hand, walked in front of Ji You, and put the plate in his hand on the table.

"I made some small snacks and apologized for your son."

Ji You took a sip, and the taste was not bad.

"Please forgive me, sir."

"Forget what happened yesterday."

She smiled slightly: "I wonder if your son will be free to come to my Jin's house tomorrow?"

Ji You said goodbye.

Jin Yuan lay beside Ji You's ear: "That person will be waiting for you tomorrow."

After she left, Ye Fan knocked on the door, and Ji You opened the door.

"Brother, I didn't expect Miss Jin to see you."

Ji You smiled slightly, he didn't mind the beautiful woman's embrace.

"I wonder if brother can bring me one tomorrow?"

Ji You chuckled: "Since it's a brother, of course it doesn't matter."

Ye Fan hugged Ji You excitedly: "Brother, I am willing to go through fire and water."

The next day, the two came to Jin's house together.

A servant came nervously in front of Ji You.

"Master Ji, Miss, she is waiting for you in the room. Master Ye, please come with me."

Ji You followed the maid to the door of the room.

"Your father said he wanted to marry you to me."

"Don't do this, I always treat you as a brother."

"You little bitch, you're playing with me, I'll do it today."

Suddenly the door of the room was kicked open by Ji You, and Jin Fu was still pulling Jin Yuan's clothes. Jin Fu felt bad for Ji You in his heart.

He went straight towards Ji You and killed him.

Ji You punched down, and the huge profound energy impacted Jin Fu's body.

A mouthful of blood fell from Jin Fu's mouth.

Yan Ran has lost her breath.

Jin Yuan threw himself into Ji You's arms.

"People are really scared, Brother Ji."

Ji You naturally knew what this girl was thinking, but in front of his absolute strength, what was that little trick? Quickly lie on Ji You's body obediently.


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